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Autor:  Yamiku
The freedom to stand still, turn round and walk away is something I won't ever loose. Maybe it's a childish behaviour in the eyes of others, but I am what I am.
This is part of the game. I'll stand still as long as something's worth it, but when I realize the path won't lead anywhere, I'll choose another direction.


Autor:  Yamiku
Fields of snow
Untouched, innocent, changeable
Like a summer breeze or storm
All believable and strong
Spoiled with foodsteps
Soon they're gone

How could I forget the roof?
Though not seen I feel the truth
No matter what season
No matter what year
Some foodsteps won't disappear

Go on ahead

Autor:  Yamiku

I'll be working at one of our stores in Düsseldorf tomorrow.
Well, I know it'll be different from the one I'm normally working at.
Other places different ways...

This'll be the place I'm staying from the beginning of august. Makes me kinda nervous... as well as the fact that my oral examination lies in front of me.
Tuesday 22nd, 15:15.. this'll be the time when it's going to be decided.
All or nothing, right?

I still don't know what my points for the writing part are, 'cause there're no results online I could take a look at and I guess there won't be any till the date mentioned above.
That means it'll be a big surprise as it was last year.

A lot of people tell me I'll do it. They're convinced of a very good result..,
To tell the truth.. I don't know if I am. Don't have any sense for this kind of things.
The only things I see are those I did wrong. Even if it's just a little mistake, it's all that stays in mind.

Nevertheless... I'm giving everything I've got not to disappoint anyone... mainly myself.
    "Why do you think you won't get a good score? Look at what you've done last year!"

Even if it was great... I've never thought about it that way. I was not happy about it. I wonder if I could ever be unless there'll be written '100 points' on the sheet.
And even if... I don't know.

*takes a deep breath* But I'll go my way no matter what 'cause my goal lies right in front of me ready to be catched by my hands. So watch out ^.~

Shiny shiny...

Autor:  Yamiku

    ... little thing, what lies behind all that smiling?
    Not even tears to smother fear, but many ears around here.
    The things you see may not be real, but it is all you want to feel.
    You see the screams, but cover your ears. So there couldn't be any fears.
    Shiny shiny little thing, the beauty shows us all and nothing.

What is this supposed to mean you ask!?
Well, a lot of things happened the last months, many things happen now and will happen in the near future.
I'm sorry for my retreat from public life.
There're many things in my mind that stop me from moving.
The little voices deep inside shouting that I don't deserve anything better, 'cause I myself am not good at all.
Of course noone sees this 'cause I won't show it to many people.
There are few who think they know what's going on and I guess even less who really know it.

I don't put the blame on you, guys.
There are some aspects I show and some hidden deep inside somewhere the shiny glitter isn't able to reach.

You all think I'm strong.
You think I can do everything I want to do, the way I want and when I want to do.
I'm gifted, able to spread my wings and fly away just to let you all alone standing by yourseves watching the night sky.
Well, I will tell you something.
This body, this person is human. It isn't able to fly, to reinvent the wheel or to jump into any alternative universe.

I am strong 'cause I always had to be in the past. There's no need for a crybaby who can't even stand up and walk on his own feet.
    Some things change and some do not.

I'm still jealous... jealous of those I call friends doing everything together, talking, laughing... Sometimes I feel like I could stand in the mittle of a street, scream as loud as my soul's able to and nobody will notice it... or better say anything to it.
It's absurd to think it wouldn't matter, if I'd be still alive or dead as I know a few people would truely miss me.

But sometimes knowing's not enough.
My current mood allows me to scream or cry from one second to another.
Even if it doesn't seem like it, there's a lot of color peel off the walls.
I'd be happy, if I'd be important enough to talk to.

Call me ignorant, cocky, arrogant, egoistic, cold blooded, insane, sadistic, sweet, romantic, erratic, fascinating or stupid.
Call me whatever you want as I don't care.
But deep down there 'though knowing I'm able to fight for myself, knowing we'll all die and die alone, something would be pleased to have a hand to grab from time to time.

Congratulation to everyone finished this little piece of...
Just do me one favor.
If we talk, avoid the word 'future'. I can't hear it anymore.
I'm tired of repeating myself.

@ 'redaktionell ausgewählt' Animexx, Cosplay, redaktionell ausgewählt

Autor:  Yamiku

Nehmt diese nette kleine Floskel, packt sie wunderhübsch in glänzendes Papier mit holographischen Mustern ein, bindet ein kleines akkurates Schleifchen drum herum, hebt es hoch und dann schiebt es euch in den Allerwertesten!!!

