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The dreams within me

einige Gedichte


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You can't hear my voice...

...but what you still have, is the choice.

If you want to hear me,

if you want to see me,

I'm there whereever you go,

walking behind you like a bro.

But when i feel that you don't care,

when it doesn't matter that i'm there,

then i ask:

Aren't you missing something?

Aren't you missing me?

If you want to be dead,

you want me to be sad.

My heart is shattered and rebound,

i'm alone without you around.

But when you start to pretend,

that i'm your friend,

i only can ask:

Isn't something missing?

Aren't you missing anything?

If you want to depart,

listen to your heart.

I can't hear what it tell',

even if it would yell.

But when you ignore it,

it's a crime you commit.

Please remove this mask.

aren't you hating it?

aren't you aware of that?


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