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BNHA – Even the Number One needs Emotional Support

Bakugou's Service Dog


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A Lost Bunny

(Bakugou's View)

After arriving back at the Dorms i went to my room and once again hated this entire Dorm System. Living in such a Closed Space together with your Classmates and having literally no comfort anywhere because of the stupid „No Pets“ Policy was Hell. And because of the Fact that i was way too prideful. Nobody would actually think that he would know that it's a massive Problem. But i guess that's the „Advantage“ of having so many fucking Problems. You know exactly that you have a massive Problem. But it doesn't matter how much you try to change it. You can't just flip a switch and change yourself. That's sadly not how it works. And even if you try to change yourself it doesn't really matter. You destroyed People's Lives. They're not ready to give you a Second Chance. I don't think they will ever. At the start it was only Deku. It hurt but i knew he would never forgive me for what did to him all these years. Now the List is so much longer. That's what i get for being weak i guess. And people thought that the Longterm Downside of my Quirk wouldn't be a Problem. Fucking Idiots. The Only Reason i was even captured was because i couldn't hear the shitty marble guy. But then again Birdboy didn't hear him either. „Bakugou? Wanna play on the Console?“ asked Shitty Hair and sticked his Head in the Room. „Sure why not.“ i answered. „Cool.“ he responded and we went in the Common Room. The others were coming down one after he other. But when i saw Rockhead with a Bunny i was surprised. „I thought Animal are forbidden in the Dorms.“ i asked and the timid Boy looked up from his Pet. He signed 'That's different.'. „He says it's different.“ Earphone Girl translated. And i signed 'How is it different?'. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me surprise. „You know Signlanguage Bakugou?“ answered Earphone Girl surprise. „Yes. So again Rockhead, how is it different?“ i answered. 'Clover is a Emotional Support Animal and not just a Pet. So he is allowed in the Dorms.' he singned. „Wait what? Support Animals are actually allowed?“ i asked surprised. „Hey that means you can get Firecracker and he can live here.“ responded Deku. „Who the hell is Firecracker?“ Pikachu asked. „Oh he is Kacchan's Service Dog.“ Deku answered before i had a chance to shut him up. Now everyone else was looking at me surprised. „You need a Service Dog? What for exactly?“ asked Ponytail. „None of your business.“ i answered harshly. „His Quirk has major effects on his hearing.“ Deku answered instead. „Deku stop telling them all of that.“ i told him. „Well you were never going to tell them Kacchan.“ he answered. „Haven't you been training him for PTSD too since like a Year?“ he threw in the Question. Now everyone seemed worried. „Why PTSD? What happend?“ asked Glasses concerned. „Eh hello the Sludge Villain.“ i answered this time knowing if i wouldn't Deku would. „What about that exactly was traumatizing?“ asked Frog Girl. „Oh i don't know. Maybe because it was a near death Experience. That fucker almost choked me to death.“ i answered irritated. After that everyone was silent. „And don't forget the most recent event where i was kidnapped. Sure they didn't really do anything to me but alot happend and they used triggers that were created through the whole Sludge Villain Incident.“ i responded. „What exactly are your triggers? We don't wanna accidently trigger you.“ Glasses asked and pulled out a Little College Blog. I knew i had to tell them or it would end unpleasent. I sighed and answered: „Small Spaces mostly. Or what you call a „Surprise Hug“. Don't do those or i could accidently burn your Face. There is also the chance of Darkness triggering something. I think those are all.“ Glasses wrote everything down. „Why the Dark?“ asked Frog Girl. „Oh i don't know maybe because of the F*cking Portal i was dragged through after being already triggered because i was trapped in one of those f*cking marbels. Also don't grab my Neck. I forgot to mention that one.“ Glasses also wrote that one down. „Tomorrow we can go ask Mr. Aizawa for the fitting Form so you're allowed to bring your Service Animal here. But now it's way too late for that.“ Glasses said. My View traveled to the Clock. It was already 9 am. No wonder i was so f*cking tired. It's half an hour after my normal bed time. „You're right. I'm going to bed. Night.“ i said and went back to my room. I was feeling a bit better after telling the others about this. After Showering and changing to my Sleep Clothing i put my Gloves on and went to bed. After a few minutes i slipped into sleep.

