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A lil story

Autor:  Dionne-Hawking

A lil story about a girl...


I wanna tell you a lil story about a girl...
she was 11 years old...
and the only thing she wanted was L.O.V.E.

It's now 7 years ago,
she forgot the time she was young...
She never wanted to be confronted with her past...
but last year she found her old diary...
she red it and began to cry...
was her live realy so bad that days?
she couldn't  remember what was happened that time...
she couldn't and wouldn't rememer...
and this was the only positiv thing...
but now she knows it...

she was 7 as she wrote it down to her diary
>Today was a grait day, till I came home form school.
My marks aren't as good as my dad wanted to be...
so he get the cables of something...
I didn't even know which cables it was...
but that's not the point...
he hits me...
over and over again!<
this side was full of teardrops...
everywhere on this page where teardrops...

She never wanted to read this again...
but now it's too late...
she knows her  past...

Bai baiki でぃお

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