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The Curse of the Brand



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A new World

Twittering cheerfully, the little orange bird soared across the land, over the snowy plains of Daein. The former battlefield.

As she passed over the motionless statues, golden sparks burst from her body, drifting towards the ground like snowflakes. Whenever they touched onto a petrified person, golden light would spread across the body, turning stone back into flesh.

A daein soldier staggered, gripped his spear more tightly and looked around for his companions. Then he noticed the tiger right in front of him who was just starting to move.

The soldier pointed his lance at the enemy and saw another golden light erupt, but this time from inside the beast. Within seconds the gigantic tiger had transformed into a man who was now busy stretching his arms.

The daein soldiers relaxed a little, uneasy as how to react to this non-aggressive behaviour.

The tiger lowered his arms and took in his surroundings, his eyes finally settling on the soldier right in front of him. He was at least half a head taller than any beorc around him.

The soldier again pointed his lance at the enemy, his companions preparing for battle as well. The tiger tilted his head to one side, as if he was wondering whether they were really worth the trouble. Seconds seemed to last forever, while the tiger still hadn't moved. And then, suddenly, the corners of his mouth pulled up in a smile – a friendly one.

The beorc couldn't help it, he had to relax now. Nodding at his companions, he dropped his lance into the snow. Around him, the others did the same, while the tiger resumed his stretching exercises.

The tiny bird continued her journey towards Begnion, Crimea, Gallia, Goldoa and all the other countries. When her final task was completed, she turned away from the earth and headed right into the bright, radiating sun of the new day, until she was but a tiny black dot against the light...


Lehran was rather quiet as they climbed down the tower, just listening to the con­versations of the others. For the first time in centuries, he felt old. Now, with Deghinsea and the goddesses gone, he was the oldest living being left in this world.

After the battle, Nala had demanded her lady back. Lehran had handed her over quietly, knowing that it would be unwise to egg the dragon on.

Micaiah and Sothe were walking just in front of him, holding hands. Their mutual feelings had been obvious to everyone.

Lehran could feel Sanaki coming up from behind, the next moment she overtook him.

"Wait, Micaiah! You're my sister, aren't you? It all makes sense – the voice of the Goddess Yune, the Galdr of Release..."

Micaiah stopped to turn around. Two pairs of yellow eyes looked solemnly into one another.

"Yes. I am descended from Altina and Lehran – I finally realized the truth."

"In that case, my sister, please consider staying in Begnion. With your powers, you could do so much good here..."

"I'm sorry, but as the Queen of Daein, I need to return home. Even if I am related to the royal family of Begnion, Daein will always be my country, Nevassa my home­town. Besides, Begnion already has you, empress. You don't need me, I'm sure of it. You have Maian. She's even better than me..."

"But she isn't my sister", Sanaki replied quietly.

Micaiah's glance softened.

"I understand. Well, there is no reason why we couldn't stay here a while – I will simply delegate my duties for the time being. Lord Pelleas!"

"Yes, Queen Micaiah?"

"I hereby give you the authority to govern Daein until I return. Use all our money and resources for the reconstruction of our beloved country. You may use the army only if necessary – I really doubt any other nation would attack us any time soon. General Tauroneo will assist you."

"I understand."

Pelleas bowed slightly.

"In the meantime, I will help you, Sanaki."

"Thank you! I'm so glad to hear that! Sister!"

"But I also have a request to make. Would you sign a treaty of alliance and declare that Daein and Begnion are equals? Crimea as well."

"Of course I'll do that. I doubt Queen Elincia has any objections."

"No, none at all", Elincia replied.

"Good. Well, we have a lot of work ahead of us...", Sanaki muttered. "And a lot of decisions to make."

Lehran knew she was thinking about him. Sanaki had not yet decided what kind of punishment she would deal on him for the crimes he had committed, so he'd better seize his chance to talk to Micaiah – it might well be his last one.

"Micaiah, let me take a look at your hand. Please."

