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Einzelposting: Umfrage zum Thema Horrorfilme

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_165789/-1/11762798612562/

Von:   abgemeldet 11.04.2007 10:39
Betreff: Umfrage zum Thema Horrorfilme [Antworten]
Ah, sorry. Ich habe den Fragebogen schon ausgefüllt, bvor ich bemerkt habe, dass du dich auf JAPANISCHE Horrorfilme beziehst...
Und davon kenne ich fast keine.
Naja, falls du meine Antworten trotzdem brauchen kannst, lasse ich sie mal unten stehen.


>1. What is your favourite genre in general?

Fantasy and Science Fiction movies, Comedy

>2. Do you like horror movies? (This might be a dull question considering this is a horror forum but anyways, I need it for the stats. ^^)

No dull question - as I don't like horror movies. ^^
I have seen some, but I rather am a chicken when it comes to horror movies, I try to avoid them whenever possible.

>3. If yes, why? / If not, why not?

I dislike the steady tension throughout the whole length of the movie, the screaming of the victims, and - more than anything else: the things my head shows me after the movie is over.
I consider myself to be rather creative and imaginative, and it might happen that I lie shivering and sweating unerneath my blanket at night finding no sleep for hours.

So, you see, horror movies don't mean any fun for me.

>4. What do you like about horror movies, what do you dislike about them?

What I don't like see question #3.
I DO like, actually, horror movies with zombies or vampires.
Anything supernatural (except ghosts) is fine with me.
Intelligent plot is a must for me.

>5. What is the cruelest movie / scene you've ever watched?

I habe seen plenty of cruel scenes, I cannot say which one was the cruellest.
I think it's hard to distinguish between "more cruel" and "not so cruel", when the victim dies in the end.
(The Silent Hill movie hat some gruesome scenes in the end)

>6. Do you consider yourself a rather happy person?

Yes. I am rather optimistic.

>7. How old are you?


>8. Male or female?


>9. What country are you from? (Please mention if it's different from where your parents originally came from.)


>10. If there's anything else you'd like to say about yourself please include it here.

I DO enjoy playing horror games on PC alot. Stange enough, interacting with something horrible is easier for me than just seeing other people interact with it on the television/movie screen.
Or maybe it's because a rendered person in a game isn't as realistic as a real person in a movie (although it's just an actor)?

Ihr nennt mich Menschenfeind, weil ich die Gesellschaft meide.
Ihr irret euch, ich liebe sie.
Doch um die Menschheit nicht zu hassen, muss ich den Umgang unterlassen. (CDF)
(Avatar (c) Kirico)
Zuletzt geändert: 11.04.2007 10:42:06

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