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the black forest or silent glade

Autor:  Yamiku
There's something out there
Still calling... insistent
My soul has already answered that call
It seems to fly away whenever I'm not able to look after it

I can feel the numbing effect before I'm going to lose another few hours
Trying to restist this instant call my body's moving on its own

It's just like my being's nothing more than sleeping, working or going to school
Guess even a Vampire would be fuller of life

I'm wandering among the small grade of so called reality
But the reality in my mind is another than the one of peoples laws

I know in their opinion of life there's no space for irrationality

The wind sings, the water calls, the flying autumn leafs dance and something under the surface is calling with a sweet voice
My wish is to sing with them... or rather give my soul the opportunity to leave this spoiled body

Standing outside in the rain washs away everything
I'm feeling light as a feather in the wind
But... whenever I'm back the weight of reality smothers me

I know I can't give it free, 'cause if I would do...
maybe it would be better to jump out of the skylight then

Don't misunderstand, there're things... really just a few things reunite the existence
a few other... or just one to be correct

I honesty thank you for being by my side even if there's an areal distance between us
You're the one keeps me alive not only existing

~ I couln't walk without you anymore, Bella. I'm not going to leave 'til you tell me to ~

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