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pfffft... boredom.

Autor:  Phoenix_Frost
just because I wanted to...


List your ten favorite bands/artists and then answer the questions.

1) Wir sind Helden
2) Deep Purple
3) Breaking Benjamin
4) Pain
5) ASP
6) Schandmaul
7) Sonata Arctica
8) Die Ärzte
9) Die toten Hosen
10) Emilie Autumn

- What was the first song you ever heard by 6?

- What is your favorite song of 8?
"Der Himmel ist blau" ...it's so motivating!

- What kind of impact has 1 left on your life?
they're often talink so much things I know... I feel understood, listening to them.

- What is your favorite song of 5?
"Hässlich" it sounds so badass.

- How many times have you seen 4 live?
Just once. But they rocked!

- What is your favorite song by 7?
"False news travel fast" & "Black sheep"

- Is there any song by 3 that makes you sad?
"Unknown Soldier" it reminds me of being forgotten.

- What is your favorite song by 9?
"Paradies" because they're fucking right.

- When did you first get into 1?
by watching TV. "Müssen nur wollen" was on the clips at that moment. first I hated their sound but now their music is rly precious to me.

- How did you get into 2?
My dad and me always were listeting to music together some time ago. He loves that band. I like listening to them, they remind me of him, how he was like at that time. :)

- What is your favorite song by 4?
"Walking on Glass" i like that sound.

- Is there a song by 2 that makes you sad?
hmmm... every song of them makes me kind'a sad. just personal reasons.

- What is your favorite song by 1?
"Stiller" the lyric could be written by me Oo

- How did you become a fan of 10?
A good friend of mine showed her music to me. I fell so in love with her violin.

- How many times have you seen 1 live?
none. but i'd like to.

- What's your favorite song by 6?
"Sonnenstrahl" sum good friend send it to me via MSN-data-exchange when i was in a bad mood, because it said everything he wanted to say. I felt so loved that time. :)


Setze bei allen Punkten die auf dich zutreffen ein x,
dann zähl sie zusammen und das ist dein Alter!

[x] Du weißt wie man eine Tasse Kaffee macht (*junky*)
[_] Du merkst dir Daten indem du einen Kalender führst
[_] Du besitzt mehr als eine Kreditkarte
[_] Du weißt wie man bei einem Auto Öl wechselt
[x] Du hast für dich selbst gewaschen
[x] Du gehst bei jeder Wahl wählen
[x] Du kannst für dich selbst kochen
[x] Du findest Politik interessant

[x] Du strengst dich für die Schule/Arbeit viel an
[x] du trägst immer einen Stift bei dir
[x] du musstest nie nachsitzen
[x] Du hast deinen eigenen Geburtstag mind. einmal vergessen
[x] Du magst es, allein spazieren zu gehen
[x] Du weißt was Glaubwürdigkeit bedeutet
[x] du trinkst mind. einmal in der Woche Koffein

[x] Du weißt wo in der Küche die Teller hingehören
[x] Du kannst in einer anderen Sprache bis 10 zählen
[x] Wenn du sagst, du tust etwas, dann tust du es auch
[x] Du kannst den Rasen mähen
[x] Du lernst, wenn du musst
[x] Du hast schon einmal ein Auto per Hand gewaschen

[_] Du kannst "Exp(i)erience" buchstabieren ohne nachzusehen
[_] Leute beim Starbucks kennen dich mit Namen
[_] Das erste was du tust wenn du aufwachst ist Koffein zu dir zu nehmen
[x] Du kannst in ein Geschäft gehen ohne etwas zu kaufen was du nicht brauchst
[x] Du verstehst Politik-Witze beim ersten Erzählen
[x] Du kannst ziemlich schnell tippen (Tjaa...Pc-Suchti, nä...)

[_] Deine einzigen Freunde sind deine Kollegen aus der Schule/Arbeit
[_] Du warst schon einmal bei einer Tupperwaren-Party
[x] Du hast erkannt dass dich niemand ernst nimmt bis du 25 bist und einen Job hast.
[_] Du hast mehr Rechnungen als du zahlen kannst
[x] Du warst schon einmal am Strand
[x] Du benutzt das Internet jeden Tag
[_] Du warst öfter als 3 Mal außerhalb deines Heimatlandes (ja, jedes mal im selben land auswärts. ich finde, das zählt nicht.)
[_] Du machst dein Bett jeden Tag selbst

GRAND TOTAL: 24 (WHAT THE FUCK?! ich bin ne alte schachtel .____.)


