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Einzelposting: Final Fantasy XIV

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_234070/-1/12440557172488/

Von:    patte-chan 03.06.2009 21:04
Betreff: Final Fantasy XIV [Antworten]
> Es ist ja klar zu sehen, dass der Zusammenhang zu FFXI besteht. Ist es ein neuer Kontinent? o.ô Oder einige Zeit in der Zukunft? Was ist mit all den Abenteurern, sind die schon tot? ;_;

Grad direkt ausm Live Blog der Pressekonferenz:

>Q: What are the ties to Final Fantasy XI, if any?

>A: While you may have noticed that some of the same type of races appeared in the trailer, the world of FFXIV is different from FFXI. The reason that we made the races similar to the FFXI races is so FFXI players could choose a similar type of race in the new game. For example, in movies, you might have an actor that plays many different roles. Please, think of it that way.

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