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The Curse of the Brand



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Unforgivable Sin

The Hawk Army had reached the area around Lake Semper and had to cross a vast swamp in order to reach their destination. Again, Almedha had caused them trouble – she had been depressed for a while and then, suddenly, she had become very angry and furious, shouting for someone to give back her son. Pelleas had said nothing, just looked sad. When Maian had failed to calm the princess, she had called Reyson for help.

"I hope Lady Almedha will be all right", Elincia said to Tibarn, as they sat at a watch-fire. "How is she doing?"

"Reyson's song seems to have calmed her for now", the hawk king replied.

"I see..."

"At first, I doubted her claim that she was the daughter of that useless old lizard. But even I had trouble holding her down. Me! She's no ordinary beorc woman, that's for sure."

"I agree. Lady Almedha and Prince Kurthnaga share a striking resemblance, as well. Not just their faces, but their mannerism, too."

"Is that how you beorc spot blood relations? We laguz use scent, mainly. Speaking of which, something has been bothering me about Almedha. She has no distinct scent. It's as if she's neither beorc nor laguz."

"She actually told me something I wanted to ask you about. She said that she lost her powers when she became pregnant with King Pelleas."

"Hm. So the ancient songs are true..."

"What songs would those be?", Elincia asked, puzzled.

"It is said that the goddess forbade laguz and beorc to procreate. If that taboo is broken, the punishment is dealt to the laguz parent. He or she loses her powers and becomes something that does not belong to either species."

Tibarn turned his head sharply.

"Did you hear that? Who goes there?!"

"If the songs are indeed true, then it is my duty to keep the honorable hawk king from being alone with my bewitching queen!", a man's voice called. "Do you not agree, Your Majesty?"

Bastian, Count of Fayre, stepped into the firelight.

"My apologies for the lateness of the hour. Proper social graces are most difficult to observe in times of war."

"Bastian!", Elincia called. "Why are you - "

But she was cut off in mid-sentence as another voice came from the shadows.

"I do not mean to interrupt this scene of reunion, but I have to protest on a few matters."

A globelight flickered into existence above Maian's head.

"Oh, I must be dreaming! Who is this young lady whose beauty makes the sun and stars blush with embarrassment?", Bastian exclaimed.

Maian stared at him, but quickly overcame her surprise.

"I have heard the stories about you, but I never thought I would experience your skilled tongue in this way. I am Senator Maian, Second Duchess of Idras."

Bastian bowed elegantly. "Honored to meet you."

"So, what is it you have to protest against?", Tibarn asked Maian.

"The songs you were referring to are fake. There is next to no truth within them."

"What do you mean?"

"Neither Yune nor Ashera knew that beorc and laguz could procreate. Yune found out about us through Micaiah and me. Therefore none of the goddesses could pos­sibly have forbidden mixed marriages."

"Well, that would make sense", Elincia said. "But then why does the laguz parent lose his powers? And who spread that rumour about divine punishment?"

"I cannot answer any of those questions, I am afraid. But one thing is for certain – our existence, and our parents' love is no crime, and the loss of the laguz powers is no divine retribution. I should know."

"You – you are one of the Branded?", Bastian asked in disbelief.

Maian's eyes narrowed and tiny sparks burst from the globelight.

"She doesn't like that name", Elincia said hurriedly.

"Yeah, you'd better use the word "hybrid" instead, or she's bound to go on another rampage. You don't want to know what she did to the last fool who angered her", Tibarn added.

Bastian looked slightly uneasy. "My apologies. I did not know you thought this to be offensive, senator."

"The thought never crossed your mind, eh? No-one's mind, actually. People are so easily fooled..."

"But how comes you know about this?", Tibarn asked. "This is knowledge even the apostle doesn't possess, am I right?"


"Well then, who told you? And don't give us that crap about "not being allowed to tell us" again. How should we believe you, if you have no person to refer to?"

Maian shifted her weight uneasily.

"I feel like I would betray his trust by telling you... Very well... the one who told me about Yune, Ashera and my race was Lehran."

"Lehran, the Great Heron?", Tibarn exclaimed. "You mean to say that Reyson's an­cestor is still alive?"

