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druihd   [Zeichner-Galerie] Upload: 05.11.2003 09:30
This all started out as a typo.

*can't really explain*

It wasn't my idea, honest.
Inu Yasha

Computer koloriert


Kommentare (124)
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Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von: abgemeldet
2003-11-05T15:10:15+00:00 05.11.2003 16:10
Thats a GREAT idea!!!! And so sweet *hehe* *hach*
Von:  Devils_Queen
2003-11-05T14:52:16+00:00 05.11.2003 15:52
very cool! nice pic good coloration and really really good!
Von: abgemeldet
2003-11-05T13:38:04+00:00 05.11.2003 14:38
Von: abgemeldet
2003-11-05T13:37:47+00:00 05.11.2003 14:37
If possible write in english :-)
Von:  Kaoruyagi
2003-11-05T13:25:59+00:00 05.11.2003 14:25
*iks* XDD weiii ^^
Von: abgemeldet
2003-11-05T13:18:38+00:00 05.11.2003 14:18
wonderfull ^^b
would be a nice endig, would it? ^^
i love this picture, inu yasha as human, together with kagome....... dreamy! ^^b
Von: abgemeldet
2003-11-05T13:16:42+00:00 05.11.2003 14:16
absolutely perfect!
I luv it :)
And I love the background... ^^° *likes forests in the dark*
but the foreground is even better
Von:  AkariChan
2003-11-05T13:07:08+00:00 05.11.2003 14:07
Perfect, like all your pictures!!!!!
Please paint one picture with Kikyo and InuYasha for me ;_;
Von: abgemeldet
2003-11-05T12:54:43+00:00 05.11.2003 13:54
oh it´s so lovely, i love it.........
^^this picture is very beautiful....!!!^.^

Von:  Sorako
2003-11-05T10:44:17+00:00 05.11.2003 11:44
Sooo Cute ^^
I just love your pics!