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reason why

Autor:  Yamiku

Es ist der surreale Glanz mit dem die winzigen Eiskristalle das fahle Licht der Straßenlaternen wiederspigeln
Das durchdringende Knirschen, bewegt man sich auf ihm

Obgleich die Kälte einen erschaudern lässt, einen in Schmerz hüllt...
oder weil sie es tut?
Die Erinnerung daran, dass alles was schön und makellos ist, eine Kehrseite hat

Unter dem reinen Weiß schlummert das tiefste Schwarz
Bedeckt nur, verschleiert, aber besiegt nicht

Die seelige Ruhe gepaart mit den sanften Tönen von Bachs Kompositionen...
Vollkommen gleich, ob man mich einen Wahnsinnigen, Träumer oder Masochisten straft

Diese Stille ist es, was ich begehre

Die Kunst der Fuge

snow snow snow...

Autor:  Yamiku

the bus station I'm waiting every morning

way to work

at work... should be a parking area ^^"

When is it going to stop? I really love how it turns everything into white, but it's cold, dangerous and causes accidents, too.
I'd be very happy, if I'd see the little white flakes next christmas again... but I guess this whish won't be granted.

Nevertheless. These are some photos from the region I live. As I'm sick at the moment I had time to upload them.

welcome 2010 Cosplay, Kingdom Hearts, Persona

Autor:  Yamiku

I know it's kinda late to write that, but I hope you all had a wonderful christmas and welcomed the New Year in a special way.
As I wasn't in the mood to write a lot, I guess some people took that personal.
All I wanna say to that, is that I had a lot of stress at work and I was damn exhausted the last weeks. I hope I'll find new energy this year especially during the days left of freetime I have currently.

Thinking about 'cosplay-season 2010' I'm looking forward to some of my plans. For the others... well, I don't know if I'll do all of the cosplays listed.
There're still some things I'd prefer to do, but I don't know if anyone will join me.

One of the things I wanna do is 'Persona 4' as the game really got me (and that's really hard normally).
Another is the fact that I'd love to do an Organization XIII group.
Wanna join?

Not enough Lyrics, Poems

Autor:  Yamiku

I don't know the sense of being here
I know that you want me to be, but it doesn't feel like that
Sitting at the side of the table
watching you all talking
I can't say anything to that
just don't feel like it

I'm afraid of being here
surrounded by all voices of you
But if I try to reach the sky I'll fall to the ground
Whatever I say,
whatever I do,
it doesn't seem enough for you
Whenever it comes to any plans you take each others hands and go
Inside the light where I'm not supposed to follow

What is wrong
What is right
Why can't I be satisfied
Is it true that all of you're just staring in the shadows
Will you keep goin' on by just looking in the sun
I feel like I'll burn if I touch it
Why does it feel so unreal
Why can't I say a word

Tell me what do you wanna hear from me
It's obviously not enough to be 'awesome'
Tell me why can't you see that I'm
sitting in the shadows and cry

I don't know the sense of being here
When you talk I feel deficient
I can hear people talking I'm gifted
but it feels like I'm damned
Whatever I say
Whatever I do
it doesn't seem I need you
Whoever looks down onto the ground will see that I can push myself
I'm strong enough to go alone but I'd like to join you

What is black
What is white
Why can't I be satisfied
Is it true that all I do is just staring out of the shadows
Will you keep going on havin' all a lot of fun
it feels like I'd be a burden
Why does it feel so real
Why can't you give a hand

Tell me what do you wanna hear from me
It's obviously not enough to be 'special'
Tell me why can't you see that I'm
sitting in the shadows and die


Autor:  Yamiku

Erstmal herzlichen Dank für die lieben Geburtstagsglückwünsche. Für die Päckchen, die angekommen sind, bedanke ich mich ebenfalls, auch wenn ich sie noch nicht geöffnet habe. Wird meine erste Amtshandlung sein, wenn ich mich morgen Abend wieder in meinen eigenen 4 Wänden befinde.

Nebenbei bemerkt nutze ich zur Zeit die PSP als Internetzugang, was mich davon abhält viel von mir zu geben, da das Posten einer Tortur gleichkommt.

Merry X-Mas

Autor:  Yamiku

Currently I'm at my mums place. I still don't feel like christmas anyway but it's nice to have my aunt and my mum round somehow. Even if I don't like the dogs hair a lot my clothes are covored with. U_U

If you'd ask me about my birthday wishes I'd tell you that I don't have any that could be fulfilled. And for the others... well, guess it's kinda to personal to tell. In addition I'm not sure if they're just childish naive wishes a kid would have. So I'll just lean back and think about them. Maybe... sometime... I'm going to tell them ears that're meant to hear it.

Some peaceful days and a lot of presents to all of you XD

Weihnachtsgebäck Teil 2

Autor:  Yamiku

Sodele, hab heute angefangen zu backen und nun auch nen ziemlich genauen plan, was es alles an Gebäck geben wird.
Hier mal die Auswahl >>>

    Vanille Kipferl (bzw. das was mal solche werden sollten >-<)
    Cranberry Cookies

Also meine Lieben, immer her mit euren Wünschen ^.~

It's christmas time ~

Autor:  Yamiku

Die ersten Tage im Dezember und schon gehts steil auf Weihnachten zu. Da sich meine finanzielle Lage in den letzten Monaten, Jahren nicht wirklich verbesser hat, werden die Geschenke auch dieses Jahr wieder reichlich klein ausfallen.

A~ber, ich hab mir überlegt, die Menschen, die mir wichtig sind, bekommen trotzdem ne Kleinigkeit.
Ich bin ein Backjunkie. Ich liebe es Kuchen und um Weihnachten herum vor allem Plätzchen in verschiedenen Ausführungen zu backen, deswegen hab ich vor, sie einzutüten und zu verschenken.
Keine Angst, ich kann backen. Bisher ist noch nie jemand an meinem Backwerk erstickt ^.~

Also, wenn ihr Weihnachtsgebäck mögt, euch selbst davon überzeugen wollt, dass meine Aussage stimmt und ich kein Rattengift in Zimtsternform herstelle, dann her mit euren Adressen!!!
Einfach hier reinposten oder für die schüchtern ne ENS an mich.

Ich würd mich wirklich freuen, euch was gutes tun zu können, denn auch wenn Weihnachten inzwischen mehr Kommerz als alles andere ist, irgendwann, zwischen all diesen riesigen Geschenkekartons, den Menschen, die sich in den Geschäften um das letzte Spielzeugauto prügeln und den frierenden Weihnachtsmännern auf der Straße, hat mein kleines kindliches Herz dieses Fest wirklich geliebt und ich würde es wirklich gern erneut ein wenig aufleben lassen.


Autor:  Yamiku

These cold days, the wind smelling like snow or only the rushing rain painting anything else with silence, I do really love them.
On the other hand these are the seasons I get lost 'cause there's nothing to do for me and it seems like anyone else has somehing to do.
Feeling like a little brown bear unable to sleep and damned to watch the world passing by from behind a little window.

Funny how something that truly hurts can be loved that much.
This little bear is pretty absurd.

I should try to fix my mind or else I'll get lost.
For that reason it's possible, that I wont be online that often the next days.
Need some distraction.

Bye ~

hide & seek

Autor:  Yamiku

Come to think about my only answer of "How're you" was 'I'm still alive" for a long time, it's kinda strange that an "I'm fine" is coming out of my little pathetic self.
There're things when it's good to make plans. I do love the fact when everything work as it was planned... or better I'm used to it.
But, the fact that not everything's so predictable made me smile.

So it can't be that bad, could it!?

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