Jetzt mal ehrlich, demnächst wird angefangen mit Begründungen wie 'Tut uns leid, du hast leider nicht die Maße von Chara xy oder oh also wirklich mit der Figur kannst du froh sein, dass dein Cos überhaupt freigeschaltet wurde... oder moment, ist das überhaupt ein Cos oder sind es Zivilklamotten, ich hab mir sagen lassen pinke Zöpfe und Netztop seien in manchen Branchen durchaus beliebt. Deine Schuhgröße ist mit Sicherheit nicht die Richtige, du hast nen Pickel auf der rechten Wange...' dieses ach so beliebte 'redaktionell ausgewählt' zu einer Art Pokal zu machen, der überspitzt ausgedrückt nur noch für diejenigen zu erlangen ist, die 90-60-90 Maße haben (für die Frauen), ein makelloses Gesicht und immer die perfekte Kontaktlinsenfarbe, denn wir achten mal nicht darauf, dass es Menschen gibt, die selbige nicht vertragen und von denen auch Fotos gemacht werden, die von ihnen unbekannten Usern hochgeladen werden, die wohl kaum die Mühe auf sich nehmen bei jedem die Farbe mit dem allseits beliebt vollkommen legal erworbenen Fotoshop zu verändern.

Der komplette Cosplaybereich ist für mich inzwischen wirklich nur noch eine recht blamable Farce, die von Leuten gespielt wird, die offenbar zu viel Zeit in ihrem Leben übrig haben und die personifizierte Perfektion 'sind'.

Entschuldigung aber 'HAHAHAHAHAHAHA' !!!!

Da lobe ich mir Seiten wie 'cosplay.com' oder 'deviantart', die klar strukturierte Regeln haben, an die sich jeder zu halten hat und die vor allem auch von jedem, der dafür verantwortlich ist auf ihre korrekte Einhaltung zu achten, einheitlich ausgeführt werden.

Thanks for the attention

a little quiz round

Autor:  Yamiku
As I'm bored as hell... here we go ~

>>>stolen from Apeiron

1. Write a list of ~ 20 books/ movies/ anime/ series/ games/ bands ... you like.

2. Let others guess what your favorite charakter of the thing mentioned is.

3. If someone found out, line out the thing and write the answer behind it.

    01. Final Fantasy VII >>> Sephiroth by Apeiron

    02. Final Fantasy VIII

    03. Kingdom Hearts (1 & 2) >>> Axel by Apeiron

    04. Persona 4

    05. Persona 3

    06. Angel Sanctuary

    07. Zetsuai

    08. Naru Taru

    09. Stigma

    10. Serial Experiment Lain

    11. Mononoke Hime

    12. Kamikaze Kaitô Jeanne

    13. 'Day Watch/ Night Watch...' from Sergej Lukianenko

    14. Matrix

    15. Lord of the Rings

    16. Push

    17. Vampire Chronicles from Anne Rice >>> Lestat by Apeiron

    18. Private Practice

    19. Buffy

    20. Ally Mc Beal

hm ~

Autor:  Yamiku

Bought some new Manga today. One of it was 'Uragiri wa boku no namae wo shitteiru' 裏切りは僕の名前を知っている (Betrayal knows my name; Fesseln des Verrats).
Does anyone know it?
Jezzz~ I wanna cosplay it.. A~nd exactly that's the problem with me reading something new >.<
But it's really good.. even if it reminds me of Angel Sanctuary somehow.. or ist 'cause of it!?

Nevertheless: Read it, watch it, cosplay with me!!!! XD

Official Trailer

Autor:  Yamiku

You know what!?
I'm sick of it all.
Give me an island and a bottle full rum and let me rest in peace.
I just don't wanna listen to it anymore.

just to mention

Autor:  Yamiku

Don't wonder why I need a long time to answer some ens or other messages.
I'm not feeling well, means I'm ill and there're many other things make me wish to stop and just jump to overcome everything.

In dreams we are free someone said...

Well then, I'm afraid of monday for some reasons and afraid of my answer, too.
I have no choice than to look into the future and think of what I really want and where I wanna be doing this. Guess it's the same everywhere, but it's hard to get something you can make money with.
Unfortunately I'm in the same mood I always am when I'm thinking to much about life and being itself.

I know there're people around who bother, but sometimes knowing is way not enough. I realized a long time ago that living on an island won't be as good as I once thought it'd be.

Nevertheless Hanami's knocking on the door. I'm going to look what I can manage to sew with the things I have and cosplay on my own. Read a good book or so when I'm there. And that's nothing I say just to hear 'Oh no don't do that' or something else. It's a fact. I tried, I failed, I decided.

See you, hear you... whatever.

stolen from...

Autor:  Yamiku


Ask me anything you want. I'm interested in how creative you can be. This doesn't mean ask me what socks I wear or so, just something else as 'How old are you' ... and so on.

Suprise me


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