"He was very much alive the last time I saw him", she replied. "And yes, that is the person I am referring to. He was there when the Three Heroes fought Yune on Ashera's behalf, he sealed her away inside the medallion and watched the twin goddesses go to sleep. He knows everything that has happened back then – and what did not happen. He knew the truth from the very beginning."

"Is he the one who taught you how to use galdrar?", Tibarn asked.

"Yes, that is correct. He also helped me with my own galdr – he corrected it so it would work."

"He did? Well, I was always wondering where you learned that... What kind of person is he?"

Maian considered the question.

"Well, he is kind. Caring. And determined. Just like me, he wants to change the world into a better place. And I do not believe he is easily stopped once he has made up his mind about something. He managed to gain my trust, after all. Even though I did not make things easy for him."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, when he told me he knew about me – I was terrified. I thought he would expose me, or kill me... it took him several days to persuade me into visiting him again, that was when I finally started to trust him. You see, he allowed me to have a look into his mind. Otherwise I might have never trusted him."

"That's – unusual, to say the least", Tibarn replied. "Reyson once told me that herons normally let no-one enter their minds. He must've been rather determined to win your trust."

"True... that was several years after the Serenes Massacre. He thought he had lost all of his children... And there I was, one that strongly reminded him of what he had lost... I believe that one reason why he craved my company was simply because he needed me – I was the one thing that kept him from completely losing his mind. In a way, he used me for his own well-being – but he gave me much in return, so I do not mind. Besides, I did the same thing – I used Sanaki as a substitute for the children I could not have."

"But couldn't you have tried to hide your true nature from your husband?", Elincia asked.

"No, that would have been impossible. Besides, I would have passed that curse on to my children. And I would not want them to live the life I live – fearing detection every single day and trusting no-one... 'Tis a hard life. That is why I joined forces with Lehran."

"He wants to change that?"

"Yes. It is hard for someone who knows the truth to see people being oppressed because of a lie... But we decided to emancipate the laguz first. After all, that was a radical enough idea. But we are finally getting results – my people are the proof that you can overcome anything – even racial differences – if you just try."

Maian smiled.

"Sounds like Lehran's a great person. I would like to meet him...", Tibarn said.

"You might get the chance when we reach Sienne. I do not believe Ashera turned him to stone, so he ought to be there..."

"Has he been living in Sienne all those centuries?"

"No, he only moved there shortly before the Serenes Massacre. Before that, he lived in Goldoa. He and King Deghinsea used to be close friends..."

"I get it now, that's what you told that stubborn lizard when we were at his place", Tibarn said. "You told him you knew Lehran, right?"

"That, and a few other things. I thought that might help us to get out of this mess..."

"But what I don't understand is why Lehran never did anything about those lies, or about the person who spread them", Elincia said.

"He did not know. He learned about that through Empress Misaha, a few days be­fore her death."

"Come to think of it, what if it was the same person who told the fake stories about Yune?", Tibarn asked.

"I do not know... I would like to ask that person why he hated us so much, but I would most likely just lose my temper and kill him. Besides, he is probably dead by now."

"That's very likely, it's been over 700 years, after all."

"Indeed. My apologies for interrupting you earlier – I am done now. Please feel free to continue your conversation."

Bastian nodded and turned back to Elincia.

"I have been absent for a very long time, Your Majesty. I apologize again from the deepest part in my heart."

"Never mind that, I am just so glad to see you that you are all right. How I worried for your safety!"

Tibarn crossed his arms.

"Sorry to interrupt this tender reunion scene – again – but where on Tellius have you been, Lord Jester? What have you been doing up 'til now? Come on, I'm liste­ning. Out with it!"

"I suppose one as swift as our king of the skies is unlikely to count patience as one of his virtues", Bastian replied calmly. "Fear not! I shall tell you everything. But first, I must ask you both to step away from other ears."

He shot a glance in Maian's direction.

"There's no use trying to keep a secret from her, she'd just read your mind", Tibarn pointed out. "Better tell her right away, that would save time."

"Very well. Over here."

