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The Curse of the Brand



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Judgement Day

Ike looked expectantly at Elincia, Ena and Lucia.

"So? Why are you all here?"

"Where the queen goes, I follow", Lucia said.

"We met Ena and Prince Kurthnaga on our way here", Elincia explained. "Ena wasn't feeling so well, so I gave her a ride."

"Prince Kurth tried to leave Goldoa in secret, I accidentally met him. I said it would be too dangerous to go alone and followed him."

"What's he doing in Daein, anyway?", Tibarn asked.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not allowed to tell you."

"I came here to look for Bastian", Elincia added.

"Still no news from him?", Ike asked.

"No. The last report I received was before the war between the alliance and Begni­on started, shortly after King Pelleas' coronation. He just wrote that he would stay longer than planned, the reason being he had found out something important with regards to Crimea. I am worried about his safety, so we came here to look for him. He has to be somewhere in Daein, I'm sure of it. I left Geoffrey in charge at home."

"I see. So, what now?"

"Prince Kurth is currently talking to King Pelleas and Lady Micaiah, trying to make them stop fighting", Ena explained. "Prince Rafiel and Queen Nailah are there as well."

"So they managed to sneak in."

Suddenly, Ena reached into her pocket and pulled out a blue stone. It seemed to be made of glass, but Maian could tell it was not. Magic was surrounding it.

"Something bad has happened – Daein will continue to fight."

"How do you know that?", Ike asked.

"This is a Sending Stone, isn't it?", Reyson asked.

"Yes. It enables you to speak to a person far away, if a strong bond connects the two of you. But wait – it gets worse."

"Worse than that?", Soren asked.

"Yes. The prince has decided to fight for Daein."

Everyone stared at her.

"No... No!", Maian exclaimed. "This cannot be... What is he thinking?! If the Prince of Goldoa takes a side – it means that Goldoa no longer is neutral! All nations of Tellius are at war right now. This will be our end..."

"Ena, do you think you can talk him out of this madness?", Ike asked.

"I can't reach him using the stone anymore. I'd have to talk to him in person..."

"What do we do now?", Leanne asked, sounding very worried.

"I don't assume they'll just let us go?", Ike asked Maian.

"No. They will attack as soon as Micaiah has gathered enough men. We will be unable to avoid a fight."

"I see. In that case, we'll just have to defeat them before all that chaos awakens the Dark God. You two watch over the medallion."

Leanne and Reyson nodded.

"Good. Everyone, prepare yourselves carefully, for this'll be our hardest fight ever. Once we're all set, we'll move out to end this once and for all!"

"I have a very bad feeling about this", Maian muttered.


Tibarn would lead his men and Skrimir the beasts, Ike was in charge of the beorc, Maian and her guards formed the forth party. Ike had asked Elincia to stay out of this fight so she could act as a mediator should there be any chance of negotiating. But to everyone's delight the Holy Guards were able to fight again and Sigrun and Tanith had joined Ike and his men.

Just as they were about to move out, Reyson caught up with them.

"Weren't you supposed to watch over the medallion, along with your sister?", Ike asked.

"Leanne will be fine. But you might need help – we have to defeat them swiftly, right?"

"Well, yes."

"Sire, bad news!", Ulki reported. "It appears that both Queen Nailah and Prince Rafiel joined the enemy."

"What?!", Reyson asked. "My own brother? Is he mad?"

"We'll make him come back, and if we have to knock him out and drag his uncon­scious backside over here!", Tibarn said angrily.

Ike nodded. "Now that everything is settled – MOVE OUT!"


Micaiah took a look at their surroundings. They were waiting in a forest that was covered entirely in snow. Micaiah was very glad that not only Kurthnaga, but also Nailah and Rafiel had joined them.

Just as Micaiah was issuing orders, Pelleas appeared.

"Your Majesty! What are you doing here?"

"I want to help you. I've had enough of staying behind, worrying about everyone."

He shot a nervous glance into Kurthnaga's direction. The dragon prince stood there, with his arms crossed, looking pale and miserable.

"Is something the matter?", Micaiah asked him.

"It's just – I don't like battles, they scare me. I don't want to be here, but Almedha can't fight, so it's my turn to protect now."

"I see..."

"Lady Micaiah, the apostle's army is headed this way!", a soldier shouted.

"Everyone, get ready! We have to end this now!"


Sanaki looked around. There was no-one in sight. Sigrun, Maian and the others had all gone to the battlefield. Sanaki turned and walked towards the entrance of the camp.