Micaiah slowly raised her hand and held it out to him. Ever since Yune had dropped her glove, she hadn't been wearing it.

Lehran carefully took her hand in his. Her fingers were exactly like his, like Maian's.

"This mark... it's exactly the same – just like my daughter's. And Misaha's."

He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. Micaiah was overwhelmed by his emoti­ons, though she was able to hide it well.

"Ah, my apologies", Lehran said, releasing her. "I did mention already that I am overly sensitive."

"No, it's fine. I understand..."

Lehran closed his eyes and tried to calm down again. He was very well aware of the fact that his other children could sense his emotions as well, and he still wasn't exactly sure how they would react to that.

"Tell me, how did you find out about me?", Micaiah asked.

"Well, that is a long story... I didn't know at first. Of course, we had heard the rumours about a young girl who possessed miraculous powers... who won every battle she engaged in... I recognized the symptoms, of course. My first guess was that she had to be heron-blooded – but why would a heron-blooded hybrid live in Daein? Begnion, yes. Gallia would be another possibility, since it is close to Sere­nes Forest. But Daein? That was strange. Too far away.

At first, it was just a random thought. A hope, a desire. But there were more ru­mours every day, about how people were drawn towards her... I learned much from the reports Izuka sent to Lekain. Eventually, when I realized that Duke Numida would do anything to get that girl out of his way, I decided to send Zelgius to investi­gate the matter. He immediately confirmed my suspicions, recognizing the similari­ties between you and Maian. He had known Misaha, and he noticed similarities between you two as well. Your eyes, for example. Altina's eyes. I ordered Zelgius to protect you at all costs, while gathering more information. After the Daein Liberation War, I summoned him back to Sienne to hear his report.

Of course, I could not be certain yet. The eyes could be mere coincidence, and who knows how many heron-blooded people might be out there. Seeing your brand would have been sufficient evidence, but you always kept it carefully hidden... So I had to wait.

When you were drawn into the Great War, I sent Zelgius to your aid again. He had to leave often, however, or the begnion soldiers might have noticed his absence. After your battle at the Ribahn, Zelgius was unable to return to your side, because Valtome, who did no trust him, watched him closely. Besides, Zelgius felt he had to try and keep Valtome in check. For a long time, I heard no news about you – not that Zelgius could have delivered them easily, since I had been imprisoned."

"Was it bad?", Micaiah asked.

"Not as such. Boring, mostly. I was used to working most of the time, and suddenly I had nothing to do. But I was worried – about you, and about Sanaki. And Maian of course. I knew of the senate's plot to kill her and I had no idea whether she would be able to escape that death trap.

And then – the confirmation. The Galdr of Release. There was no doubt about who you were any more. Does this satisfy you?"

"Yes, it does... for now. I might come across some more questions later..."

"Feel free to ask me anything you like. I will answer to the best of my ability."

"Oh, there is one more thing. You believed me dead – how came I ended up in Ne­vassa, of all places?"

"I do not know. I investigated, of course, for I would have loved to punish those responsible, but I could not track them down. You could have been kidnapped and abandoned afterwards, or someone rescued you, or you were take away by someone loyal to Misaha... We will never know."

"I see... the woman who raised me only told me that she had found me in the streets of Nevassa, as a very small child... What about my parents?"

"Both of them have died a long time ago... your father even before Sanaki was born, and your mother shortly after that. Both of them could not cope with the pain – the pain of losing mother and daughter the same day. Not even the prospect of having another child could hold them in this world... You still have two uncles, though. Takeo and Kenji. Your father was the middle brother, the others never mar­ried. I believe there might be some of your mother's relatives around, but I do not know them."

"I... have two uncles..."

"Yes, they're really nice", Sanaki replied. "They, too, suffered a lot... but I think they'll be glad to see you."

They had reached the exit by now and walked out into the streets of Sienne. Surpri­sed, they noticed that dusk had come. They had stayed inside the tower for a whole day – well, Lehran had been there longer.

