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Einzelposting: Have Sex with...

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_64651/-1/11957568960226/

Von:    Mayuyu 22.11.2007 19:48
Betreff: Have Sex with... [Antworten]
Wahhh...der test is geil ^µ^

ich hab ihn 2 mal gemacht, da so bei ziemlich jeder Frage 2 Antworten in Frage kamen XD

You would have sex with Bakura Ryou. The sex with be passionate and true, filled with love and pleasure. He's real hot with that British accent and he's really sexy although he pretends not to notice. And though Bakura may seem innocent...who knows what he is like in bed...

2.You would have sex with Yami Yugi. You don't mind if he's a little on the lanky side, you actually find that quite hot. And that hairdo reminds you of his penis, you like that. He's a pharoh and he knows what he wants, so be prepared to give it to him.

Juhuuuu, Yami is so geil ^µ^ Über diese Antwort bin ich echt froh. Aber Bakura O.O Dazu sag ich lieber nicht viel...Bakura o.o *net fassen kann*

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