"Hey, where do you think you're going?"

Sanaki turned to face the speaker.

"Oh, it's you. What do you want?"

The man took a step closer.

"That beauty from the Holy Guards told me to keep an eye on you, so that's what I'm doing."


Sanaki turned and continued towards the gate.

"Wait! You're not supposed to leave camp!"

"I'm the empress, I have to know how my soldiers are faring! I'm going to the battle­field."

"What? Is that what goes for beorc logic these days? No wonder you lost your throne..."

Sanaki spun around and hit him with all her might.


"Say that again and I'll have you chased home in a whirl of feathers", she warned.

"But it's still insane. You're too young to be on a battlefield, besides, it's too dange­rous."

"I have an idea! You can carry me to a hill nearby so I can watch!"

"What? No way, what am I, a pegasus?!"

"Don't talk back to me, or this is going to have consequences! Now come on, I have to go there!"

He let out a long sigh. "Oh, why did I agree to this in the first place? Very well, empress, my back is yours."

Naesala stooped down so she could climb onto his back, and the next moment they were flying towards the battlefield.


This battle was fierce, the daein soldiers were determined to stop them. Again, the mercenaries had to fight their former companion Zihark, but for Jill it was worst.

Soon, Ike encountered a special force within the army, known as the Dawn Brigade. Ike knew that Micaiah was their leader, but neither she nor Sothe were in sight.

Even though they put up a real fight, they soon had to retreat to save their lives. Ike and the others advanced, slaying enemies left and right.


Leanne looked at the medallion, which was resting on the altar in the chapel inside the castle. Something was not right...

I can hardly breathe. What is this feeling? Is this the chaos born from war?

Blue light flashed from the medallion.

Oh no... I have to calm it... The Dark God mustn't wake...

But she lacked the strength to sing. Feeling utterly exhausted, she wanted to go over to the altar to reach the Fire Emblem, but she couldn't move. The negative energy seemed to crush her and finally, she couldn't fight it any more.

No... I... have to...


Micaiah could see the apostle's army's vanguard. And it was obvious that her forces were no match for them.

Suddenly, she heard a voice calling her name. Micaiah turned her head.

"Yes, I hear you. You want me to come? Of course, just tell me where to go."

Yune took off and flew away.

"Wait, Yune, not so fast!"

"Micaiah! Where do you think you're going?", Sothe shouted. "The enemy's in the other direction!"

But Micaiah ignored him. This was more important than a petty battle.


"Ike, Reyson's collapsed!", Tibarn shouted. "I'll get him out of here. You'll manage without me?"

"Sure. Just take good care of him!"

As the reached the place where the leaders of the daein army waited, Ike was surprised to see that Micaiah, Sothe, Nailah and Rafiel were missing. But someone else was there – a young sage with dark blue hair. Soren stepped forward to engage him.

"Pelleas, new king of Daein. How convenient. I can end this farce right now. Surren­der or die."

"Who are you?", Pelleas asked, puzzled. "That mark on your forehead – is it the mark of Spirit Protection?"

"No. It's something rather different."

"But that shape... it looks so much like mine!"

"Is that so? You might be more powerful than you let on. Still, I doubt this changes anything. Prepare yourself, Pelleas."

"But wait! There is so much that I want to ask you!"

"I am in no mood to talk to you any longer."

Soren cast a strong spell that ripped right through Pelleas' barrier. Pelleas countered with his own magic and Ike realised that he was a Dark Sage, one who con­trolled the powers of darkness.

As the two magicians continued their duel, Ike challenged his old friend Tauroneo. Even though the daein general was strong, he was no match for Ike and Ragnell.

"Ike, son of Gawain... are you going to kill me now?"

"I really don't want to, after I spared you during the last war, but you are getting in my way again and again..."

"Ike! I need you to come over here! Something's wrong with Mist!", Titania shouted.

Ike forgot about Tauroneo the same moment.

"Mist?! Mist! What's wrong?"

His sister was very pale and seemed to barely hang on to consciousness.

"Ike... my head... it hurts so much... It's the medallion..."

"What do you mean?"

"The medallion is calling out to me... Please, Ike, take me to the medallion..."

"Mist! Talk to me! Wake up, please!"

"Go, Ike!", Titania said. "Get her out of here!"

"But - "

"Leave everything to us! You have to take care of Mist now. See what's going on with the medallion!"


Ike picked her up and turned to Boyd.

"Carve a way for me to the castle!"

