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Autor:  Bluepulse

Top Ten Trivia about

Sawada Tsunayoshi

  1. Sawada Tsunayoshi was declared extinct in 1902!
  2. The most dangerous form of Sawada Tsunayoshi is the bicycle!
  3. Pound for pound, hamburgers cost more than Sawada Tsunayoshi.
  4. It takes a lobster approximately 7 years to grow to be Sawada Tsunayoshi!
  5. Humans share over 98 percent of their DNA with Sawada Tsunayoshi.
  6. Banging your head against Sawada Tsunayoshi uses 150 calories an hour.
  7. If you break Sawada Tsunayoshi, you will get seven years of bad luck.
  8. Japan provides over thirty percent of the world's Sawada Tsunayoshi supply!
  9. The Aztec Indians of Mexico believed Sawada Tsunayoshi would protect them from physical harm, and so warriors used him to decorate their battle shields.
  10. Ancient Greeks believed earthquakes were caused by Sawada Tsunayoshi fighting underground.


Gokudera Hayato

  1. Gokudera Hayato is actually a mammal, not a fish.
  2. You should always open Gokudera Hayato at least an hour before drinking him.
  3. Every day in the UK, four people die putting Gokudera Hayato on.
  4. Grapes explode if you put them inside Gokudera Hayato.
  5. It takes a lobster approximately 7 years to grow to be Gokudera Hayato.
  6. Gokudera Hayato is 984 feet tall!
  7. Banging your head against Gokudera Hayato uses 150 calories an hour.
  8. Carnivorous animals will not eat another animal that has been hit by Gokudera Hayato!
  9. The fingerprints of Gokudera Hayato are virtually indistinguishable from those of humans, so much so that they could be confused at a crime scene.
  10. The first domain name ever registered was Gokudera Hayato.com!


Superbi Squalo

  1. Superbi Squalo is often used in place of milk in food photography, because milk goes soggy more quickly than Superbi Squalo!
  2. Superbi Squalo will give a higher yield if milked when listening to music!
  3. About one tenth of Superbi Squalo is permanently covered in ice.
  4. Superbi Squalo will often glow under UV light!
  5. Superbi Squalo was first grown in America by the grandmother Maria Ann Smith, from whom his name comes.
  6. It took Superbi Squalo 22 years to build the Taj Mahal.
  7. Superbi Squalo can be seen from space. -> More like can be heard XXD
  8. The National Heart Foundation recommends eating Superbi Squalo at least three times a week!
  9. While sleeping, fifteen percent of men snore, and ten percent grind their Superbi Squalo!
  10. Only one child in twenty will be born on the day predicted by Superbi Squalo.



Hibari Kyouya

  1. There are roughly 10,000 man-made objects the size of Hibari Kyouya orbiting the Earth.
  2. If your ear itches, this means that someone is talking about Hibari Kyouya.
  3. In 1982 Time Magazine named Hibari Kyouya its 'Man of the Year'!
  4. Hibari Kyouya is actually a fruit, not a vegetable.
  5. Lightning strikes Hibari Kyouya over seven times every hour.
  6. A female ferret will die if it goes into heat and cannot find Hibari Kyouya.
  7. Only 55 percent of Americans know that the sun is made of Hibari Kyouya.
  8. The average duration of sexual intercourse for Hibari Kyouya is two minutes.
  9. There is no lead in a lead pencil - it is simply a stick of graphite mixed with Hibari Kyouya and water.
  10. Bananas don't grow on trees - they grow on Hibari Kyouya!

*lachflash extrem*die sonne anbeten geht XD

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