► Let's get to know each other, uh, no, just you a bit better :D

01. What's the nickname you're currently using?
izu / PhoenixFrost / ginster-huendchen

02. Did you have other nicknames before? If yes, which ones?
eeeerm... Edo-chan / Edo-kun

03. Your Birthday?

► Nice to meet you, I'm a nameless stalker and about the same age like you (increases the sympathy, u know?) :D so...

04. What's your current fandom? Since when are you part of it?
TRC (since 2008), Baccano (since 2009), Fate//StayNight (since 2006), Kobato (since 2009)

05. Do you have a favourite character? If yes, who and why him/her? Show me your favorite picture
favourite character? there are two i just LOVE now. Kurogane (TRC) and Ioryogi Kobato)! Same Anime-Voice-Actor. That guy has such a ... *rawr!* voice...
I'm too lazy too show you a picture now.

06. Do you have a favourite pairing? If yes, which one and why? Show me your favorite picture of them!
too lazy for a pic again. hmpf.

07. What do you prefer, Slash or Het?

08. Your favourite genres?
Action, Fantasy, sometimes Splatter

09. Were there any other fandoms before? If yes, which ones?
uhm... Digimon, Fullmetal Alchemist... aaaand... can't remember them all!

10. Which were your favourite characters/pairings in them? (either name them or show pictures)
uff. I was always an Ed/Roy-supporter that time.

11. How many fanfictions have you written in in your past fandoms so far?
uff... more than 10 i think.

12. How many of them are completed/abandoned/still in progress?
completed: all.

13. When did you write your very first fanfiction? (with being aware it is fanfiction ur doing there)
my first fiction? UFF!!! i think i was... uhm... nearly 10 years old. it was a sailormoon/pokemon crossover! I'm so ashamed! XD

14. In which language are (most of) your fanfictions written? Is it your first language?
well. I do write german AND english.

► Interesting... okay, let's continue. The following questions are only about your current fandom.

15. How many fanfictions have you written so far for your current fandom?
OMG! eeerrrm... *counting* roundabout 10 i think.

16. How many of them are completed/abandoned/still in progress?
only one of them is in progress now. I didn't put it up yet. I only submit finished fictions.

17. If u could choose on of your stories to be made into a movie, which one would it be and why?
i think i'd take the one i'm currently writing. cause it'd be worth it.

18. Name one 'title song' for each of your multichapter stories like, one song which captures the atmosphere of the story the best or always reminds you of it (maybe with a link?)
...kiss my ass. i only write song-fic.

19. What's your favourite (completed) multichapter story and why?
well... my two favourites are "Prelude" (it was my first fiction in this fandom) and "Dust in the wind" (i like the philosophic aspects)

20. And your favourite oneshot?
"Fire and Ice"
I didn't write somuch fluff before. XD

21. Do your readers prefer the same stories? If not, which ones are their favorites?
My readers often prefer those storys I don't like myself. that's so odd...

22. Any recommendations of stories written by others for members of the same fandom? (title, author, link, small summary/comment)
whutt'ya want frum me?

23. Tell me something about your current fanfiction projects like, unfinished stuff you are still working on
Just now I'm woring on "Schwarz zu blau" (based on the song by Peter Fox!). I took Yuui from Horitsuba Gakuen and let him walk around Berlin (at night of course). It's pretty tough sometimes writing all those near descriptions, but i have much fun doing this. right now i'm working on chapter 2 of 7.

24. Any future plans? Projects you can't wait to start? Maybe a new fandom you just discovered?
ööööhm... ya! I can't wait for writing the opposite part for "Wie weit?"!
I think I'll start it, when "schwarz zu blau" is finished.

25. Name three people who have do this meme as well
... Oo"

► Aaand... we're through already :D You're great. Srsly. Only really great authors do memes, you know? Cheer for yourself! :D

Woooho, i'm so awsum.



