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Cracking the Shell



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Just a little later we were well on our way. To my chagrin we were both on foot, Kweh just slightly behind me. Foulques had refused to use the aetheryte right under our noses, because of “all those people” and because he didn't “want to enter the city”. I thought he was childish to refuse it, but he silenced me by telling me he wouldn't mind if I used it, but he would certainly not. So I just grumbled to myself and followed him southwards out of the camp.


The weather had improved from the day before. The temperatures were still freezing, but there was no fresh snow, and the clouds seemed to get lighter in some places. It was nice not needing to worry about getting caught in a snow storm. I was tired enough as it was. I tried to lighten my mood by talking to Foulques.


„You still don't like Lord Haurchefant very much, do you?“


Foulques huffed.


„He's just a creep.“


I'd heard that before, but not about Lord Haurchefant.


„You're aware that people do say that about you as well, don't you?“


He gave me a look, but rather than showing any signs of being offended he again had that strange arrogant aura around him.


„You're talking about the people from the guild. Well, it's no surprise they're uncomfortable around me. They don't understand what real courage is, and being faced with someone who does they can't help but cower.“


I stopped short and stared at him. I didn't believe he still talked like that after what happened in the last suns.


„I don't think that's quite true, you know.“


He turned around to me, a challenge in his suddenly hard eyes. But he remained silent, so I explained to him.


„I think you're missing something important there. Of course you can't gather courage if there's nothing threatening in the first place. On that point, I agree. I'm not sure how much you know about what's going on in the guild nowadays, but what Master Ywain is trying to teach is not simply to stop being scared in the face of danger. On the contrary. Being scared is important, because the feeling tells you to be careful. I mean, you don't want to die, do you?“


Foulques' look went even darker. Not expecting an answer I continued.


„So the thing about his idea of courage is that you actually need this fear. But you have to learn not to get consumed by it, or it will render you helpless. If you're getting overwhelmed by your fear it's much more likely that you're making fatal mistakes or that you even won't be able to move anymore.“


I still had a clear image of Foulques during the fight in the Steel Vigil, eyes wide and unable to move from his spot on the ground. His eyes and jaw set told me he was thinking of the same, so I made sure not to rub it into his face any more than that.


„Likewise, if you're suppressing your fear you'd likely end up making such mistakes as well, because you'd lose sense of what you're capable of. So you have to be aware of being afraid, but still keep a clear head. And I think that's what he means when he says courage comes from resolve and composure, and that a lancer doesn't know the meaning of fear. The latter's not meant to be taken quite literally, if you ask me.“


Foulques' expression had changed not all that much, but I thought it meant something that all he did was look tense and grumpy and just walked on, staring into the endless white in front of us. I knew that was as far as I could push it now, so I moved my feet again and left him some space to think it over.




When we reached the observatory, however, I broke the silence.


„Will you wait for a couple of minutes? I'd like to say another proper goodbye to someone.“


Foulques paused, brows furrowing. He didn't look happy and pondered my question for a moment, but finally he shrugged.


„If you must. But I'm going on ahead and wait outside in the woods. I'm sick of all these people everywhere.“


So he actually was willing to wait now instead of just ditching me? That was some improvement! I smiled at him and nodded.


„I'll be quick.“


I jogged off to find Ser Alberic in one of the buildings, throwing Foulques a last glance before I entered. He was already on the way southward, his wounds still causing him to move cautiously. He did look pretty stiff, but I couldn't tell if he was uncomfortable because of the people or if it was just the cold. Kweh was waiting near the entrance of the building when I entered it, but she seemed to watch Foulques go, ruffling her feathers.


Finding Ser Alberic didn't take long. He was shuffling some papers on his desk when I entered the room.


„Ser Alberic.“


He turned around, a smile already on his face when he recognized my voice.


„Ah, Khuma'zi, I didn't expect you back here already. How are you?“


„I'm fine, thank you. I'm actually already headed back to Gridania with someone I picked up in the area. He's waiting outside.“


„Oh, why didn't you just take him inside with you?“


I smiled. That's what I liked about Ser Alberic.


„I'd have, but he didn't want to. I don't want to make him wait for too long, as he's injured, but I wanted to at least visit you before we're leaving--“


We both turned to the window when we heard raised voices and the sounds of crossed blades from outside.


„What's going on?“


Ser Alberic went to the window, brows furrowed. I stepped beside him to get a look at what happened down there and groaned. It was Foulques, pointing his lance at someone. There was already a small group of people surrounding them, trying to de-escalate the situation. Whatever did Foulques get into this time? Couldn't I let him out of my sight for even a few minutes?


„Sorry, I need to go. That's him.“


I ran down the stairs and out onto the court, passing by Kweh, who was still waiting near the entrance and watching the commotion from a safe distance. Foulques stood straight, his back to me and lance still pointing at the small group of people. I could hear the smile in his words.


„What? You're not even up to a little fight with me? And here I thought you'd actually grown some back bone when I saw you fighting those dragons.”


Dragons? When did he have the chance to... oh. The attack in the Steel Vigil.


