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a "timely tale" bye Sophia Chocolate Story

Autor:  Soffel
There once was a young girl named Sophia. Sophia was 17 years old and lived in Paris, Paris XD. Sophia had much rather play dancing than go to school. Sophia was dreaming of playing dancing when She heard the alarm. ''UGH,'' said Sophia ''It's 6.15!'' She pulled the covers over her head and went back to sleep. The next thing Sophia knew, her mom was shaking her shoulder. ''Its 6.45 ! time to eat breakfast.'' Sophia got out of bed, brushed her teeth, and dressed for school. ''Maybe today wouldn't be too bad after all.'' thought Sophia. It was tuesday and on tuesday yakuza, the teacher, always planned something special. Sophia had to hurry because school started at 7.55. She barely made it in the door before the bell rang. Everyone else was already in their seats. Sophia went in and sat beside her friend Giulia. The morning passed quickly. Before Sophia knew it, it was 13.30 time for lunch. yakuza told the students that a surprise was planned for after lunch. Lunch always lasted for ten minutes. Sophia could hardly wait for the surprise. When the students got back to the classroom, yakuza read them a story, harry Potter. After the story, yakuza told them the surprise. ''This afternoon we are going to play Mrs. Smith's class in a game of dancing. The winner will be the new champions of Bonni.'' ''Yahoo!'' said Sophia, '' I knew this was going to be a good day!'' The kids were having so much fun playing dancing, they didn't notice it was 12.00 until the bell rang. It was time to go home. Sophia went home and watched her favorite TV show, Weekenders. It started at 19.15 and ended at 19.40. By then it was 14.00 time for dinner. Sophia was very tired from the dancing game. So, although it was just 22-23.00, She went to bed!! She was quickly dreaming of playing dancing and not thinking of the 6.15 alarm that would start another day. The End.
Datum: 26.06.2007 15:57
Sophia Chocolate xDDDDDDDDD

Geil X''D"""
~ยฐ "ใŠใพใˆใ€€ใซใ€€ๅฎˆใ‚‹ใ€€ใ‚‚ใฎใ€€ใฏใ€€ใ‚ใ‚‹ใ€€ใ‹๏ผŸ" ยฐ~
~* "Lord,...I'm Not Serious About My Feelings..." *~

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