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Look what you did...

Autor:  Dean

Nevermind the face that you put on in front of me.

And nevermind the pain you've put me through.

Cause every little thing you say

And every little thing you do,

It makes me doubt all of this.


Look what you did!

Is this who you wanted me to be?

Well it's not me..


Forget about the trip that you've been on

Or so it seems.

Nevermind the lies that you told, my tears..


I don't know how I can face this pain.

I'll keep it inside so you can't see.

I don't think I can go on this way, 'cause it's not me..


jop, so siehts aus... ;o;

Datum: 19.01.2010 19:54
oh kat, was is bloß los?? ich mach mir langsam echt sorgen, aber ich weiß ja nich ansatzweise was los is >.<

wenn du reden willst, nur zu, für meine freunde hab ich immer zeit...
Datum: 19.01.2010 21:07
sorry sorry sorry sorry

sag mir doch wenn ich was falsch mache bitte ;__;

Datum: 20.01.2010 13:43
tust du nicht ><'
Kannst du ja nix für wenns mir scheiße geht ._.

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