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Einzelposting: Frage zu Harvest Moon (war: Frage,helft mir mal bitte)

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_97681/-1/13202808430290/

Von:    Black_Star 03.11.2011 01:40
Betreff: Frage zu Harvest Moon (war: Frage,helft ... [Antworten]
> Black_Star:
> > I hab auch ma ne Frage zur ner Sache die mich iwi beunruhigt,
> > und zwat Zocke ich des More friends of Mineral Town, bin auch schon recht weit, 3. Jahr Frühling hab Gray geheiratet un des Mädel is seid anfang inter Schwanger, i hab alle hühner un 6 Kühe un 6 Schafe.
> > Jetzt hab i aber Folgendes Problem, ich kann seid einiger zeit nix mehr Kaufen, weder Tiere noch Lebensmittel oder Samen und Letzen kam Zack auch an, schnauzt mich an warum ich nix zu verkaufen hätte obwohl ich an dem Tag neben den Tieren auch noch sogut wie das gesammte feld abgeerntet hab, habt ihr irgend eine Ahnung was da los ist?
> Hab mal gesucht und dazu hier was gefunden zu dem Problem:
> http://faqs.ign.com/articles/638/638084p1.html

> XLII. MFoMT Glitch: 'I can't buy anything!'
> In some games, players have encountered an unprogrammed 'bug' that creates a
> situation where they become unable to interact with merchants at any of the
> shops and businesses in Mineral Town. The situation appears to occur in the
> second year or later, most often in the third or fourth. It occurs either
> before or after the Spring Races on 18 Spring. When it occurs, even though
> shops are open for business, pressing 'A' will result in no option to buy or
> order items or upgrades. If the player continues in the game, however, the
> 'freeze' on the ability to buy or order items should end on 19 Winter or
> thereabouts. It may reoccur at the same time the next Spring as well, but when
> it does, it should end again on 19 Winter. Please bear in mind that this was
> not deliberately programmed into the game by Natsume. There are very few
> reports of it occurring, but in the games where it has occurred, the player
> experienced very few events in the first year. As more information on the
> 'bug' becomes available, I will add it to this guide. It is unlikely that you
> will experience it, but in case you do, I wanted players to know that the
> situation will be resolved in the Winter season.
> If you are afraid of encountering the 'bug', there is a solution. Buy 99 of
> every item at the Supermarket, including 99 of each variety of seed as it
> becomes available and store the items in your refrigerator and the seeds in
> your toolbox. Buy 99 of every crop seed that Won offers and store them in your
> toolbox. Most important of all, perhaps, is the purchase of Animal Medicine
> from Lillia or Barley. Players who have experienced the 'bug' found themselves
> unable to buy Animal Medicine when their animals became 'sick'. If you care
> for your animals properly, they should not become 'sick', but it is a good idea
> to keep 2-3 bottles of Animal Medicine in your toolbox at all times even if you
> do not think that you will encounter the 'bug'. If you do not wish to buy 99
> of every item at the Supermarket, at least make certain that you have 99 boxes
> of flour, so that you will be able to continue paying 'wages' to the Sprites
> even if your purchasing options are frozen for a couple of seasons. Having
> chocolate is useful for the Thanksgiving and Pumpkin Festivals and even if you
> do not think that you will need 99 of any other item, having a few items of
> every variety on hand for cooking purposes is a good idea.
> The most recent research with respect to this glitch indicates that it may be
> connected with the Winter Thanksgiving Festival. Make certain that you give
> ALL bachelors chocolate or Chocolate Cake on the occasion of the Winter
> Thanksgiving, irrespective of which bachelor you are courting or intend to
> marry. These small acts of generosity may avert the 'freeze' glitch in Spring
> as players who receive a gift of cookies at their farm from any bachelor on the
> occasion of the Spring Thanksgiving evidently should not experience the 'freeze'.

Danke fürs Raussuchen, mein Englisch is jetzt nich soo das Beste aber.. wie ich des verstanden hab kann ich jetzt bis zum Winter!? nix mehr kaufen?

- Haha, Yeah, that’s right hate me! There’s no problem with that. It’ll only drive you forward! -
Zuletzt geändert: 03.11.2011 01:47:04

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