Fünf Dinge, die man findet, wenn man meine Tasche öffnet:
1. ein Skizzenbuch
2. Eine Stiftedose
3. Deo
4. einen kleinen Regenschirm
5. mein Portemonnaie

Fünf Dinge in meinem Bett:
1. ein kissen
2. ein zweites kissen
3. ein drittes kissen
4. ein viertes kissen
5. meine decke. xD

Fünf Dinge, die ich in meinem Leben schon immer mal machen wollte:
1. auf ein Metal-Open-Air gehen!
2. Urlaub in vielen fremden Ländern
3. mit einer guten Band spielen. Langfristig versteht sich.
4. gewissen menschen mal SO RICHTIG die meinung geigen
5. dinge, die keinen was angehen *HUST* XD

Fünf Dinge, die mich sehr glücklich machen:
1. stille zeit für mich allein
2. gute musik
3. arbeit
4. kaffee und alkohol
5. zwei/drei menschen, die mit meiner art um zu gehen wissen.

Fünf Dinge, für die ich mich derzeit begeistere:
1. PHP und JavaScript
2. wann die Adobe CS5 endlich raus kommt
3. AION (...ich brauch geld)
4. meine Gitarre (ich hab mich neu verliebt)
5. Kobato. Ich will Ioryogis wahre form sehen .___.

Fünf Dinge auf meiner To-Do-Liste:
1. Studium mit Auszeichnung und lattem einserschnitt packen
2. zu hause ausziehen
3. es länger als eine woche packen, mein zimmer ordentlich zu halten
4. typo-hausaufgaben
5. ein paar fanfictions X__x


Wikipedia Meme

1. Öffne Wikipedia
2. Klick auf: Zufälliger Artikel

Wichtig: Nimm bitte wirklich(!!) den ersten Artikel, der dir angezeigt wird.
Bei manchen Fragen musst du solange klicken, bis ein Artikel über eine Person erscheint. Hinter diesen Fragen steht dann: Person

1. Dein Traumhaus steht in…
Edmühle (in Bayern... aaaah ja. ausland also. XD)

2. Dein wahrer Name ist…
Ante Tomić (ich bin ein kroatischer fußballer????? Oo)

3. Du siehst aus wie…
Hyman Bass Oo

4. Dein Vater arbeitet als…
Wappen Lesothos (aaaah ja. is kla.)

5. Dein/e Ehemann/Frau ist…(Person)
François-Dominique Toussaint L’Ouverture (ein volksheld. krass.)

6. Deine Tochter heißt…
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (O___O")

7. Dein Lieblingslied behandelt das Thema…
Bauto (aber ich interessier mich doch gar nicht für rom .___.)

8. Deine Lieblingsband
Rhythmologie (LMAO!)

9. Am liebsten isst du…
Literatürk (... chrmchrmchrmchrm... *komisch vor sich hin prust*)

10. Mit dieser Person bist du verwandt…(Person)
Arnold Kerdijk (ui, politik. :D)

11. Gott ist für dich…
Namtillaku (...eh ja. eine sumerische gottheit. weißte bescheid.)

12. Dein Vorgesetzter ist ein Genie in…
Christiane Söder (*PRUST*)

13. So nennst du dein Haustier…
Audio Home Recording Act (is das nich n bisschen lang?)

14. Animexx ist für dich wie…
Cessna 620 (ein geschäftsreiseflugzeug... ???)

15. Dein/e beste/r Freund/in…(Person)
Vasubandhu (...wenn ich seinen namen denn wenigstens aus zu sprechen wüsste...)

16. Du liest gerne Manga über…
Salinópolis (ich könnt mir nix geileres vorstellen.)

17. und schaust Anime über…
Steffen Henssler (koch. essen. is okay, akzeptiert. XD)

18. Dein liebstes Schulfach…
Handwerkskammer Region Stuttgart (ich hasse dinge, die nach wirtschaft klingen <<)

19. Du schwärmst für…
Barb Jungr (aber klar doch. rrrr...)

20. In Wahrheit bist du ein/eine…
Sportschifffahrt (jetz isses raus...)


Wie viel Barbie steckt in dir...?

