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... G E D A N K E N ...

Autor:  Dionne-Hawking

There was a girl...
20 years old, lonely and tired....

>I love my life<

she allways sad but it wasn't so...
she is such a funny, nice and lovely girl...
but she never felt like this...

It is love...
love is all she need but never get...
she has friends...
and a nice family...
all she miss...
is love...

everytime you see her...
she looks so happy...
she is smiling the wohle day...
only giggleing...
but inside of her...
there is just a black, cold hole...
she feels worthless...
and it's not the first time...

It looks like...
she will never find the right one...
the LOVE...
A thing...
that she need...
A thing...
she would die for...

so... nu isses raus...
und ich fühl mich kein stück besser...
 - .-)



Datum: 06.01.2010 08:09
Versteh ich gut. .__.
~Wir sehen die Dinge nicht, wie sie sind. Wir sehen die Dinge, wie wir sind.~
Datum: 06.01.2010 12:40
*in Arm nehm*
Du bist nicht wertlos! Das mal vorneweg..
Und du findest bestimmt noch jmd. Vll nicht morgen aber irgendwann bestimmt. Glaub daran, nicht aufgeben :3!
*feste drück*

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