There were no statues left. A few people were still outside, stopping abruptly when they noticed the strange mixture of different races.

"Ooohh, it sure feels good to be outside again", Tibarn said, stretching his wings. "The air smells nice, too."

"Yes, I agree. It was a little bit too clean for my taste", Naesala added.

The people gathered around, whispering and murmuring to each other. Sanaki used their attention to hold a little speech.

"Everyone, thank you most sincerely for your help. And I wish to repeat that I am terribly sorry for the crimes my underlings committed. I do hope we all will be able to start over again."

"Sure thing", Tibarn replied. "We don't blame you for what those crazy senators did."

The others agreed on that.

"Thank you. Please feel free to stay in Sienne as long as you want."

"Thanks for the offer, empress, but we'll be leaving", Tibarn replied. "The bird tribes will move into Serenes Forest, so we have a lot of work to do. I need to check on my people, too. They're in Gallia right now."

"I see. Well then, I wish you safe travels. And I hope we will meet again soon."

"Feel free to come and visit any time you want, Sanaki."

The others decided to stay for a few days, but each ruler would send a messenger home to explain what had happened.

A hand lightly touched Lehran's shoulder. It was Rafiel.

"Why don't you come with us? We might be able to help you – ease your pain."

"Yes, good idea. A change of scenery might do you good, too. Serenes Forest is beautiful in spring", Reyson added.

"You – would have me?"

"Of course. You're our ancestor, after all. How many people had a chance like this? Besides, I think father will be delighted."

Lehran threw a quick glance at Naesala and Tibarn. Both of them shrugged.

"I won't talk back to Reyson", Tibarn announced. "The boy usually has his way. And Leanne is even worse. Try to refuse her anything... you won't be able to do it."

Sanaki made no comment on his travelling plans and Lehran could see that he wasn't her biggest concern right now. Besides, she knew he couldn't run away from her.

The birds shifted, except for Rafiel, who put in his wings and climbed onto Tibarn's gigantic back. Lehran had already discovered from other minds that he had lost the ability to fly.

"Should we carry you, too?", Tibarn asked.

Lehran smiled crookedly.

"No, thank you. I will be fine. I may be old, but not weak."

He could hear surprised cries coming from the audience when he spread his wings. Lehran ignored them and they took off.

It had been a long time since he had been able to fly freely. Lehran enjoyed the feeling of the wind and the sensation of freedom.

A terrible scream made them all whirl around and look for its source.

"It came from over there!", Ulki said.

"Mainal Cathedral is that way", Lehran replied. "That is where the others were headed."

"That was a woman's scream", Ulki muttered.

"Thanks, mate, we know that", Janaff replied.

There was a blinding flash of light as a gigantic pillar shot into the air. Lehran felt all colour draining from his face.

"Oh no... I think I know who is causing this."

His worst fears were confirmed when one of Maian's ravens came racing in their direction.

"Thank goodness you're still here! You must come, quickly!"

"What happened?", Tibarn asked, as they followed him.

"It's Senator Maian... she woke up and – it seems that she only now realized what happened inside the tower – or what it meant, at least. I trust you heard her scream? And then she let her magic loose – she's completely out of control. Em­press Sanaki and Queen Micaiah tried to stop her and she knocked them down..."

Lehran gasped. "The situation must be grave indeed, if she goes that far..."

"There's more. She even attacked civilians – not realizing what she was doing, of course. She's gone mad – mad with grief." He gave Lehran a dirty look. "And it's all your fault."

"Just get to the point", Tibarn ordered. "What do you want us to do?"

"Well, King Tibarn, you won't be able to do much of anything", the raven replied. "You can't use galdrar, after all."

"You want us to calm her", Reyson said.

"Yes, please. At this rate, she's bound to get someone killed – herself, most likely, since the other magicians are busy shielding everybody else."

