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Autor:  HandsomePirate
also entweder ich werde paranoid und leide unter Verfolgungswahn......oder Amerika verfolgt mich wirklich O.o
Gott sehe jeden Tag eine Amerikanische Flagge...........dazu kommt auch noch das wir seit heute in Geschichte die Amerikanische Geschichte behandeln.....
und womit fangen wir natürlich an........mit dem Unabhängigkeitskrieg..........

pic by
hybride (devientart)


Sparkling angel I believed
you were my saviour in my time of need.
Blinded by faith I couldn't hear
all the whispers, the warning so clear.
I see the angels,
I'll lead them to your door.
There's no escape now,
no mercy no more.
No remorse cause I still remember
the smile when you tore me apart.


You took my heart,
deceived me right from the start.
You showed me dreams,
I wished they would turn into real.
You broke the promise and made me realise.
It was all just a lie.

Sparkling angel, I couldn't see
your dark intentions, your feelings for me.
Fallen angel, tell me why?
What is the reason, the thorn in your eye?

I see the angels,
I'll lead them to your door.
There's no escape now,
no mercy no more.
No remorse cause I still remember
the smile when you tore me apart.


You took my heart,
deceived me right from the start.
You showed me dreams,
I wished they would turn into real.
You broke the promise and made me realise.
It was all just a lie.

Could have been forever.
Now we have reached the end.

This world may have failed you,
it doesn't give you reason why.
You could have chosen a different part in life.

The smile when you tore me apart.

*.* Das Lied ist sooooo toll

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