A Helping Hand

(Bakugou's View)

„Do you really think you can become a Hero?“ Glasses asked. „How could you help People if you can't even help yourself? If you can't even get over so simple stuff?“ he asked mockingly. „stop.“ i winced. „So much trauma. Why even? You have a perfect Live. Perfect Parents. People praise you. And you have the audacity to even feel bad in any way.“ chimed a new Voice through the Darkness. It was Kirishima. „What a Coward you are. Being scared of the most simple stuff. Pathetic.“ Kirishima grinned with Pity in his Eyes. „please stop.“ „You're Pathetic Kacchan. You let everyone suffer because of your Mistakes. We all have to suffer because you can't deal with your own Feelings. I had to go trough hell because you didn't know how to deal with your Anger. All the People who have to suffer because of you. Best Jeanist is in Recovery and almost died because of you. And All Might lost his Powers because you were too weak to defend yourself.“ „...“ „Nothing to say anymore?“ „...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.“ the dam broke down. The Darkness was filled with Sobs. My Vision was filled with Tears. My Heart felt like somebody had stabbed me and was spinning the Knife in the wound. „I'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry...“ i couldn't stop apologizing. The Pain became worse and worse and i desperately tried to stop the Tears but it made it only worse. I broke down completely. I was like i was drowning in all this Pain. When all of a sudden everything started shaking.

I teared open my eyes. Panic spread trough my entire body and i broke down. The Pain was back. My Breathing became hectic and i started trembling. I didn't even realized when i started screaming and someone broke trough my door. I only realized the persons presence when they grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. I tried to fight back against the person but i didn't have the Energy to fight against them. I relaxed, stopped screaming and returned the hug. Grabbing the Persons back and clawing my hand in his back i started to break completely. I didn't even realize that i started to mumble apologies again. „Kacchan!“ A Voice cut trough the chaotic atmosphere. „Everything is okay Kacchan.“ „D-D-eku?“ was the only think i could bring out. „Yeah. Everything is going to be fine Kacchan.“ Another Pair of Arms joined the Embrace. „Why?“ i was asking with trembling voice. Deku just stared confused. „Why are you helping me? I made your Life a living Hell. You should hate me. Not trying to comfort me.“ the guilt was taking over and i wasn't thinking clearly anymore. „Because you're like a Brother to me Kacchan. And even Family fights sometimes. It's fine.“ Deku answered. I was speechless. I couldn't say anything to that. I bullied him for Years and he said it's fine? What the Fuck is going on? Then it hit me. Of course he would forgive me. It's Izuku. Why can't i understand it? Because he's a better Person then i'm. So much better. The People who talked about me behind my back were right. Everything would be better if he would have been the one with the Quirk and not me. My Mother was right. I'm just a worthless Narcassistic Brat who ruins peoples lives. That's it. Stop throwing your Problems at other people. Jesus Christ Katsuki, GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER AND STOP BEING PATHETIC!!! „Bakugou?“ I looked up. The person in whose embrace i was caught was Kirishima. „Are you feeling better?“ he asked while giving me back some space. Then i realized that Aizawa was standing in the Door. I just nodded and tried to rub away the tears from my face. But the tears welled up again and ran down my cheeks. Again i was pulled into a Hug. I realized it was Aizawa. I buried my Face in his Shirt and returned the hug and i felt someone gently stroking trough my hair (Like petting someone. Sorry if i wrote it wrong). Slowly i was calming down and the exhaustion was taking over my body. My view fell on my gloves. I had burned a giant hole in each of them. But thanks to them i hadn't accidently hurt anyone again. Relief crushed into me and the exhaustion was too strong. My Eye fell closed and i slipt back into sleep.

(Deku's View)

Kacchan had finally calmed down and relaxed in Aizawa's Embrace. His Breathing slowed down. „Did he fall asleep?“ i asked concerned.