They had reached the plaza in front of the cathedral by now. Maian stood there, surrounded by the magicians. Her whole body was glowing and magic erupted in waves, blasts and rays. It was obvious that she was neither aiming at anyone, nor controlling herself. And then she started screaming again.

It was somehow frightening, seeing how strong his apprentice had grown.

If she and Micaiah had joined the other mages during our battle, I would have been unable to hold my own – they would have won.

From Soren's mind he had discovered that the three of them had killed Deghinsea. And he had also found out what his friend had kept from him for over seven cen­turies.

Sanaki noticed them and looked up.

"Please! You have to help her!"

"Of course, Sanaki", Rafiel replied.

The siblings exchanged a glance and started to sing. Lehran held his breath, wai­ting for the galdr to take effect, but nothing happened.

"She's fighting them – she doesn't want to be calmed", Micaiah whispered.

"Maian, please! You have to calm down!", Sanaki begged.

Maian's head turned a tiny little bit. The light vanished just like the light of a candle that was extinguished. Maian collapsed.

Leanne staggered and her brothers had to steady her. Micaiah and Sanaki bent over Maian.

"She's asleep", Micaiah announced.

"What a relief", her sister replied. "Take her to the cathedral. It's closer than Idras Manor, besides, I think it would be better if Duchess Liane wasn't to see that..."

"I agree, Your Majesty", Nala said, sweeping Maian into her arms. "She'd just get totally worked up – we'd better wait until Lady Maian's feeling better."

"I stay here", Leanne said. "Help you caring for dear Maian. Poor Maian..."

"Don't worry, Reyson", Naesala said, noticing Reyson's expression. "I'll stay too and look after her."

"Thanks, Naesala."

"Good, change of plans then", Tibarn said. "Janaff, you head for Kilvas to give the ravens an update. Ulki, you go to Gallia. I'll stay in the forest along with the herons."


Naesala pulled a ring off his finger and handed it to Janaff.

"Here, take this – to prove you're acting under my orders as well. Just don't you dare losing it – or I'll rip your head off."

"Sure thing, King Naesala. Don't you worry."

"We should be leaving", Tibarn said. "Or else we'd have to fly by night. I wouldn't like that. Even if we have someone who could light the way."

Lehran smiled weakly. "I, too, would prefer it if we reached our destination soon. It was a long day, after all."

They took off again, this time for good. Soon, the lights of Sienne disappeared in the distance. For the first time in over seven hundred years, Lehran was going home.


"Here are the contracts. Please, read them carefully before signing them. Those are the first ones I did all by myself and I'm not sure whether there might be some mistakes in there."

All the rulers had gathered in Sanaki's study the following morning. The two con­tracts and a copy each were lying on Sanaki's desk.

"I know you wouldn't cheat us, sister", Micaiah said, smiling, while she took her contract.

Both she and Elincia couldn't find anything wrong with the documents and the three beorc rulers signed them.

"Well, that settles that", Elincia said. "By the way, how is Lady Maian?"

"She has not yet woken", Sanaki replied. "Her guards are watching over her, they will inform me, should anything happen."

"But she'll be better soon?", Tibarn asked.

Everyone looked expectantly at Leanne.

"I don't know", the princess replied (Micaiah was translating). "Yesterday, her condi­tion was very poor, we'll have to see how things work out."

"Oh. I see."

Sanaki put the two copies into a drawer. Earlier that morning, one of Kurthnaga's men had reported to her. Duchess Liane and Lord Giffca had done a good job, there had been a considerable amount of food in town. Not enough for everyone, of course, but the most important thing was that they could tell the people what was going on and prevent a panic.

"You need to get in full control of the army as soon as possible", Ike had advised. "You'll need your soldiers in order to regain complete control of your country."

Sanaki currently used the mixed army to restore order in town, the other rulers had agreed to help her in any way possible.

The doors were thrust open and two men came hurrying in. Both of them were clad in elegant, elaborate clothes.

