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Einzelposting: Animagic Karten?!

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_6310/-1/10790478713997/

Von:   abgemeldet 03.04.2002 23:56
Betreff: Animagic Karten?! [Antworten]
shinya der stecken ^^

zu dem was ich machen sollt,ahabsch grad keinen link..achja,hide-sama: http://www.geocities.com/x_nosorrow/hidememorial-eng.html

von einem bild zu 'meinem' teil von shinya müsst ich nochn bissl suchen ^^weiß nimma wo ich des her hatte..

Shinya - Visual RPG
Have you ever been tempted?
Tempted to fall?
May your fall end in heaven...
Have you ever tasted?
Bitter sweet skin?
Have you ever felt?
Pain and pleasure?
Have you ever thought?
Of the live here after?
Have you ever been dreaming?
Of things to come?

If you have done all this you may live forever even though you die..
+hide+ 2 Mai 1998

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