They followed Bastian away from the fire. Maian created a Wall of Silence around them. Bastian was clearly surprised.

"Marvellous! I had no idea you could command such powerful magics!"

Maian shrugged. "People tend to underestimate me."

"Would it be possible to rouse the prince with the elegant white wings?", Bastian asked.

"Are you asking me to get Reyson?", Tibarn inquired. "Fine. But do me a favour and talk like a normal person, would you?"

"It is a terrible habit of yours, Bastian", Lady Lucia said. "I've never known a man who talked so much, but said so little."

"Ah, my dear, beloved Lucia! It pains me to imagine your piteous tears during those long, cold nights without me! Be of good cheer, little one! Tonight you may weep tears of joy in my loving embrace."

"Ever the optimist, eh, Bastian?"

Maian made a strange sound, as if she was trying very hard not to laugh.

Two men approached and stepped into Maian's magic circle. One of them was wearing a long black cloak and a hood.

"Geoffrey? Is that you?", Elincia asked.

"It is."

"Geoffrey! You are safe, too!"

The queen suddenly seemed a lot happier.

"Queen Elincia... I swear that I shall never, ever leave your side again!"

"Oh... I'm so glad..."

Another shadow appeared right behind General Geoffrey.


The general whirled around.

"I have told you not to sneak up on me, Volke! Your Majesty, this is Volke, a spy and – "fireman" in Bastian's employ. He worked for Ike during the Mad King's War, per­haps you remem - "

"Our captive has disappeared", Volke interrupted. "He has been gone for approxi­mately half an hour."

"He escaped?", Bastian shouted. "No! We must find him! Here is your next assign­ment: find the escaped prisoner immediately!"

"Two thousand gold."

"That will be fine. Make it quick."


Volke disappeared into the night. Tibarn returned, bringing Reyson with him.

"This is very rude of me after I was the one who asked you here, but we have an emergency", Bastian explained to Reyson. "Would you all gather here again once we have captured the escapee?"

"That's fine", Reyson replied. "I'm not much fond of the dark, anyway. We'll gather later."

Bastian turned to the hooded man and took one of his arms.

"Geoffrey, lend me a hand, would you? I would like to take him to the carriage."

The three men left.

"Lucia, do you know who that man in the black cape is?", Elincia asked.

"No. I was curious too. It's no use asking, though. Neither Bastian nor my brother would say anything."

"Geoffrey, too? I didn't think he ever kept secrets..."

"A mysterious escaped prisoner... a man shrouded in black... It's a big night for secrets, isn't it?"

While they waited for Volke to return, everyone gathered around the fires. Suddenly, a small child came running towards Elincia.

"Queen Elincia!"

"Amy! You're safe! Oh, I'm so glad. It's so good to see you! Amy is the daughter of the sage Calill and Largo, who own an inn in Melior", she explained to the others.

"I came here with General Geoffrey."

"With Geoffrey?"

"I was outside the day when the bright light engulfed everything", the general ex­plained. "At first, I thought time had stopped. Then I realized that time was normal, but everyone else had been petrified. I rode around town to investigate and found this little girl crying in Calill's bar."

"Did you find anyone else? What about Largo?"

Geoffrey closed his eyes.

"No... how tragic. How am I going to tell Calill?"

"Mommy is here?! I want to see my mommy!", Amy exclaimed.

"Yes, she's here, Amy. Lucia?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. Amy, do you want to see your mother? Here, take my hand. We'll go together."

"Yay! I can't wait to see her!"

"How unusual", Reyson said as they watched the two of them leave. "I can't believe a small child like her was saved from petrification. Isn't she the first?"

"I'd assumed that only people with a certain amount of power were safe, but looks like I was wrong", Tibarn added.

"I can solve that riddle for you", Maian said quietly. "Calill and Largo adopted that child, correct?"

"Yes, why do you ask?", Elincia replied.

"She is one of my kind. However, it would appear that her body has not yet been marked. You see, the laguz blood is dormant at first, but one day it breaks through, marking the child's body with the Brand. In my case that must have happened shortly after my birth, for I was already marked when my father's servants found me."