"Sanaki!", the taller one exclaimed. "We just received the good news that you have returned safely!"

"Uncle Takeo, uncle Kenji! You never were among the early risers, were you? I arrived two days ago, in the evening."

"Yes, but until yesterday, we were statues", Kenji pointed out.

"General Sigrun already told us most of what happened", Takeo continued. "She also said that you had a surprise for us..."

"Ah, yes. Micaiah, these are Takeo and Kenji, Misaha's sons. Takeo, Kenji, this is Micaiah, Queen of Daein – my older sister."

Kenji and Takeo stared at them, lost for words. Micaiah moved uneasily.

"Looks like they aren't too happy", she muttered. "Perhaps you should've waited with that..."

"No, they're just surprised. I hope", Sanaki replied.

Her uncles managed to regain their composure.

"My apologies", Kenji said to Micaiah. "That must have seemed rude... We are surprised, actually. We did not believe that you could be alive after all those years... You look very much like our mother. There is no doubt about who you are."

Takeo nodded in agreement.

Micaiah smiled at them with open relief. Next to her, Sothe relaxed.

Tlia came running in – in her cat form – and almost knocked Kenji over. She skidded to a halt in front of them and reverted.

"Emergency – report", she panted. "She's – just woken up – it's worse than – yesterday, if you ask – me. She didn't start flashing yet, but – the commander fears it's only a matter of time. She – started screaming again... and we can't clam her."

Leanne nodded. "I'm coming."

"Wait, I'll go, too!", Micaiah offered. "You could teach me how to use galdrar, couldn't you? I could help you."

"Of course. Let's go!"

"Wait, you two!", Naesala called. "It'll take you ages to get there walking. Why not fly?"

"King Naesala, I don't have any wings", Micaiah pointed out.

"I don't think you'll be much heavier than your sister. Climb onto my back, I'll carry you up there. Leanne, get out."

While Micaiah did as he said, Leanne opened the window and jumped out. Tlia left using the door, shifting into her beast form again.

"Excuse me", Sanaki said, heading towards the door herself. "I need to check on my mother."


"Are you certain?", Almedha asked.

"Yes, very", Pelleas replied. "What do you think, Queen Micaiah?"

"I agree. It's very likely. But we should probably talk to him..."

"Where is he?", Almedha asked.

"He was headed in the direction of the yard, where the magicians are practising."

"Will you come with me?"

"Of course."

"Princess Almedha, before I leave, I wanted to tell you that I greatly enjoyed having a mother", Pelleas said. "Even if it turned out that we aren't related... Thank you."

Pelleas bowed and left. Puzzled, Almedha looked after him.

Micaiah and Almedha made their way toward the yard. Several magicians were throwing magic at one another, trying to beat the others.

A single sage stood near the wall, his arms crossed, watching them with a frown on his face. Almedha stopped dead, while feeling her courage falter.

"I – I don't think this is a good idea", she whispered. "He doesn't like the laguz... What if he rejects me?"

"Princess Almedha, you won't know until you try", Micaiah scolded. "So come on! Besides, he isn't that bad. I'll help you."

Slowly, Almedha followed the young queen over to where the sage stood.

"Hello, Soren!", Micaiah said pleasantly. "What are you doing here?"

Soren turned to face them, uncrossing his arms.

"I thought it might be interesting to watch them practising, but – this is disappoin­ting. They don't know a thing about magic..."

"Well, you can't expect everyone to be as strong as you are."

"I'm not. But they could use their heads a little. You don't need strength for that. Anyway, you needed something of me?"

"Yes, actually. Lord Pelleas believes he found out who the true prince of Daein is."

"Really? Interesting. So, what does he think?", Soren asked calmly, glancing at Al­medha.

She took this as an invitation to join their conversation.

"He thinks that it is you, Soren."

"M-me? Are you certain? The last boy you thought was your son turned out to be a nobody."

