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Auf und davon nach London // London calling!

Autor:  cherry_chan1987
Stimmung: bombastisch
Song des Tages: Pet Shop Boys - London

We came from the far north summered in Crimea
Deserted the armed forces had to disappear
Made it to the free west on a chartered flight
So we could see what we trained to fight

We were in London
Let's do it
Let's break the law
We were in London
Tell it like it is
We were in London
Tell it like it is
We were in London

Hallo ihr alle!

Nun gibt es nach längerer Pause mal wieder nen Weblogeintrag von mir, und das aus gutem Grund: Meine Mom und ich fliegen nach London! Das war schon lange geplant und morgen ist es endlich soweit! Wir werden nahe des Bahnhofes Paddington wohnen und am 28.6. zurückkommen.

Looking for hardware or credit-card fraud
What do you expect from us?
We come from abroad to get ourselves a new job on
a buliding sit
They work you so hard but we trained to fight

We were in London
Let's do it
Let's break the law
We were in London
Tell it like it is
We were in London
Let's do it
Let's break the law
We were in London
Tell it like it is
Tell it like it is

Wie ihr euch sicher denken könnt, haben wir auch einiges vor und dementsprechend werd ich nur selten online sein. Werde euch natürlich nach meiner Rückkehr umfassend darüber informieren, wie es war =D Passt bis dahin gut auf euch auf, man liest/schreibt sich!

MFG eure Bea/Cherry

We came from the far north summered in Crimea
Deserted the armed forces had to disappear
Made it to the free west on a chartered flight
So we could see what we trained to fight

We were in London
Let's do it
Let's break the law
We were in London
Tell it like it is
We were in London
Tell it like it is
We were in London

Looking for hardware or credit-card fraud
What do you expect from us?
We come from abroad to get ourselves a new job on
a buliding sit
They work you so hard but we trained to fight

We were in London
Let's do it
Let's break the law
We were in London
Tell it like it is
We were in London
Let's do it
Let's break the law
We were in London
Tell it like it is
Tell it like it is

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