"So, Calill is not yet aware of the fact that her child is a hybrid", Elincia said quietly.

"That is correct. But she will find out – the day the laguz blood surfaces." Maian closed her eyes. "Even I cannot foresee how Calill will react to that... I am worried about Amy's future."

"I will talk to Calill about this matter", Elincia promised. "And even if the worst should happen – I would make sure Amy will be able to live a happy life."

"Thank you... You have no idea how glad your words have made me..."

"You still owe us an explanation as to why she's still walking about", Tibarn remin­ded the senator.

"My apologies... You see, Ashera's judgement was designed to harm laguz and beorc only, nothing else. You must have noticed how the animals still roam about, as if nothing had happened. Like I said before, Ashera knew nothing of our exis­tence, she is probably still unaware of that fact. That is what I think, anyway."

"That would make sense", Reyson replied.

"So, we have a bit of predicament. I know it is none of your affair, but we would greatly benefit from laguz assistance in hunting for last night's escapee", Geoffrey told Ranulf and Tibarn.

"No problem", the king replied. "I could use a little exercise before breakfast."

"Thank you, King Tibarn! Please, follow me."

Lucia appeared behind them.

"Why are you up so early? What's going on?"

"Is it the Disciples of Order?", Elincia, who had followed Lucia, asked. "Are we under attack?"

"No, Your Majesty, it is not the disciples", Geoffrey replied. "If you'll excuse me, I must go!"

He hurried away, towards his horse.

"Wait, Geoffrey!", his sister called after him. "Who does he think he is?"

"Let's follow them", Elincia ordered.

She helped Lucia climb onto her pegasus and they took off.

The two ladies caught up with the army just as they were preparing for battle.

"Bastian! What in the world is going on? I insist on a straight answer!", Elincia called.

"Your Majesty! Sister! Why are you here?", Geoffrey replied.

"That's not important!", Lucia said angrily. "Explain why there are Feral Ones here!"

She indicated at the army they were facing. Countless laguz who had lost their minds...

"See that odious man among them?", Bastian asked. "He is controlling them. He used Fell Magic to summon the poor laguz souls who were turned into Feral Ones! He is the man who escaped our custody last night. Volke just found him."

Pelleas went pale.


"Yes. The one who designed the process to create the Feral Ones. Your former councillor."

"What?! He's the butcher who twisted the lives of my fellow kinsmen?!", Tibarn shouted, outraged. "He won't die quickly. I'll make sure his cries are heard in Gallia, Phoenecis... even Goldoa!"

"We can't let a creature that twisted roam free!", Elincia said. "We must fight!"

No-one protested and the Hawk Army moved out.

Maian had heard stories about the twisted laguz, but she had never dreamed that she would have to fight them. She had never before fought against laguz, and those were stronger than her own warriors. They had to team up in order to defeat them, the only ones that could deal with the enemies themselves were Tibarn, Elin­cia, Maian, Nala and Pelleas.

Maian could feel the rage and hatred emanating from the young Spirit Charmer. He held a personal grudge against Izuka, after all, that man had used and betrayed him. Pelleas strongly reminded Maian of an angel of death, who had come to take revenge.

Izuka had retreated to a small island in the lake, where he summoned more of his warped pets. All units with heavier armour, like Tauroneo, would be unable to get there, they had to remain on solid ground. Horses and footsoldiers could cross, but the water would slow them down. Only the flying units, Ilyana, Calill and Pelleas had good chances of reaching Izuka.

Tibarn ordered the horsemen and footsoldiers to stay ashore and deal with the enemies there, while everyone else moved out to strike Izuka down before he could summon more Feral Ones.

Pelleas left most of the fighting to the others and concentrated more on levitating across the water as quickly as possible. Maian covered for him from above, while Elincia stayed close to get rid of the attackers that got too close.

Pelleas reached the island.


"Ah, my dear Prince Pelleas! Excuse me, King Pelleas! I'd assumed you'd been turned to stone. How nice to see you again! But I am saddened that you would betray me and fight alongside those short-sighted fools! I found you and set you on the path to royalty! I served you well, did I not?"

