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Einzelposting: Umfrage Tierversuche

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_118806/-1/11324089951539/

Von:    LeS 19.11.2005 15:07
Betreff: Umfrage Tierversuche [Antworten]

> 1. How old are you?
sixteen and six days *g*

> 2. Are you male or female?

> 3. What do you know about animal testing?
I'm not very interested in these things, but I know some persons don't get the good thing of animal testing and do wrong things - but not all. That's important to say.

> 4. Do you wear furs (Pelze) or would you wear furs, if you had enough money?
No, because I'm allergic and I don't like how it looks.

> 5. Do you think animals are happy to live in zoos or circusses?
If I'll reborn as an elefant, I'll tell you.

> 6.Do you have a pet?
Momentarily: No.

> 7. Is it okay to do animal testing?

> 8. Are you a vegetarien?
Vegetarian? No!! X_X To be vegetarian just because of the animals would be very stupid, imho.

> 9. Do animals belong to their natural enviroment (natürlicher Lebensraum)?
Yes, like ourselves.

Sorry for all the mistakes. |D
Werfen sie dem Leser ein rettendes Seil zu... sie müssen ihn ja nicht gleich mit einem Stahlkabel erschlagen!
(Stephen King)


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