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The Curse of the Brand



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Blood Contract

Sothe was sitting on the edge of Micaiah's bed, watching her pale face closely. She still hadn't regained consciousness and Sothe was getting more and more worried by the minute.

The door was opened and Pelleas came hurrying in, closely followed by his mother.

"Sothe! How is she?"

"The healer said there was nothing wrong with her body and that she would wake up soon."

"Thank goodness! But what's wrong with her?"

"Don't you get it?! She's exhausted because she works day and night to keep this army running for you, and all you do is cause her more stress and trouble, forcing her to fight a war we shouldn't be fighting! She collapsed because of exhaustion!"

Pelleas flinched. "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to - "

"Save your apologies for someone who wants to hear them. You are endangering Micaiah's health and I won't watch this any more. If the laguz we shouldn't be fighting won't kill her, you surely will. I'm getting her out of here. See how you deal with the apostle."

"No, you can't go! If Micaiah leaves this army, she will die!"

Sothe felt a strange calmness spreading over himself.

"So, the king finally shows his true colours. Listen, Pelleas: I don't care if you're the king or not. Threaten Micaiah again and I'll kill you!"

Almedha glared at Sothe, but he ignored her.

"No, you don't understand! It's not just her... You. Me. Everyone is going to die. And it's all my fault."

"I don't get it - "

"Pelleas, you didn't – you didn't sign a Blood Pact?", Almedha asked, her voice sounding hoarse.

Pelleas hung his head.

"Show me your arm."

Pelleas held out his left arm and pulled back his sleeve. A strange mark covered his entire wrist. Sothe had never seen anything like it before.

"This is it... the mark of a Blood Contract... it is just the same... Oh, my poor Pelleas... my poor, poor child... who did this to you?!"

"What's a Blood Contract? What's going on here?", Micaiah asked sleepily while she sat up, rubbing her eyes.

"Go on, tell us", Sothe said. "If you come up with a good excuse for this mess, I might consider letting you live."

"First, you need to understand that I had no idea about this in the first place, or I wouldn't have signed it... the Blood Pact was among the documents I signed at the day of my coronation. I thought it to be a treaty with Begnion about reparations... Izuka had told me it was alright to sign it – it turned out that he was working for the senate all along."

"Well, you depended on him too much", Sothe said. "Serves you right."

"The night before I ordered Micaiah to attack the Laguz Alliance, I was visited by Vize-Minister Lekain. He told me to go to war. I politely refused, since their quarrel didn't bother me at all, and also because we were focusing our time, power and money on rebuilding our country. That's when he showed me the document I had signed and told me what it was. He told me a story about a king who once signed such a pact with the senate. After the senate had helped him, he broke their agree­ment and the senate invoked the curse of the Blood Pact. On the first day, one man died. He was just a peasant, so no-one really noticed. Two died on the second, three on the third and so on... By the time the king realised what was going on, he had already lost half his people, not to mention his queen and their children... The king begged the senate to lift the curse and promised to do everything they said... So, if I refuse to do as the senate says, all the people of Daein will die."

"I don't believe you. This is just a creepy story to scare little kings into eating their vegetables!"

"No, Sothe. It's the truth... I can see it clearly now. My powers weren't gone, just weakened from exhaustion. But there has to be a way to break the pact!"

"There is none. Lekain said so."

"Of course he would say that! But, King Pelleas, you have an entire nation's re­sources to draw on. I'm sure you will find something, just don't give up hope! Be­cause if you do, everything we have fought for during the liberation war will have been for nothing, and I won't have that!"

"Can't we just ask the apostle for help?", Sothe asked. "She's a good person, I'm sure she'd help us."

"After I had my men call her a fraud and attack her? Besides, if the senators found out that we were plotting against them, they would surely invoke the curse..."

"I will buy you some time, you go look for a way to break the pact!", Micaiah said, standing up.

"Are you sure?", Sothe asked.

"Yes. I won't abandon everyone."

"Thank you, Micaiah!" Pelleas looked a bit more confident now. "I'll go to the library right away!"