"I know that you have been working for the senate, Izuka."

"So you found out. Very well. At least I don't have to pretend any more. It isn't like you will spare my life, anyway."

"With most of Daein turned to stone, the Blood Pact can no longer harm anyone. But that doesn't change the fact that you tricked me into risking the life of every citizen of my kingdom. Why would you betray me, Izuka? Were you ever loyal to Daein?"

"Betrayal? What of your betrayal of me? I remember well how you valued the life of one worthless laguz over mine! It was your betrayal that forced me to abandon my work! You were supposed to be my puppet, a weakling boy-king that I could control, giving me free reign!"

Pelleas didn't look surprised.

"You – you knew that as well?", Izuka asked in disbelief.

"Senator Maian told us that Lady Almedha and I were not related – she said that the senate was just looking for someone to use as a king. Where is the true heir?"

"How should I know? It doesn't matter."

"You think so? Princess Almedha wants her son back – her real son!"

"So what? Nobody knows where he is, if he's still alive! I just looked for someone I could pass as the prince – someone that woman would accept as her son. Conve­niently enough, the shape of your Spirit Protection had almost the same shape as the mark of that filthy little branded."

"I've heard enough! Prepare to die, traitor!"

Maian tried to watch the battle, while she kept the Feral Ones away from Pelleas. It seemed like they were equally strong at first, but Pelleas was using his emotions to make his magic stronger. Maian started chanting a galdr to help him in his struggle. With one powerful, final blow Pelleas ended the battle.

They returned to the shore where the laguz reverted. The magicians and Elincia tended to the wounded, while Tibarn glared out at the lake, where Izuka had fallen.

"Disgusting filth! I could kill him again and again for what he's done!"

"At least he's finally gone", Elincia replied. "No-one else will suffer by his hands."

"I suppose that is all there is, then", Reyson said.

Reyson turned and walked over to the water's edge. Raising his arms, he began to chant.

Maian had never heard that song before, but it touched her heart. Tears were strea­ming down her cheeks as she thought of the countless people who had died becau­se of that man.

"Laguz brothers and sisters, I hope your souls can finally rest in peace now", Ranulf said, bowing his head.

Shortly after Reyson had finished his song, one of the merchants who were travel­ling with them came hurrying towards them.

"Count Bastian! That man you left with us, in the black cape, he's in bad shape! We can barely hold him down any more!"

"Oh no... Your Majesty, we must return immediately. I shall explain everything."

Almedha and the other merchant were trying to hold the stranger down, who was struggling violently, growling and screaming.

Bastian hurried to the man's side.

"Shsh! Clam down, sir. It's all right. You are a strong man, you will pull through!"


"Please, you must calm yourself! Duke Renning!"

The man broke free from Almedha's restraint. The hood slipped and they could see his face, plain as day.

Elincia gasped. "It cannot be! Uncle! Uncle Renning! You are alive! Oh, you are alive!"

Maian had never met late King Ramon's brother, so she tried to deduce a resem­blance between him and his niece. Renning's hair and beard were of a darker green, with a hint of blue. And his eyes – Maian froze. His eyes were full of madness.

"Ugh... Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! Grrr..."

Elincia shrank back as her uncle had another seizure.

"What's wrong, uncle? Please, speak to me! It's me, Elincia!"

"It's no use, Your Majesty", Bastian said quietly. "Your noble uncle's mind has been broken – by the drug that creates the Feral Ones."

"No! How did this happen? Uncle! Uncle! You must hold on..."

The queen had just met her uncle again and now was terrified of losing him again. Maian could feel her pain and sorrow. She gently placed a hand on the girl's shoul­der, trying to ease her agony.

The next moment, Renning fainted.

After they had carried Renning back into his tent, Elincia sat down on a stool and closed her eyes.

"Forgive me. Please give me a moment to collect myself."

"What happened back there? Who is that man?", Tibarn asked.

"That is Duke Renning, the late king's younger brother and Queen Elincia's uncle", Bastian explained. "He was next in line to become Crimea's king, but... he was be­lieved killed during Daein's first attack, three years ago."