[ ] Du hast mehr als 10 Fläschchen Nagellack.
[ ] Du hast ein Parfum, welches mehr als 60€ kostet.
[ ] Du hast/hattest mal falsche Nägel.
[ ] Du hast mehr Körperpflegeprodukte, als du benutzen kannst.
[ ] Du hast genügend Kleidung, um ein gesamtes Flüchtlingslager einzukleiden.
[ ] Du hast genügend Fotos von dir, um ein Wallpaper zu machen.

DU ...
[x]... hast/hattest gefärbte Haare.
[x]... hast manchmal "blonde Momente" am Tag.
[x]... hast dein Handy immer bei dir.
[ ]... gehst nie ohne Make-Up aus dem Haus.

[ ] Glitzer
[ ] Die Farbe Pink
[ ] Shopping
[ ] Schmuck
[ ] Spiegel
[ ] Schuhe
[ ] Regenbögen
[ ] Einhörner
[x] Disney Filme
[x] Kerzen
[ ] Blumen

[x] C&A
[ ] Victoria's Secret
[x] H&M
[ ] New Yorker
[ ] Top Gun
[ ] Bijou Brigitte
[ ] City Girl
[ ] Colosseum
[ ] Madonna
[ ] Mister&Lady
[ ] Fashion Mania

[x] Whatever
[ ] Oh mein Gott
[ ] Egal
[ ] Weiß Nicht
[ ] Schatz
[ ] Pupsi
[ ] Cutie
[ ] Hot
[ ] Total
[ ] Sicher
[x] Nee

[ ] Cosmopolitan
[ ] Glamour
[ ] Marie Claire
[ ] Mädchen
[ ] Teen Vogue
[ ] Bravo
[ ] YAM!
[ ] Wendy
[ ] Bravo Girl
[ ] Popcorn
[ ] Star Flash

[ ] Anna & die Liebe
[ ] Viva Top 1OO
[ ] Zwei bei Kallwass
[ ] Freaky Friday
[ ] Cinderella Story
[ ] Mitten im Leben
[ ] Sweet Home Alabama
[ ] Where the Heart is
[ ] Zum Glück geküsst
[ ] Rache ist Sexy
[ ] U2O
[ ] Girls United
[ ] Wie Werde Ich Ihn Los In 10 Tagen?
[ ] Unter uns
[ ] My Girl

[ ] LOST
[ ] Germany's Next Top Model
[ ] Project Runway
[ ] Desperate Housewives
[ ] The Simple Life
[ ] 8th & Ocean
[ ] Next
[ ] O.C. California
[ ] Laguna Beach/The Hills
[ ] Nip/Tuck
[ ] Gilmore Girls
[ ] Dr. House
[ ] Heroes


Jetzt multipliziere dein Ergebnis mit 2 & du hast deine Prozentzahl, die du eine Barbie bist.

Ergebnis: 12%

...krass. XD"


DAS 10-DINGE-MEME! (omg, es steigert sich.)

10 Dinge: Wie ich bin
- aggressiv
- still
- koffeinsüchtig
- engstirnig
- egoistisch
- chaotisch
- sarkastisch
- technik-interessiert
- abweisend
- zickig

10 Dinge: Was ich mag
- Gitarren!
- Motorräder
- Stille, entspannende athmosphäre
- ästhetisch ansprechende bilder
- meinen computer
- kaffee
- asiatisches essen
- an gewürzen oder tee schnuppern
- meeresrauschen
- starker wind

10 Dinge: Was ich hasse
- Bonzen <3
- HipHop (ich hör lieber Musik.)
- Geld
- klettige/zu anhängliche menschen
- clubs und discotheken
- randalierende/besoffene teenys (scheiss rotzgören.)
- das Arbeitsamt
- Menschen an sich
- Mathematik
- Karpern (ieh.)

10 Dinge: Was ich mache wenn keiner hinsieht
- rpg-postings schreiben
- zeichnen
- schreiben allgemein
- spiegel-prüfblick werfen XD
- fratzen schneiden
- augen verdrehen
- schildchen mit dummen sprüchen/smilys hochhalten
- dinge, die keinen was angehen
- umziehen
- hygiene. da brauch ich kein publikum.