"Yes, commander!"

Upon entering the chapel, they saw the three herons and Senator Maian lying on the ground, unconscious.

"What's this light? Is it the medallion?", Ike asked.

"She collapsed, too?", Nailah asked.

"I get it now", Tibarn said. "Anyone who has the spirit of order within them is affec­ted by this light."

"Rafiel collapsed suddenly, so I thought I'd let him rest with Leanne, but when I came here, she was already... Tibarn arrived shortly after me, and then Nala brought in the senator..."

"And you think the medallion did this to them?"

"Yes, no doubt about that", Nala replied.

Suddenly, Mist started to sing the Galdr of Release. Her voice was weak and of course, it wouldn't work.


"The seal on the medallion is about to break... It can't be controlled anymore... My song... won't work anymore... we're running... out of time..."

"What are you talking about?!"

"Call the apostle... she must sing the Galdr of Release... hurry, before it's too late... Please, Ike, I can hear a voice... it's inside my head... the voice is telling me that we mustn't awaken the Dark God through war..."

"A voice in your head? Mist, what is going – Hey, Mist, wake up!"

"Ulki! Do you hear me? Bring the apostle here at once!", Tibarn shouted.

"Are you sure about that? Mist is saying that she should sing the Galdr of Release", Ike pointed out. "She's saying that we should awaken the Dark God!"

"The seal will break anyway. If that's the case, we should take a chance on your sister and do as she says."

"I agree with the Hawk King", Nailah said.

"So do I", Nala added.

"It's too late to calm the Dark God back into sleep, it would take too long, besides, all the herons are out cold."

"Do you think we'll be safe if the apostle wakes up the Dark God?", Ike asked doubtfully. "Didn't we fight a major war to prevent that from happening a few years ago?"

"I don't know. Are we safe now?", Tibarn replied. "But I did always wonder why He­ron Princess Lillia passed down the Galdr of Release. She must have left it behind for a good reason. I'm willing to bet my life on it."

"It's our only hope of survival", Nailah added. "Besides, we won't know if it works until we try."

Ike gave in. "Alright... let's do it."

Ulki and Janaff entered.

"I brought the apostle with me", Ulki said.

Sanaki strode into the room.

"And some little extra baggage", Janaff added.

It was King Naesala of Kilvas. He saw the unconscious herons and darted forward.

"Reyson! Leanne!"

Tibarn's glare made him stop dead.

"Now, now, Tibarn, I know you're angry, but we'll work it out once this is over."

"Not a chance, Naesala. I hope you've said all your prayers and farewells! After I break every bone in your body, I'll rip off your wings and feed them to you before you get to die!"

"Hawk King Tibarn, I must ask for your patience", Sanaki interrupted. "This man serves under my command."

"You think I care, child? This is a laguz matter and you should see yourself out of it very quickly!"

"I will explain later. Put aside your past quarrels for now. Not to repeat the King of Kilvas, but we have more pressing issues we must attend to. Oh, and Hawk King? Never call me "child" again."

Tibarn snorted. "Fine, Naesala, you get to live for now. But once this is over, you're a corpse."

"So, what would you have me do? I will use all the power at my disposal to help in this", Sanaki said.

"Sing the Galdr of Release for us", Ike replied. "The song that was passed down from the heron princess to my mother, and from my mother to Mist."

"But if I sing this song in front of the medallion, it would awaken the Dark God..."

"This is what my sister said: "We must not awaken the Dark God with the spirit of chaos. We must use the galdr instead. The seal will break if we just leave it alone." Please, sing the song."

"Better than releasing the Dark God through war, is that it? Very well, I shall try."

Sanaki stepped in front of the altar and began to sing. There were no lyrics, just as in Mist's version, but her voice had a lot more power than Mist's.

The song ended. Everyone waited, feeling tense, but nothing seemed to change.

"What's going on?", Ike asked. "Nothing's happening."

"It's not working!", Sanaki exclaimed. "But why?!"

A small orange bird came flying in, closely followed by Micaiah and Sothe.

"A melody alone won't work", Micaiah said.

"Wait, Micaiah, this is right in the middle of enemy territory!", Sothe shouted, trying to pull her back.

"Sothe! Why are you here?", Ike asked.

"Commander Ike! And the laguz kings... even the apostle is here? I thought you'd all be on the battlefield, commanding the army! This just got really, really bad..."

"Mist, the herons and Senator Maian collapsed because of that thing", Ike said, pointing at the medallion.