"I see. And what's wrong with him now?"

"Bastian. No more secrets. It's time for you to tell us everything you know", Lucia demanded.

"Duke Renning was apparently killed three years ago, but as you can see, he is still alive. Duke Renning was one of the strongest warriors in Crimea, and while Daein tried to kill him, he survived. When the Mad King heard of his skill, he had him kid­napped and gave him the drug that creates the Feral Ones. King Ashnard collected strong men, you must know. This drug made Duke Renning even stronger, but shattered his mind. He became Bertram, one of Ashnard's infamous Four Riders. After Her Majesty and company had defeated him, I had him taken back to my castle. I hoped to find a cure, but didn't want to raise false hopes, Your Majesty, so I kept the secret. However, his mind continued to deteriorate, and there was no sign of improvement. As a last resort, I hired Volke to search for a way to cure him. Volke quickly discovered that Duke Renning's transformation had been engineered by an man named Izuka. This man had made himself an aide to the new King of Daein and was not difficult to locate. Feeling that Lord Renning was running out of time, we kidnapped Izuka to find out more about the duke's condition. Returning to Fayre Castle, we interrogated Izuka at length and learned more about his experi­ments. Perhaps unsurprisingly, beorc are affected differently by the drug than laguz. Izuka then offered to create an antidote in exchange for his freedom."

"Did you agree to it?!", Geoffrey asked.

"We refused without a second thought. Such a monster cannot be allowed to roam free. Besides, we know a more certain way to cure Lord Renning."

"The Galdr of Rebirth!", Lucia exclaimed.

Elincia jumped to her feet as if someone had given her an electric shock.

"Prince Reyson, I beg of you, please save my uncle!"

"I can't guarantee anything, Elincia. But I will try!"

"Oh, thank you, Prince Reyson, thank you!"

"Please give me a moment to myself. I must prepare."

"Are you sure about this?", Tibarn asked, frowning. "I thought the Galdr of Rebirth was too difficult and complex for a single heron to perform..."

"Usually, that's true. But Ashera's awakening has infused the world with order. I've never felt stronger. What's more, Lord Renning's condition seems less severe than a true Feral One. I think I can do this."

"I still don't like it..."

"In that case, Prince Reyson, allow me to help you", Maian offered, placing one hand on her chest. "I have been taught how to perform this galdr. My magic may be almost insignificant compared to yours, but I can still carry part of the burden."

"Thanks for the offer, I gladly accept", the prince replied, smiling.

The men carried Renning out into the open and Maian and Reyson stood on either side of him, facing each other. Maian spread her wings and called upon the magic of her mother – the magic of the heron tribe.

As they started to sing, light engulfed Renning's body. Again, he started to scream.

"Uncle! Hold on!", Elincia called.

There was a flash of light and Renning lay still. Reyson bent down to examine him.

"It worked. He's sleeping now. When he wakes, he should be his old self again."

Elincia let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank you, both of you!"

Maian smiled, then her knees buckled. She felt Nala catch her before the world was swallowed once again by darkness.


Slowly, Renning opened his eyes. He was lying in a tent, but he had no idea how he had gotten there. Slowly, he turned his head. Immediately, a man hurried to his side.

"Duke Renning! You are awake! Do you remember who I am, milord?"

"Count Bastian?"

"Yes. Thank goodness, it worked."

"Where are we?"

"Near Lake Semper, on the road from Daein to Begnion."

"My. We are quite a way from home, are we not?"

"Do you remember what happened?"

"Mostly. Ashnard told me he had killed Ramon and his wife – and that it was only a matter of time until he would kill Elincia as well... then they gave me that drug. But Elincia survived... she returned to Crimea... I remember fighting her army at Fort Pinell... I was defeated by that blue-haired boy."

"Sir Ike. He is a mercenary who acted as the army's general at the time."

"I see. And then you took me into your care and tried to cure me... I am so grateful."

"No need to thank me, milord. Which reminds me - ", he turned around and talked to someone else. "You there, would you be as kind as to fetch the delbray-siblings and the queen?"

"You talking to me?", an irritated voice replied.

"I am."