10 Dinge: Warum ich in den Himmel komme
- Ich komme nicht in den Himmel.
- Ich komme nicht in den Himmel.
- Ich komme nicht in den Himmel.
- Ich komme nicht in den Himmel.
- Ich komme nicht in den Himmel.
- Ich komme nicht in den Himmel.
- Ich komme nicht in den Himmel.
- Ich komme nicht in den Himmel.
- Ich komme nicht in den Himmel.
- Ich komme nicht in den Himmel.

10 Dinge: Warum ich in die Hölle komme
- ich fluche zu viel
- ich bin streitsüchtig
- ich bin jähzornig
- ich bin egoistisch :3
- ich bin ZU selbstbewusst
- ich nehme, ohne zu geben
- ich kommandiere andere zu viel herum
- ich helfe nicht, wenn ich sehe, dass jemand hilfe braucht
- ich lege in der bahn die füße hoch, trotz dreckiger schuhe
- ich stochere ständig an anderer leute psyche herum. :3

10 Dinge: Was ich mir am meisten wünsche
- soooooooo viel.


The Paranoia-Meme O___O

You are afraid of ...
[x] the dark
[_] staying single forever
[_] being a parent
[x] giving birth
[_] being myself in front of others
[_] open spaces
[_] closed spaces
[_] heights
[_] dogs
[_] birds
[_] fish
[x] spiders
[_] flowers or other plants
Total so far: 3

[x] being touched
[_] fire
[x] deep water
[x] snakes
[_] silk
[_] the ocean
[_] failure
[_] success
[_] thunder/lightning
[_] frogs/toads
[_] my boyfriends/girlfriends dad
[_] boyfriends/girlfriends mom
[_] rats
[x] jumping from high places
[_] snow
Total so far: 7

[_] rain
[_] wind
[x] crossing hanging bridges
[X] death
[_] heaven
[_] being robbed
[x] falling
[_] clowns
[_] dolls
[x] large crowds of people
[_] men
[_] women
[_] having great responsibilities
[x] doctors, including dentists
[_] tornadoes
Total so far: 12

[_] hurricanes
[_] incurable diseases
[x] sharks
[_] Friday the 13th
[_] ghosts
[x] poverty
[_] Halloween
[_] school
[_] trains
[_] odd numbers
[_] even numbers
[_] being alone
[x] becoming blind
[x] becoming deaf
[_] growing up
Total so far: 16

[x] creepy noises in the night
[_] bee stings
[_] not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[_] needles
[_] blood
[_] dinosaurs
[_] the welcome mat
[_] high speed
[_] throwing up
[x] falling in love
[_] super secrets
Total so far: 18

Final Total: 18

If you get more than 30, I strongly recommend some counseling
If you get more than 20, you’re paranoid.
If you get 10-20, you are normal.
If you get 10 or less, you’re fearless.
People who don’t have any are liars


1. Perfect? - no
2. Tall? - no
3. In your pajamas? - yepp
4. Left handed? - no

1. Friend you saw: Maike, Jessi, Christian - just a few hours ago
2. Talked to on the phone: Jessica
3. Person to text you: KiwiOfDoom :)
4. Was today better than yesterday? - jepp. a little.

1. Number: - 13. cause everyone hates it.
2. Color(s): - black, blue.
3. Fruit: - strawberries
4. Place: - hamburg-city / my bed.

1. Are you missing someone right now? - no
2. Are you happy? - no
3. Are you sad? - shut up.
4. Are you bored? - often
6. Are you nervous? - nope.
8. Are you tired? - i try to become so. why do you think I do this shit?

1. Real name? - XXXXXX
2. Nick names? - Phoenix, Kuro
3. Eye color? - green/grey
4. Zodiac sign? - Aquarius
5. Male or female? - female
6. Slut? - how much? >:D
7. Smart? - always.
8. Hair color? - blonde
10. Sweats or Jeans? - sweats.
11. Phone or Camera? - camera
12. Drink or Smoke? - both
13. Righty or lefty? - whut?

