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druihd   [Zeichner-Galerie] Upload: 05.11.2003 09:30
This all started out as a typo.

*can't really explain*

It wasn't my idea, honest.
Inu Yasha

Computer koloriert


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Von: abgemeldet
2003-11-05T18:39:24+00:00 05.11.2003 19:39
you love to draw couples, hm?^^ i have to say you are really good at it. really fantastic! oh im hearing now here without you. it ist absolutly amazing to watch it now. you have to try thos song with your pics^.~
Von: abgemeldet
2003-11-05T18:37:02+00:00 05.11.2003 19:37
O.o wow.. your pictures are so amazing! i LOVE all of them, no matter if it is a pic about inuyasha or a pic about ranma ^.^ ..hum.. if my english would be better, i could express my enthusiasm for your pics still more. but you see: you are so great, that all of us write in english to tell you, how we find you pics! (although we are almost all not very good in this language ^.^). big praise!
Von:  Little-T-Chan
2003-11-05T18:17:56+00:00 05.11.2003 19:17
very nice ^^
the background, the gras.. thats all very good! (Of course Kagome and Inu Yasha too. ^^)

i like this pic. ^^
(i know, my english isn´t good ^^;)
Von:  Melolontha
2003-11-05T17:50:25+00:00 05.11.2003 18:50
*with starry eyes* kawaiiiii!!!!! ^_^
Von:  LadyDie
2003-11-05T17:09:38+00:00 05.11.2003 18:09
they are both so cuuute!
i like your picz ^-^
Von:  Miss-Pancake
2003-11-05T17:06:14+00:00 05.11.2003 18:06
Woooooow!This Picture is wonderfull.So kawaii ^^"""(my English is bad^^")

Your Mangamausi
Von: abgemeldet
2003-11-05T16:58:49+00:00 05.11.2003 17:58
Oh my God! So sweet ^______^
I love your pictures
Von: abgemeldet
2003-11-05T16:47:43+00:00 05.11.2003 17:47
VERY GOOD!!!! ^^
Von:  Yuukichan
2003-11-05T15:57:58+00:00 05.11.2003 16:57
Wow, this is very, very, very wonderfull!! Soooooo nice!!
*take1* ^_^
I love this picture...*_*

CuCu, Yuukichan ^_^
Von: abgemeldet
2003-11-05T15:12:15+00:00 05.11.2003 16:12
I´ve got no speach.........this is....oh my god.......can I change with Kagome???? XDDD