”But I should've known. You've always been a coward, haven't you? I'm sorry, but you won't have the choice to opt out of it this time. You know the reason well, don't you?“


His opponent didn't reply, only stared at him darkly and hesitantly. Presumably a Wildwood Elezen, his slicked back hair was of a very light ashen color, and his equally light eyes had an unpleasant expression in them. My first impression of him was... not too nice, and one of my ears folded back.

The guy was holding his own lance in front of him, but it was pointing to the sky now instead of at Foulques. So this was one of the lancers that were involved in the theft a few years back? Slowly it dawned on me what had brought Foulques into these freezing lands in the first place. If he had been tracking this man... but even so, I had to stop Foulques. I reached him, grabbing his arm.


„What are you doing? Stop that!“


My voice was low, and while I was sure he'd heard me he immediately shook off my hand, not even looking at me. He took a step forward, readying his lance. The smile was still on his face.


„Get ready!“


Then he charged at the guy, and I got moving immediately. I couldn't outrun Foulques, so his opponent had to defend himself for a moment. The people around us retreated a few steps. Some were touching their weapons, but otherwise not moving. I figured they'd see if I could settle it before interfering.


Again, I grabbed Foulques by the arm, more forcefully this time and thus succeeding in interrupting him.


„Stop it!!“


He did look at me now, and his eyes were full of a wild fury. He pushed me away so forcefully that I stumbled backwards.


Get lost!


Before I could regain my balance he charged at the guy again, quickly landing a couple of hits that got him bleeding in several places. I groaned inwardly.


I ran to them, my own lance ready, and threw myself in the way of Foulques' next thrust. Evading the blade I blocked his lance with the shaft and thrust it upwards, so it couldn't harm anyone. I grabbed it and held on to it. Foulques' eyes chilled me to the bone.


„Get out of the way! That's one of the traitorous bastards from the guild!“


So my conclusion was right indeed. But still...


No! Get a grip on yourself, you idiot! You're just going to get into trouble if you keep doing this!“


Even while I threw my words at him he danced to the side and twisted the lance free from my grip. His eyes were already locked on his target again, bloodlust overflowing. He'd kill him if I didn't stop him. Out of the corner of my vision I noticed Ser Alberic standing by the door, his brows furrowed in worry. I couldn't dwell on that, though.


I kept my place between Foulques and the other lancer, concentrating on warding off all of his attacks. But instead of calming him down it only made him more furious. He suddenly looked at me, his stare burning hot. With a pang I realized he felt betrayed by my resistance. My heart sank. Completely beyond words Foulques let out a frustrated cry and attacked me full force, not holding back even a little. It was almost the same as in Alder Springs.


Only that we were surrounded by a few seasoned fighters this time, some of which probably matched his strength, or even surpassed it. But Foulques either didn't notice or he didn't care about it, because all of his attention was on me, focusing only on aiming the lance at my most vulnerable spots. I parried and evaded his attacks one after the other, but I couldn't bring myself to seriously point the lance at him for a second time. I hoped he'd give up after a while when I wouldn't engage him. At the same time, I worried about the others. It was only a matter of time until someone would decide to step in and do something about this fight, and as things were that most likely meant that Foulques would get hurt again.


„Just fight back and kill him! He's completely crazy! He doesn't deserve otherwise!!“


The voice cracked in fear. From it's position behind me I gathered that it must have been Foulques' original opponent. I ground my teeth, wanting to turn around and face him, but I couldn't afford to remove my attention from Foulques, whose attacks still came fast and strong, albeit a little sloppy due to his rage. From the way he moved I was fairly certain he paid his injury no mind at all.


In that moment, three Elezen came at Foulques from behind, and I quickly decided to let them subdue him since they hadn't drawn their weapons. Two of them grabbed an arm each and the third one put an arm around him in a choke-hold. Foulques growled when they got him and thrashed about, but from this close the lance wasn't of much use anymore. He didn't let go of it, though. He never did. One of the soldiers hit him in the stomach. Foulques gasped and would have tilted over if the guy behind him didn't hold him upright so forcefully. The sight let my heart hammer in my chest, even though I believed he hadn't gotten near his injury.


„Don't hurt him!“


Tucking away my own lance I was at Foulques' side immediately. His breath came in tiny gasps and he was squeezing his eyes shut in pain. The Elezen behind him gave me an irritated look as I grabbed his arm and tugged at it, but his voice was surprisingly calm.


„We'll deal with him, just don't get in the way.“


„No, please don't hurt him anymore. He's my friend, I'll manage this on-“


„Your friend?!“ This shriek came from the lancer behind us, but no one paid him any mind. The comment sparked some anger in me, though, and my ears flattened a bit. Otherwise my attention remained on the Elezen behind Foulques.


„I don't care if he's your friend. Apparently he needs to cool down a little, so we're giving him a good long chance to do so in a cell. Troublemakers won't be tolerated in this observatory, and you can bet your ass that this applies to you adventurers tenfold.“


Oh no. Not this.


Foulques immediately tensed up and started struggling again. The Elezen behind him nodded to one of the others to take his lance from him. He didn't succeed, having to restrain him at the same time. Still standing right in front of him I grabbed Foulques' wrists gently, but firmly. His stare burned holes in my skull and he growled like a wild animal.