Mr. Aizawa pushed him lightly away to see his face. „Yeah. He's back to sleep.“ he answered. Relief echoing trough his Voice. Then he sighed. „You two should go back to bed.“ he told us. „Are you kidding me?“ asked Kirishima almost sounding offended. „My Best Friend just had a freaking Night Terror and you telling me to go back to bed?“ „I will take care of him. You can both go back to bed.“ answered Aizawa. I wouldn't want to leave Kacchan alone either but knowing that Aizawa would be here to protect Kacchan from himself and Nightmares i could go back to bed reassured. „You stay with him here?“ Kirishima asked to be certain. „Yes.“ anwered Aizawa. After a few moments Kirishima just sighed and stood up from the Bed. „Fine.“ he breathed out. Only now my View fell on Kacchan's Hands. He was wearing Anti-Quirk Gloves. Like when he did when he was a Kid when he hadn't yet had full control of his Quirk. His Explosions must have been alot stronger for him to actually burn the material. „Wait a moment.“ i said and exited the Room. All our Classmates (besides Mineta) were either standing or sitting in the Hall. They had also been attracted from the Explosion and Screams that been coming from Kacchan's Room. Surprisingly Todoroki was one of the first People to jump up immediately and ask „Is Bakugou okay?“ He seems extremly worried just like the Rest of the „Baku-Squad“. „Yeah at least he is now. He's back to sleep. But his Anti-Quirk Gloves got destroyed. So Yaoyoruzu i wanted to ask if you could maybe make him some new Gloves? Aizawa will stay with Kacchan but he shouldn't accidently set off an Explosion in Mr. Aizawa's Face.“ i answered. „Sure.“ she answered shortly and created two Black Anti-Quirk Gloves for Kacchan. „Thanks.“ i thanked her and went back into the Room. I went up to Kacchan and pulled the burned Gloves of his Hands. After that i put the new and undamaged Gloves on his Arms. The burned Gloves were immediately thrown into the Trash Can. „Take good care of Kacchan for us okay Mr. Aizawa.“ „Sure. Now you all go back to bed.“ After that me and Kirishima leave the Room. But everbody immediately jumps up now and started Questioning the Situation. „What happend?“ was the most asked Question. „Guys. Shhhhh.“ i whispered and they immediately stopped talking loudly. „Bakugou had a Nightterror.“ answered Kirishima. „He's back to sleep now but Aizawa is gonna take care of him for the night.“ i explained. „Good. Let's hope he's feeling better tomorrow.“

(Aizawa's View)

After the Two Others had left the Room i layed the Boy back into his Bed and pulled the Covers over him. One look at his Face told me that he fell back asleep because of Exhaustion. The Tears left a mark on his Face.

Who would have thought that someone like Bakugou would have a Mental Breakdown this badly? Normally i would have gone back to my Room but this Breakdown was worse then just a Normal Nightmare. Whatever he had dreamed it had a massive effect on him. So much that he burned the Anti-Quirk Gloves that were over his Hands and had started screaming. I should have noticed eralier how much the recent events had effected him. While he lives in the Dorms i'm his Guardian. I have to take care of this. Suddenly i heard someone knock on the door. „Yes?“ i answered and Iida entered the Room. Quietly he closed the Door behind him. „Mr. Aizawa i wanted to talk to you.“ he started. „Can that wait until tomorrow? I have to take care of Bakugou.“ i answered. „It's about Bakugou.“ he responded. „Okay?“ „Earlier when we were in the Lobby Bakugou was roped up in a Discussion about Koda's Emotional Support Animal. As it turns out Bakugou owns a Service Dog. I actually thought about going to you tomorrow with him to ask for the Paperwork so his Service Animal is allowed to live in the Dorms. But after what happend i thought you should know it now.“ Iida explained. The Kid has a Service Animal and left it at Home? What the Hell was he thinking? He probaby didn't want any Extra Favors even thought it would effect him in his Life. That's the kind of person he was. Over these few months i got to know the kid better. My First Impression was pretty negative. But something about him caught my interest. I couldn't explain it. After a Visit home finally understand why. He reminded me too much of myself. His Homelife is littered with Abuse and Negelect as much as a Minefield was littered with Mines. Bakugou's Attitute and Behaviour made so much more sense after that visit. Insecurities and Fear hidden behind a massive Walls of Anger. It's only an Act. To Protect himself. From the People around him. I'm not even sure if i want to know what he went through. The People around him thought he had a perfect Life. But nobody has that. Everyone has tragedy in their life and we all have to deal with it. But this Boy grew up in a damaging environment and thanks to that he has no idea how to deal with his Emotions in a Healthy Way. I stood up and took the Elevator to my Room. It took one my Blankets and went back to Bakugou's Room. After sitting down in the cushioned Chair i wrapped the Blanket around me. Bakugou seemed to be sleeping relatively calm. I didn't know what came over me when i started stroking trough his Hair. Since the Year i had noticed a difference. Most of the Students i had before were nothing like these. The Class this Year was so different that i couldn't help it. They all started to grew on me. I became protective over them. I took place in the Chair again and made myself comfortable. After that i fell asleep.

Nachwort zu diesem Kapitel:
Hope you like it. Please don't be too critical with the Grammar. This is the First Story i wrote in English. It's not my Mother Language but i tried. I will also upload this Story on Archive of our own after i got an Invite. Komplett anzeigen


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