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The Curse of the Brand



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Dawn Awakens

Lightly, she stepped into the entrance hall of the tower. Nothing had changed here...

This brings back memories.

"Welcome home."

Lehran stepped out from behind a pillar, his black wings folded on his back. Ashunera smiled at him, brushing a strand of her red hair out of her face.

"Could it be that you were here all this time?"

"Alas, no, I am sorry to say. But for several days, I've somehow felt you would soon return."

"Well, I'm home. And I'm glad to see you again, Lehran."

"And I'm glad to see you as well, Goddess Ashunera."

"How long has it been? A hundred years? Five hundred?"

"About twelve hundred years."

"That is a long time."

"Yes. The peace we once had is on the verge of crumbling again."

"That is unfortunate. The miasma of war is beginning to shroud the world. However, I shall not be frightened again. As one born of the hopes of many, I will protect this world."

"Yes. And we will help you."

"I have been watching for a while – you have to introduce me to your current wife. And bring your children as well."

"What, all of them?"

"Yes. Houses Serenes, Begnion, Daein and Idras, was it? I would like to meet them all. Your families..."

"I shall arrange for a meeting as soon as possible."

"Wonderful. Lehran, I've missed your songs. Would you sing for me now?"

He closed his eyes.

"I – I no longer..."

"Well, then I will sing. And you may sing with me. Is that all right?"


Ashunera smiled. Together, they started to sing. Their voices echoed through the vast rooms of the tower.

Suddenly, they were joined by a third voice – one with power. A young woman with golden hair, brown eyes and gray wings entered the tower. Noticing the look on her and Lehran's face, Ashunera immediately guessed who she was. Maian inclined her head and came over to join them. Ashunera reached out and took one of her hands, enjoying the company of one of the new race. As they continued to sing, the sky outside grew lighter and lighter, a rich red colour spreading all over it. Soon, the sun would come up to greet a new morning – a morning of hope. Dawn was awakening.


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