"Yes, I'm rather sure of it", Micaiah replied. "We've already discussed it."

"Both Queen Micaiah and Senator Maian confirmed that you are a hybrid, you are the right age... and Pelleas told me that your marks resemble each other very strongly. Might I – might I see yours?"

"Ah – sure."

Carefully, Almedha brushed a few strands of his hair out of his face so she could see the mark clearly. Soren didn't move.

"Yes... it is almost the same as Pelleas'. How long have you got it?"

"Ever since I can remember", he answered at once.

"My son received the Brand few days after he was born... and the colour of your hair is the same as my father's."

"He was bald", Soren replied.

"Yes, but he had a moustache", Micaiah pointed out.

"And he used to have more hair when he was younger."

"So you mean to say that I'm the prince of Daein – and Goldoa?"


Soren's face darkened. Almedha took a step backwards.

"See? I told you!"

Soren instantly realised what she meant.

"It's not because of you. I don't mind you – or Kurthnaga. It's Ashnard I can't accept as a member of my family... Being his son isn't something you could be proud of. I wonder how Ike will react to this..."

"Do you think he would mind?", Micaiah asked.

"I don't know... He didn't mind me being a hybrid, but Ashnard is the reason his parents had to die..."

"I don't think he'll blame you for that. Ike doesn't strike me as that kind of person. But – since you're Ashnard's son, you could lay claim to the throne of Daein, you know."

"I'm aware of that fact. But don't worry, I won't do that. I have no intentions of becoming a king or ruling a country. The life I live suits me well."

"I see. That's alright, then."

Soren nodded curtly. "Please excuse me."

He left without another word. Almedha sighed.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine", Micaiah assured her. "He just needs some time to get used to this..."


Smiling to himself, Lorazieh slowly walked through the streets of his hometown. Over two weeks had passed since he had been woken by his sons to see that the forest was back to what it used to be before the Serenes Massacre.

The hawks and ravens had moved into the forest as well and they were still busy rebuilding the town. Tibarn, Rafiel and Reyson had told Lorazieh what he had missed during his long sleep – that was a lot. But the most surprising thing had been when they had introduced him to his ancestor, Lehran. Even though the Great Heron had no doubt committed several crimes, Lorazieh couldn't help feeling sorry for him. Lehran was a very sad person.

Rafiel and Reyson seemed to feel the same way, for they had spent most of their time caring for their ancestor. After he had taken his time to come to grips with everything, Lorazieh had started helping as well.

A hawk alighted in front of the heron king.

"King Lorazieh, we just received a report that Princess Leanne and King Naesala are headed this way, along with a group of begnion soldiers!"

Lorazieh thanked the man and hurried towards the main plaza, where they were most likely to arrive. Tibarn, Reyson and Rafiel were already there.

"Look, it's Senator Maian's guard!", Reyson exclaimed when he spotted the laguz among the beorc.

"That means she must be feeling better", Tibarn replied. "Her guards would never leave her side."

Naesala was easy to spot, he was by far the biggest raven in the group. But Lora­zieh had only eyes for the two girls riding the pegasus.

Both of them had long golden hair and very pale skin, and none of them had wings – Lorazieh suspected that they had put them in during the flight. But there was a difference between them – the girl in front had brown eyes and something about her felt strange.

The green-eyed girl tried to climb off the pegasus. The other one caught her arm.

"Careful, princess, or you will only end up breaking something. Nala, help her."

The dragon woman stepped forward and easily lifted Leanne off the steed. Leanne took an uncertain step in Lorazieh's direction.


He smiled at her.

"Leanne! Look at you! How you have grown!"

She replied his smile, rushing forwards and throwing her arms around his neck. Lo­razieh laughed.

Naesala stepped forward.

"King Lorazieh, it is a pleasure seeing you back to your old self again", he said, smiling.

"King Naesala. You, too, have grown a lot. You were just a lad when I last saw you..."

