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Zitat - The Picture of Dorian Gray The Picture of Dorian Gray, Zitat

Autor:  Karopapier
There is always something ridiculous about the emotions of people whom one has ceased to love.
(The Picture of Dorian Gray; Oscar Wilde)

(It's the last one, my dear)
Datum: 12.01.2012 16:51
I don't believe you D:
Wenn wir bedenken, daß wir alle verrückt sind, ist das Leben erklärt.
- Mark Twain

Datum: 12.01.2012 22:49
Then don't - but it's true. >.<
...does the name Pavlov ring a bell?
Datum: 12.01.2012 23:06
I don't believe in your truth u___û
Wenn wir bedenken, daß wir alle verrückt sind, ist das Leben erklärt.
- Mark Twain


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