"Then you'd best start by trying to remember my name, it's Tlia. Captain, you'll manage without me for a sec?"

"Of course. Run along, kitten."

Renning now noticed for the first time that there were other people in the tent. A young woman was just leaving.

"A gallian?", Renning asked.

"Yes, although she is from Begnion, actually. We are travelling with quite a lot of laguz."

Bastian helped Renning to sit up as the cat returned, bringing three more people with her. Renning immediately recognized them. He had seen those three together so often...

"Uncle Renning!"

Elincia rushed forwards and threw herself into his waiting arms.


"I'm so glad you made it! When I heard what had happened to you..."

"Duke Renning!"

Geoffrey saluted, while Lucia bowed. She often did that while wearing her uniform, because she felt it looked silly to curtsey while not wearing a dress.

"Lucia, Geoffrey. I see you have been taking good care of my niece. Thank you."

"It was an honour, Sir."

"So, how exactly did you manage to cure me?" Renning asked. "I felt like I was being purged by some kind of holy light..."

"Yes, that would be one way to describe what happened. You were healed by the Galdr of Rebirth – the ones who performed it are sleeping over there", Bastian ex­plained.

Renning looked over to where the cat woman was standing. There were two more beds, and in them were laying the two most beautiful creatures Renning had ever seen. They were laying face-down, as not to damage their wings. It was hard to tell, but Renning guessed the white-winged one to be male, while the grey-winged one was most certainly a woman.

"Heron laguz?", Renning asked, surprised.

"Well, Prince Reyson is a heron, yes", Geoffrey replied. "But the senator is not – I mean, she looks like a heron, but she's not – I mean, she's - "

"What my brother is trying to say is that she is a heron-blooded hybrid", Lucia explained.

"A – hybrid?"

"Yes. You should better not call her anything else – that upsets her. We owe it to Senator Maian's special powers that we survived our last battle against the Disciples of Order... She killed almost an entire army all by herself, including their commander, Senator Valtome."

"Is she that strong?"

"She used a special kind of galdr for that, but yes, she is a very strong magician. An arch sage."

"I see. Are those two her guards?"

"Yes. Captain Nala and Tlia."

As Renning watched the sleeping girl, she opened her eyes and yawned, while she started to roll onto her back.

"Hey, senator, stop it, your wings!", Nala said.

"Again? How troublesome... Let me guess. I fainted – again. It has happened rather often recently..."

The wings disappeared and Maian sat up.

"You are simply not used to that much travelling, fighting, and stress. You've never been farther away from Sienne than Serenes Forest before, after all. Besides, people as frail as you shouldn't be on the battlefield, to begin with."

"Like you could stop me. Besides, I have to help everyone... we need to reach Sienne at all costs."

She spotted Reyson, who was still asleep.

"He's fine", Nala said. "Just resting."

Maian ignored her and bent over the heron.

"You don't believe me, eh?"

"That is not it, but you are not a healer."

She checked his pulse.

"Yes, he will be fine."

"By the way, your patient's woken up a few minutes ago. He seems to be his normal self again, from what I've gathered."

Maian turned to look at Renning.

"Good. I was worried that our combined powers might not have been enough..."

Elincia got up and crossed over to the senator, where she crouched down so she could take her hands. Renning could see how careful his niece was, as if she was afraid to injure the thin hands.

"Senator Maian, thank you so much for helping my uncle."

"Not at all, Queen Elincia. I am glad I could be of help. Besides, I know what it is like to lose family... But I hardly did anything, it was Prince Reyson who did most of the work..."

"Stop being so modest! It doesn't matter who did how much. The important thing is that you did it. Together."

"You are right, of course. For someone that young you are very wise."

Maian gently placed one hand on Elincia's head.

"Now that is weird", Geoffrey said quietly. "She acts like she was Elincia's mother."

"Well, she could be", his sister replied. "The laguz blood just keeps her from aging, but she is almost forty years old."

"Interesting", Renning said. "You live and learn."

"Duke Renning, we brought your steed, sword and armour", Geoffrey said.

"Thank you. Now I will ride to battle once again..."



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