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~English Conversation~

Autor:  chibi_ruka
Tjaja, heute war das letzte Mal slowakisch Kurs für Nunuki und mich :D
War ganz schön anstrengend aber eh okay.
Heute war überhaupt der lustigste Tag.
Wegen irgendetwas, wir wissen nicht mehr wegen was (sie hat auf jeden Fall was gemeines zu mir gesagt ;A;), haben wir angefangen auf englisch zu reden.
Wir fanden es dann so lustig, dass wir beschlossen haben das Gespräch zu rekonstruieren.^^
Natürlich ging das nicht mehr eins zu eins genau aber so in etwa sah es aus.
Viel spaß beim lesen xDDD

Anm.: Wenn man „Achmed the dead terrorist“, „Demyx Time“ (youtube) und „Kakashi Logic“ (fanfiction.net) nicht kennt macht es warscheinlich nicht sehr viel Sinn. Wenn mans kennt wahrscheinlich auch nicht, da viele Insider vorkommen, aber egal xDD

C: I am going to kill you! And then I`ll res.. rescu…??
N: Rescue you? x3
C: Yea, then I`ll rescue you and kill you again, just for the hell of it! And again, and again in all 69 different ways I know using a typewriter!!
N: Where do you get the typewriter from?? o.ô
C: There are shops!!
N: But typewriters are old, maybe they don`t have one.
C: Then I order one at quelle.at (xD). Or maybe my grandmother has one. She also has a old…Nähmaschine??
N: Vielleicht sewingmachine ???
C: *shrugs* Doesn`t matter.
N: Okay. But what if it doesn`t work?
C: It doesn`t have to work. I am going to kill you with it o.ô
N: But what if you have to write something??
C: Why should I write something??
N: Well to kill me.
C: To kill you…?
…oh, oh!! Do you mean I`ll write some yaoi so you`ll get a nosebleed and die from bloodloss? :D
N: No…well yes, but you could write a letter to someone so he kills me.
C: Why would I do that? I said I would kill you with a typewriter not someone else.
~we don`t know what came after that so, right to the next part x33~
N: Oh, you`ll do something with the ink.
C: Yeah, I`ll give you the ink to drink and then you`ll die.
N: That`ll only makes me vomit >.>
C: Then I`ll let you drink the vomit and you`ll die because it`s so disgusting o.ô
C: So… when are you going to eat 57 pater-eating-thingies (Esspapier xD) at once??
N: The last time I managed 23, 24 or so… but I can try.
C: *says random things*
You look stupid, because your head looks like a pumpkin xDD
N: My head doesn`t look like a pumpkin. Maybe when my hair is orange.
*is going to dye her hair*
C: See, I am looking forward to the future!! //No, that’s somehow not right…//
N: When I dye my hair orange I can say I am pumkinmon!! xDD
C: xDD
My head looks like a pineapple!! :D
N: You don`t look like a pineapple.
C: But Irukas hair is spiky so it looks like a pineapple
*cosplays Iruka*
N: But you don`t like pineapples…
C: I don`t have to like pineapples to look like one >///<
N: I am going to kill you with a pineapple!
C: O_____O
Are you going to do the same thing like the cannibals in Martins joke?
Are you going to shove a pineapple up my ass?
N: Yeah, I am going to put the pineapple in your ass. Or two and three or… fiftyseven!!
C: That’s not very nice!
N: It`s not nice to kill me with a typewriter too.
C: But you weren’t nice before so I had the right to kill you with a typewriter.
N: But I am not going to die because I just act like a genius. You`re going to die because of two things. You`re a crazy genius and I am going to kill you with a pineapple. I am only going to die because you`ll kill me with a typewriter.
C: But… but… You`re going to die because of my angry Dem-Dem-Face!!
N: You`re going to die because I put you in the same suitcase as Walter. And he has gas!!
C: O.O
But I thought Vexen has gas. Or… are Walter and Vexen the same person?
N: No… Walter is Vexens pet. And Walters gas is in the bottle from Vexens room.
C: Demyx drank that…. o.o
N: Oh… then it was liquited Waltergas!
C: Liquited?? xDD
N: Yes, Vexen liquited Walters gas. Then Demyx drank it.
C: And vomited it… into the toilette… >.>
N: Yeah…
C: Now it is in our water!!
N: Ewwww we drank liquited Waltergas with Demyx vomit and Orga toilettewater.
N+C: Ewwww

Es ging dann noch etwas weiter, aber ich kann mich beim besten Willen nicht mehr daran erinnern @-@
Jetzt haben wir auf jeden Fall beschlossen öfters auf englisch zu reden :D
Das ist wirklich irre lustig!
Achja, die Grammatik und Rechtschreibfehler könnt ihr euch behalten^^
Mein Englisch ist zwar nicht sooooo schlecht, aber auch nicht grad das Beste...

PS: Um was klar zu stellen. Wir haben mal gesagt: Genies werden getötet. Das sollte den Part mit den geniuses erklären^^°

Datum: 29.04.2009 23:58
I'm not a pumpkin >.<
And I'll kill you with pineapples XDD I don't know how, but I'll XDD Maybe I'll smash them o.o

Ich freu mich schon auf morgen XDDD
Ich schwör dir, da gehts weiter XDDDDDD
Proud memba of Back on Stage! ♥♥♥♥
Minna!! Daisuki ♥♥♥
Datum: 30.04.2009 00:06
Of course you`re a pumpkin!!
You already agreed to it!! ò.ó
When you smash them they won`t hurt me anymore... or so I hope

Ohja, das wird geil!!x3
Freu mich schon richtig :D

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