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Einzelposting: Umfrage Tierversuche

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_118806/-1/11325742390400/

Von:   abgemeldet 21.11.2005 13:06
Betreff: Umfrage Tierversuche [Antworten]
1. How old are you?


2. Are you male or female?


3. What do you know about animal testing?

Animal testing ist cruel and needless, even for medicine!

4. Do you wear furs (Pelze) or would you wear furs, if you had enough money?

No and I'd never wear furs and leder, even not if I had a lot of money!

5. Do you think animals are happy to live in zoos or circusses?

I don't think so, especially in circusses but sometimes it's neccessary to keep them in good zoos (which are engaged in protection of species and wants to help them more than to present them for entertainment.

6.Do you have a pet?

Yes, an old cat which we found as a young kitten on the streat.

7. Is it okay to do animal testing?


8. Are you a vegetarien?

Yes but that's not enought for me. I am going to become vegan.

9. Do animals belong to their natural enviroment (natürlicher Lebensraum)?

Of course the do and it's very important to save their natural environment.

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