1. First best friend? - can't remember
2. First crush? - eeeerm... either
3. First pet? - Teddy. a dog. :)
4. First big vacation? - denmark 2000. wohho. -_-

1. Eating? - nothing
2. Drinking? - water
3. I'm about to - go sleep (i hope)
4. Listening to? - computer-noises
5. Plans for today? - go sleep

1. Shorter or taller? - taller
2. Romantic or spontaneous? - spontaneous
3. Sensitive or loud? - sensitive
4. Hook-up or relationship? hook-up.

1. Drank bubbles? - what?
2. Lost glasses/contacts? - don't have.
3. Ran away from home? - what you asking me this bullshit? no!
4. Broken someone's heart? - dunno. could be.
5. Been arrested? - nope

1. Miracles? - no
2. Yourself? - jepp.
3. Heaven? - no
4. Santa Claus? - no.
4. Love? - no.
5. Do you like someone? - in what way?
6. Do you believe in God ? - you mean this imagnial friend those church-pplz are talking bout?
7. Answered the truth on all questions? - tried to.


Das OC-Meme! :D

1)Wie heißt er/sie vollständig?
Phoenix Frost

...sehr alt.

Eeeehm... nicht sehr riesig, rot/braunes, kurzes haar, graue augen, blasse haut, schmale statur.

4)Findest du sie/ihn attraktiv?
nicht mein fall von mann, aber ich mag ihn, wie er ist. :)

5)Finden andere sie/ihn attraktiv?
ich lasse ihnen keine andere wahl. *irre lach*

6)Hat sie/er Fans?
NOCH nicht. :)

7)Ist sie/er in einer Beziehung?
nein. ich glaub, da hat er auch keinen bock drauf XD

8)Wenn ja, mit wem?

9)Ist sie/er hetero, homo oder bi?
ich schätze, er ist asexuell und desinteressiert Oo

10)Hat sie/er irgendwelche Schwächen/Probleme?
jupp. ihm wurde sein magisches artefakt abgenommen und er ist nur noch halb so stark, wie er sein sollte. is schon bullshit. XD

11)Warum hast du sie/ihn erschaffen?
er geistert mir schon seit jahren im kopf herum. und jetzt hab ich endlich ne story etc für ihn. wohoo!

12)Hast du sie/ihn für Anime/Manga/Spiel/usw erfunden?
nein. für ein buch.

13)Ist sie/er stark?
magisch gesehen ja. im körperlichen kraftkampf isser eine niete. aber richtig. XD

14)Malst du sie/ihn oft?
geht so. ich übe. XD

15)Nenne drei Dinge, die du von ihm weißt.
1. Phoenix ist SEHR nachdenklich
2. Phoenix ist sehr gewissenhaft
3. Phoenix ist sehr neugierig. :)

16)Basiert sie/er auf eine andere Person in einem Anime/Manga/usw?
eeehm.. eigentlich... ich glaube nicht.

17)Benenne 3 Talente deines OC's.
1. er ist Hexer. Also Hexerei. :)
2. alles zerlegen, ohne es zu wollen. ist er große klasse drin.
3. auf schnapsideen kommen.

eigentlich keine.

19)Hat sie/er Kinder?

20)Wurde sie/er jemals als Mary-Sue bezeichnet?
nope. dazu hat er zu viele fehler. :D

21)Hat sie/er eine alternative Form?

23)Trinkt/Raucht sie/er?
er verabscheut beides.

ein magischer Kater und einen magischen Raben. sprechende viecher, die ihm mächtig auf den keks gehen. :D

Eletern und ein kleiner Bruder. :D

viele. SEHR VIELE.

27)Hat sie/er mehr als einen Lover?

28)Was tut sie/er zum Leben?
das wüsst ich auch gern Oo

29)Kann sie/er sterben?
klar. also... denke ich mal.

30)Hat sie/er eine Krankheit?
da bin ich noch mit mir am hadern. vielleicht.

31)Was denkst du über sie/ihn?
ich mag ihn. reicht das? :D

32)Magst du es über sie/ihn zu schreiben?
jupp. er macht mir spaß. :D

33)Ende! Erzähle etwas über sie/ihn, dass JEDER noch erfahren sollte!
er ist nicht SO böse! ... echt nicht .___.


Bold what is true about you.

