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Einzelposting: Aktion: GACKT GOES GERMANY

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_39815/-1/11048782972893/

Von:   abgemeldet 04.01.2005 23:43
Betreff: NEWS NEWS NEWS!!! [Antworten]
hi ihr lieben!!!!^o^

Wie geht es euch?
hoffe ihr seid alle wohl auf und wollt euch nur schnell mitteilen das ich gackt geschrieben hab und nun nur ncoh hoffe das es ankommt und wir antwort bekommen!!!!!!!!!
hier könnt ihr auch mal lesen was ich geschrieben hab und bitte guckt net auf meine fehler die ich gmeacht hab^^;;;;; bin grade nciht so stark auf englisch...;_; müsste wieder mehr lernen. *zugeb*
Drückt alle die daumen!!!!!!!

Message to Gackt:

Dear Gackuto-san!
Wish you a happy new year with lots of love, luck and happyness!
Am I allowed to ask you, if you have got any special plans for 2005?
So, I mean...maybe concerts in overseas?
If the project of ‘Gackt goes Germany’ arrived you as the crew member
told my friends at the ‘Sixth day/Seventh night’ Tour, you know that a lot of European people would like to see you here in concert.
Hmmm...Now I guess there wrote more than 500 people and they all were so happy to
hear that you travelled to Germany for a short time to record the PV of ‘Kimi ni
Aitakute’. I hope you enjoyed it!:3
So...wouldn’t you like to visit Germany again and let the Europeans dreams come true?
Or what’s like France? I heard you really like Paris!:D
I also sever this argument, although the people are sometimes a bit strange, ne? Haha^^
Well, I don’t want to waste your rare time and just can pleas you to think about this
Sadly I wrote more than I wanted to write and hope I haven’t bored you so much!
And really big thanks to you for reading!:)
Hope you have a wonderful and successful time and will inspire us with your giant voice for
a long long time!!!!^-^

<<habe noch links angehongen von den ganzen einsendungen^.-*chu*

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