"Well, we ravens do age more quickly than you herons do. Your Majesty, I know this might seem a bit rash, but I would like to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage."

Lorazieh blinked.

"Ah, yes. My sons have warned me that something like that might happen. Well, I have no objections whatsoever. She might actually do you good."

Leanne beamed at him and then ran over to Naesala to hug him as well.

"My. Another marriage coming up – marrying is quite popular lately, I must say."

The speaker was the girl who had brought Leanne. She had dismounted as well, but was keeping her distance. Even though her face displayed no emotions, Lora­zieh could sense her insecurity.

"What do you mean?", Reyson asked.

"Well, Queen Micaiah is going to marry Sothe, Queen Elincia proposed to General Geoffrey - "

"Wait, she proposed to him?!"

"Oh yes. She is an independent young woman, so I see nothing wrong with that. Why should we always wait for the men to make the first move? Geoffrey might have never confessed to her. Oh, but there is another couple. Jill Fizzart of Talrega is going to marry Haar."

"Jill and Haar? But isn't he too old for her?"

"Well, Jill is somewhere between Ike and Mist. As for Sir Haar, I do not know his age."

"He already was a grown-up man three years ago, and he used to fight alongside Jill's father."

"I see... but I believe that age does not matter. You should know... being a long-living species, it would be rather easy for you to marry someone who is much older or younger than you are. You might not notice it that much, though, since you all look young."

"I suppose you have a point..."

Lorazieh felt that it was time he joined the conversation.

"You must be Senator Maian", he said to her, smiling. "My sons already told me about you."

"Actually, it's Vize-Minister Maian now", Leanne interjected. "She's been promoted."

Maian smiled slightly at their stunned faces.

"Congratulations!", Reyson exclaimed. "You really deserve that!"

"I agree", Rafiel said. "The empire needs leaders like you."

"But why only vize-minister? Why didn't Empress Sanaki make you prime minister?", Tibarn asked.

Next to her lady, Nala stiffened.

"Well, the thing is, we still have a prime minister", Maian replied quietly. "As long as Lehran is not removed from his post, Sanaki cannot appoint a new prime minister."

"Oh. I see."

There was a moment of silence after that. Maian suddenly seemed very forlorn while she stood there, staring at the ground.

"But it's good to see you're better", Tibarn said.

Maian looked up.

"Yes, I am feeling better, thank you. Princess Leanne and Queen Micaiah managed to help me... Without them, I would have died..."

"It would seem that you have been through quite an ordeal", Lorazieh said compas­sionately. "But I really appreciate the help you gave to the Laguz Alliance, and my children. I do hope you will stay and have tea with us?"

"I am afraid I cannot accept your invitation, King Lorazieh. I have to return to Sienne as soon as possible..."

"What a weak excuse", Tibarn observed. "They'll manage without you for a while."


"You do not want to stay with us?", Lorazieh asked.

"No, that is not the reason... I do not mind being among laguz or you at all, but..."

"Ah, I get it", Reyson said. "You don't want to meet Lehran, right?"

Maian sighed. "Yes. I do not know how I would react if I was to meet him now... I might attack him or hurt others... or I might get ill again. I do not know."

"I think I can offer you a compromise", Tibarn said. "Lehran's sleeping right now, so I could just position one of my men next to his house so we'll be notified if he wakes up. That way, you could make up your mind whether or not you want to see him and worst case, you just leave before he comes."

"Sounds like a good plan, vize-minister", Nala said.

"Very well. I accept your invitation, then."

"Excellent!", Lorazieh replied. "I still have a lot of questions my sons could not answer..."

"Ah, that reminds me, I did not just come here to escort the princess, I have a task to fulfill. I almost forgot that... it is about Lehran." She hesitated for a moment. "How – how is he?"

"Better, just like you", Reyson replied. "Looks like we managed to pull him out of that pit of despair he was in."

"I see... but please, do not tell him that I was here or that I inquired after his well-being."

"Of course, if that is what you want."


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