* I miss somebody right now.
* I don't watch much TV these days.
* I love olives.
* I own lots of books.
* I wear glasses or contact lenses.
* I love to play video games.
* I've tried marijuana.
* I've watched porn movies.
* I have been in a threesome.
* I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship.
* I believe honesty is usually always the best policy.
* I curse sometimes.
* I have changed a lot mentally over the last year.
* I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.
* I'm TOTALLY smart.
* I have broken someone's bones.
* I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal.
* I hate the rain.
* I'm paranoid at times.
* I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
* I need/want money right now.
* I love sushi.
* I talk really, really fast. (sometimes)
* I have fresh breath in the morning.
* I have long hair.
* I have lost money in Las Vegas.
* I have at least one sibling.
* I was born in a country outside of the U.S.
* I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past. duh, cosplayer here
* I couldn't survive without Caller I.D.
* I like the way that I look.
* I have lied to a good friend in the last 6 months.
* I know how to cornrow.
* I am usually pessimistic.
* I have a lot of mood swings
* I think prostitution should be legalized.
* I think Britney Spears is pretty.
* I slept with a roommate.
* I have a hidden talent.
* I'm always hyper no matter how much sugar I have.
* I have a lot of friends.
* I am currently single.
* I have pecked someone of the same sex.
* I enjoy talking on the phone
* I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.
* I love to shop.
* I enjoy window shopping.
* I would rather shop than eat.
* I would classify myself as ghetto.
* I'm bourgie and have worn a sweater tied around my shoulders.
* I'm obsessed with my Xanga or Livejournal.
* I don't hate anyone. I dislike them. Make that strongly dislike
* I'm a pretty good dancer.
* I'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother.
* I have a cell phone.
* I believe in God.
* I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
* I've rejected someone before.
* I currently like someone.
* I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
* I want to have children in the future.
* I have changed a diaper before.
* I've called the cops on a friend before.
* I am a member of the Tom Green fan club.
* I'm not allergic to anything.
* I have a lot to learn.
* I have been with someone at least 10 years older or younger.
* I am shy around the opposite sex.
* I’m online 24/7, even as an away message.
* I have at least 5 away messages saved.
* I have tried alcohol or drugs before.
* I have made a move on a friend's significant other or crush in the past.
* I own the "South Park" movie.
* I have avoided assignments at work/school to be on Xanga or Livejournal.
* When I was a kid I played "the birds and the bees" with a neighbor or chum.
* I enjoy some country music.
* I would die for my best friends.
* I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza.
* I watch soap operas whenever I can.
* I'm obsessive, and often a perfectionist.
* I have used my sexuality to advance my career.
* I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all.
* I know all the words to Slick Rick’s "Children’s Story".
* Halloween is awesome because you get free candy.
* I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it.
* I have dated a close friend's ex.
* I like surveys/memes.
* I am happy at this moment.
* I’m obsessed with guys.
* I am punk rockish.
* I am preppy.
* I go for older guys/girls, not younger.
* I study for tests most of the time.
* I tie my shoelaces differently from anyone I’ve ever met.
* I can work on a car.
* I love my job.
* I am comfortable with who I am right now.
* I have more than just my ears pierced.
* I walk barefoot wherever I can.
* I have jumped off a bridge.
* I love sea turtles.
* I spend ridiculous amounts of money on makeup.
* I believe in prophetic dreams.
* I plan on achieving a major goal/dream.
* I am proficient on a musical instrument.
* I worked at McDonald’s restaurant.
* I hate office jobs.
* I love sci-fi movies.
* I think water rules.
* I went to college out of state.
* I am adopted.
* I like sausage.
* I am a pyro.
* I love the Red Sox.
* I have thrown up from crying too much.
* I have been intentionally hurt by people that I loved.
* I love kisses.
* I fall for the worst people and have been hurt every time.
* I adore bright colors.
* I can't live without black eyeliner.
* I think school is awesome.
* I think pigtails serve a purpose.
* I don’t know why the hell I just did this stupid thing.
* I usually like covers better than originals.
