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Something you pick up along the road Family, Reallife

Autor:  FruchtCocktail
My Dad always used to teach me that the very first thing you need in Life is a good night sleep,
the second would be someone who always has your back.

But over the years my Mum tought me, that the only thing Dad really needed -
was his morning coffee and his breakfast, delivered by her with a smile...

Since I'm living in Berlin, nearly every Friday morning I enlight a candle while having my breakfast
andย  I look back at those days. The Road I was walking down wasn't always easy and maybe..
just maybe.. it never'll be.
Speaking of Maybe

But nearly every time... when I have doubts about myself -
I remind myself that I had the best 'Parents' a young boy could've wished for.
I almost did forgot that..... Life sometimes is.. complicated..

But I'm gonna take over the World eventually...

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