Micaiah walked over to stand next to Sanaki, who just stared at her. Sothe followed reluctantly.

Micaiah closed her eyes. "I can hear the voice... finally, we get to meet. I have been guided by this voice for so long... I've finally found my purpose. Galdrar consist of lyrics and melody. Without both in harmony, the songs possess a mere fraction of their power."

"Maiden of Daein, the only part I was taught was the melody. I do not know the lyrics", Sanaki replied.

"The words. They are passed down through the ages like a bloodline. Though time may pass, their meaning is never lost. When you sang the melody, the words came to me."

"Micaiah?", Sothe interrupted. "I don't understand what you're going on about. There's no way you could - "

Ike cut across him. "Sothe, shut up and watch."

Micaiah started to sing. Her song was different from both Mist's and Sanaki's version, and she was using the lyrics. It was slower than the Galdr of Rebirth, not as cheerful, but very solemn. They could feel the power emanating from Micaiah and everyone knew without any doubt that it would work this time.

Micaiah ended the song and looked up.

"When I heard the song, the lyrics felt as if they poured out from deep within me. I know this song. I've known it since before I was born. I am..."


Slowly, she drifted out of the world of darkness. A voice was calling her, telling her to wake up. Slowly, Ashera opened her eyes. As she rose to her feet, she saw that there was someone, waiting for her.


"Good morning to you, my goddess", the man said.

"What has happened? A thousand years have not yet passed. Why am I awoken early?"

"Indeed, my goddess. You have been asleep for 780 years. During that time, the world kept its promise to you for a mere 200 years, at best. It was as you said. Neither the laguz nor the beorc could resist the urge to fight. They are too weak. Though there are 220 years left until the thousandth year, there is no longer any need to wait."

"Is that so? Is this your analysis? Then I will pass down my judgement. I will save them from themselves."


Micaiah and Sothe had helped them to put Mist, Maian and the herons into beds and now Ike was waiting for his sister to wake up. Finally, she stirred.

"Mist! How do you feel?"

"Ike, you look so worried... what happened? Where am I, anyway? The last thing I remember was that I was on the battlefield..."

"You don't remember?"

"I had a horrible headache, and my stomach really hurt. Then suddenly, it all went away."


Naesala was sitting on the edge of Leanne's bed, watching her sleep. She was even paler than usual.

"Naesala, you traitor!", Tibarn growled from behind him.

"I had my reasons for that. I know that you'll never forgive me, but I at least want you to hear me out. But it can wait..."

"Start talking, before I tear your arms off."

"Whatever my reasons, you won't forgive me, I know that. But I'm asking you to put your feelings aside for now. We're both worried about the herons, right?"

"You spineless piece of trash! You used that line on me before, remember?! And look what my forgiveness did to my people! You live now because I choose for you to live. Once this mess gets sorted out, though, I'll be wearing your beak as a trophy! Get out of my sight."

Naesala got up and left the room without another word.

Nailah entered. "Mist has waken up, but the herons and the senator are still out cold. Will they be alright?"

"There's no need to worry", a voice spoke. "They are just not used to the spirit of chaos being so near. They will wake up soon."

It was Micaiah, but something was different about her. Her eyes were red. Not the red after crying too long, but the red was where the yellow once had been.

"Micaiah?", Sothe asked. "What about the Dark God? Is he awake?"

"I'm not Micaiah. She's sleeping right now."

"What?! What are you saying? If you're not Micaiah, then where is she?!"

"I wonder where Ashera is? We must hurry and make our judgement... Wait, what are you doing?! No, you must consult with me first! No, don't do this!"


Ranulf joined Skrimir, who was standing on a small hill, watching the fight.

"How are you feeling?", the general asked.

"It's weird... but I feel great."

"Hm. Like a weight has been lifted from our shoulders."

"But the battlefield hasn't changed a bit. And yet all the negative energy is gone. How could that be?"

"No matter. So long as things on the battlefield go well..."

"You're right. But what if... we can end this now?"

"What if we could? What then? War is a simple thing. What comes after, that is hard. Diplomacy is a battle I have never known how to fight."

Suddenly, Ranulf heard a strange sound, almost like the chime of a bell. He looked up into the pale blue sky.

"What is it? You think it will rain?"

"No. Not rain..."

A dark spot had appeared in the sky above them. As the strange sound grew lou­der, the fighting soldiers of both armies stopped to look around.

A ray of light came right out of the dark spot and struck the battlefield. For a mo­ment, all were blinded, and then – silence.


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