* I don't like multi-textured ice cream.
* I think John Cusack is adorable.
* I hate chain theme restaurants like Applebees and TGIFridays
* I watch Food Network way too much.
* I love coaching youth sports.
* I can pick up things with my toes.
* I can't whistle.
* I can move my tongue in waves, much like a snakes’ slither.
* I have ridden/owned a horse.
* I still have every journal I’ve ever written in.
* I can't stick to a diet.
* I talk in my sleep.
* I've often thought that I was born in the wrong century.
* I try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions.
* Climbing trees is a brilliant past-time.
* I have jazz in my blood.
* I would not be friends if they weren't family.
* I wear a toe ring.
* I have a tattoo.
* I love vaginas
* I can't stand at LEAST one person that I work with.
* I am a caffeine junkie.
* I know who Santos L. Halper is
* I read trashy romance novels and I am ashamed.
* I love wrestling.
* I am completely tree-huggy spiritual, and I'm not ashamed at all.
* If I knew I would get away with it, I would commit at least one murder.
* I cosplayed or know what cosplaying is.
* I have been to over 15 conventions.
* I will collect anything, and the more nonsensical, the better.
* I enjoy a nice glass of wine with dinner.
* I'm an artist.
* I have a goal to collect every Johnny Depp movie ever made.
* I am ambidexterous.
* I sleep with so many stuffed animals, I can hardly fit on my bed.
* My computer has a name.
* If it weren't for having to see other people naked, I'd live in a nudist colony.
* I have terrible teeth.
* I hate my toes.
* I have more friends on the internet than in real life.
* I have lived in either three different states or countries.
* I am extremely flexible.
* I love hugs more than kisses.
* I want to own my own business.
* I smoke or have tried cigarettes.
* I have met a star from ABC's LOST.
* I spend way too much time on the computer than on anything else.
* Nobody has ever said I'm normal.
* Sad movies can cause a trickle of tear every now and then.
* I am proficient in the use of many types firearms and combat weapons.
* I like the way women look in stylized men's suits.
* I don't like it when people are unpleased or seem unpleased with me.
* I have been described as a dreamer or likely to have my head up in the clouds.
* I have played tennis with my non dominant hand before.
* I have played strip poker with someone else before.
* I read the labels on food, shampoo, and other things just because.
* I have emotional problems for which I have sought professional help.
* I believe in ghosts and the paranormal.
* I can't stand being alone.
* I have at least one obsession at any given time.
* I consistently spend way too much money on obsessions-of-the-moment.
* I know what THACO means.
* I have a signed Tom Servo head.
* I'm a judgmental asshole.
* I'm a HUGE drama-queen
* I was a Spice Girls fan and I'm proud of it.
* I have traveled on more than one continent.
* I sometimes wish my father would just disappear
* I have seen every single episode of more than one television show.
* I need people to tell me I'm good at something in order to feel that I am.
* I am a Libertarian.
* I can sing songs in languages I don't speak
* I could speak more than one language.
* I can fall asleep even if the whole room is as noisy as it can be.
* I am ovulating.
* I am very confused
* I believe that everything ends
* I like happy endings
* I ask too many questions
* I coined the word "puccashina" and am the only one using it.
* I am a closet philanthropist.
* I can recite all 50 states in alphabetical order, from memory.
* I would rather read than watch TV.
* I like reading fact more than fiction.
* I have pulled an all-nighter on an assignment I was given a month to do.
* I have at one time considered becoming an assassin using only a knife and a pack of gum.
* My parents never gave me a set allowance.
* I have a feeling that life will work itself out.
* I use internet sayings (i.e. OMG, WTF, etc) in everyday conversation, and people know exactly what I mean and respond in kind.
* I enjoy randomly making up songs. Sometimes good, mostly annoying and/or stupid.
* I've had my hair pink
* I've tried bubble tea.
* I believe shopping can be theraputic
* I collect shot glasses from different cities.
* I'm obsessed with Saddle Creek Records.
* I shave rarely
* I am a brand label whore
* I am asleep before 11pm on almost any given night
* I have an obsessively organized brain and a ridiculously messy room.
* I break swords.
* I think Hanson rocks
* I feel the need to read whenever I eat.

02:50 Uhr... jetzt bin ich müde genug. jetzt kann ich pennen gehen.

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