„Don't touch me, you bloody traitor!“


Since he couldn't move his arms or torso anymore, he resorted to kick me away from him and the Elezen around him roughly jerked him away. He probably wouldn't have succeeded anyway, as I managed to avoid his foot on my own, but I felt my own temper flaring for a moment. That impossible idiot! Sometimes I really wanted to slap some sense into him. Glaring at him I ground my teeth and swallowed back my anger. My words still came out rather rough, even if my voice was low.


„Don't fight them anymore, you'll only make it worse. Let me take care of that. Just bear with it for now. Please.“


I grabbed his lance and tugged slightly. Foulques didn't let go, still staring down at me with seething fury, showing his teeth. He still had trouble breathing, but he didn't back down. If he kept this up he'd pass out soon.


„Please, Foulques.“


My voice was almost down to a whisper, but I couldn't clear the rough edge it still had. I carefully met his eyes and forced myself to calm down. From the look in his eyes I almost thought he'd spit on me, but I was glad he didn't. My next words finally had a softer tone to them.


„Let me keep this for now. I'll give it back to you, I promise. Try to calm down a little. That's the only thing that'll help you right now.“


The guy holding him rolled his eyes.


„Enough of that, I don't have all day. Get moving. And you, take that damn lance already.“


He wasn't talking to me, but to a guard that was standing nearby. He all but ripped the weapon from Foulques' and my grasps, but before he could take it away I again grabbed it.


„Please let me take it. I promise I won't do anything that will get anyone in trouble.“


„I'm afraid I can't do that--“


„Oldaric, please give it to him. I'll take full responsibility.“


I turned around to Ser Alberic, who interfered for the first time. He looked at the guard firmly, but still with his usual goodnaturedness. The guard, however, hesitated and made no move to give up the lance just yet. His expression was conflicted and he broke the brief eye contact with Ser Alberic. I didn't know how their positions interacted or how hierarchy exactly worked in the observatory, but Oldaric was clearly struggling to find an appropriate answer to the seemingly simple request. Or rather, he looked like he was struggling to find the appropriate words for a refusal. Ser Alberic straightened, his expression changing.


“That is an order, Oldaric.”


Ser Alberic was no giant, especially compared to an Elezen, but even I could clearly feel the force of his unleashed authority. I'd hardly ever seen him like that before, but there was a reason this guy had been an Azure Dragoon and was now training new generations of Dragoons. No one would doubt it in this instant, and Oldaric certainly didn't. He gave in after a moment, but not happily. I guessed it wasn't exactly praise he'd be earning from his superiors today, but I quietly thanked both of them. Ser Alberic nodded, but his eyes told me that he expected me to not make this a mistake on his part. I returned his gaze firmly with a nod.


When I looked back to Foulques, the three guards had him almost to the building where the cells were located. The rigidity of his movements told me he was still screaming murder inside. I'd have to talk to the guards once Foulques was completely out of earshot. I waited a couple moments more once they had taken him inside. Oldaric was about to return to whatever he'd been doing before, but I called him back.


„Just a moment, please.“


He certainly didn't look happy, but he heard me out. Maybe he was still intimidated by Ser Alberic's presence. I motioned to the building with the cells.


„Please make sure there is no possibility for him to break out of his cell. There shouldn't be anyone else with him in there in any case, or he might try to take them hostage.“


I hesitated. I didn't want to make matters worse for Foulques, but I also couldn't risk the lives of other people. I pulled myself together.


„Be extremely careful around him. I'm not sure if he's even able to do it, but he might try to kill to get out of there. I'll talk to him later, maybe I can get through to him by then. And please, don't do anything to hurt him further if it can be avoided at all. It would only make him more aggressive.“


The guard looked almost disgusted, clearly not enjoying this sort of trouble anywhere near him. But he nodded curtly to my words before he took off.


„I'll let them know.“


I sighed. That was not what I wanted to deal with, myself. We could've been well on our way back home already.


„So that was your friend, yes?“


Ser Alberic sounded a little doubtful and a little worried. I couldn't blame him.


„He is. I know it didn't look like that.“


That reminded me. I looked around to find the lancer that had been involved in Foulques' betrayal all those years ago, but couldn't find him. He probably had gotten out of there as soon as he was certain Foulques was being safely arrested. I turned back to Ser Alberic.


„He met someone who betrayed him pretty bad in the past, and it completely tipped him off. I'm already trying to get him back on a more reasonable path, but I guess this will take a lot of time.“


Ser Alberic nodded contemplatively.


„Such things do take time indeed, and I do wish you luck with it. We'd appreciate it if he wouldn't cause any more trouble, though.“


„I'll try. Actually, I was planning to talk to the guy he was attacking, but he already disappeared. Do you know him, by any chance?“


To my relief, Ser Alberic nodded.


„I've seen him take part in practice around here, but not very often. His name is Cillien, I believe. You could try talking to the other lancers, they might know where he went.“


Again, I thanked him, and took off to look for this Cillien.



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