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Comin' UP

Autor:  JoanaFlies
xD ich habe vo Mittwoch letzterWoche bis heute, 30.08. 31 Karten gezeichnet, nur falsl es einige wudnert, wenn ich am Wochenende dann um die 40 Stk hochlade xD
Naja, ok, es sind eine 8er und 6er Maxi Kakao dabei xD also nicht mehr gaaanz soviele.. oh und zwei weitere "normale" Maxis xD
viel Spaß dann damit xD

10 Questions ... :)

Autor:  JoanaFlies
1. What would you do without Ceci?
- I'd feel bored and would miss a good friend :( -

2. In a race between you, Tine and Ceci, who would win?
- I guess all of us :D :P -

3. Describe Celina in one word.
- Fabolous <3 -

4. Super fun fun adventure amusement park marathon with you, Antonia and Tine! How will it go?
- A lot of laughing & sum very perve-stuff xD -

5. Does Verena make you hot?
- Eeeech no xD But she's nice <3 -

6. If Elke and Antonia were locked in the same (really small) room for longer than a day, what would most likely happen?
- I guess Antonia would flipp after minutes and Elke would try to calm her down xD Just like at work (Elke's my chef and Antonia my direct collegue xDDDD we're all working together <3 -

7. What would you do without Steffi?
- Miss some awesome collegue at work :( -

8. Who would you rather get stuck in handcuffs with, Ani or Steffi?
- I guess with Stefii, cause she's not as flippy as Ani xD Though it would be fun with both of them xD -

9. If Dani played in a movie, what kind of character would they play?
- A very, very funny, but sarcastic person <3 luv u, girl :D -

10. Who is Janine's best friend?
- Some mix out of Tine, Maike and me xD -

<3 xD

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