"Good. I'll make sure to buy you some time – I'll think of something. And if I have to wipe out the entire enemy army! I don't care if people remember me as – as a monster, I will protect our people!"


"King Pelleas refused us permission to cross through Daein. But we have to get to Begnion!", Sanaki said desperately.

"Who cares about Pelleas' permission? Let's just move out", Ike replied.

"Very well. But I don't want to fight if we can avoid it."

Maian and Soren bent over a map to discuss the route they would take.

"I suggest we stay close to the mountains to the south", Maian said. "There are no villages there and if we move swiftly, Daein might not notice us. If we were to be attacked, we should consider splitting our forces up: one part dealing with the attackers and the other continuing their march, taking Sanaki out of harm's way."

"I have no objection to this plan", Soren said.

Ike nodded. "Well, then let's do that."


"Looks like your plan worked so far, Micaiah. The Greil Mercenaries and the laguz are nowhere in sight, it's just crimeans, begnions and Senator Maian's laguz."

"Very well. Let's commence with part two."

"Are you sure you want to do this, Micaiah? You used to hate plans like this..."

Micaiah looked a little uncertain. "I don't want to do this, but what choice do I have? It's them or us..."

"General, the vanguard of the apostle's army has almost reached our position!"

"The rocks are in position, oh maiden!"

"Good. Everyone, follow the instructions I gave you!"

They were standing on a plateau in the gorge the apostle's army intended to use. A decoy-force had managed to lure away General Ike and the strongest units, but it bothered Micaiah that the senator – and with her the dragon – had remained by Sanaki's side.

As the apostle's army passed by underneath, daein soldiers pushed rocks over the edge so they would crush their enemies. Only seconds later they could hear the screams of the soldiers below.

As soon as they had thrown down all their rocks, most of Micaiah's soldiers rushed down into the gorge to attack the remaining enemies.

Micaiah saw a single pegasus head in the direction where Ike and the others were, seconds later the Holy Guards took off. They formed a wall around the carriage which was carrying the empress, while Senator Maian and her guards moved out. Her beasts dashed past the other soldiers, eager to fight the hated daein. Seconds later the air was filled with the sounds of wings as ravens, hawks and draco-knights attacked Micaiah's men.

The dragon had stayed on the ground and was busy smashing the rocks blocking her army's way.

"There's a heron down there!", Micaiah exclaimed.

"Princess Leanne", Sothe replied.

"Rafiel's sister!"


The heron girl was hovering right over the empress' carriage, chanting.

The deputy-commander of the royal knights gave orders and the horses sprang for­wards, crushing everything that stood in their way underneath their hooves.

The apostle's army still continued its march and Micaiah had them almost where she wanted them.

"The Holy Guards are directly underneath us now!", Sothe said.

"Right. Do it!"

Micaiah's men started pouring oil onto the pegasi, while the archers readied burning arrows.

"They want to set us aflame!", someone shouted. "Apostle, onto my pegasus!"

"Holy Guards, form up!", another voice shouted. "We will protect the empress by becoming her shield!"

"That's Tanith", Sothe muttered.

"No, I won't allow that!", a child's voice protested.

"The empress."

As the pegasi ascended, the archers and mages got ready. An angry cry made them all jump.

A single pegasus came racing in their direction. The rider was a real beauty, but her face was a mask of anger and hatred.

"Stop her!", Micaiah shouted.

A barrage of arrows and spells smashed into a strong shield and rebounded. A shower of rays sent out by the senator killed most of the archers instantly. The mages managed to shield at first, but soon had to run for it when the senator turned for her second attack.

"Leave her be, our target is the empress!", Micaiah shouted.

"How dare you attack a child!"

A powerful force slammed into Micaiah's side and knocked her off her feet.

The pegasus had alighted a few feet away and Senator Maian dismounted.

"I do not wish to kill you, Maiden of Daein, but I am on the verge of losing control! And if that happens, all of you will die."

Sothe placed himself between the two sages, drawing his knives. Behind Micaiah, the surviving mages and archers aimed at the apostle.

"General Micaiah! Captain Moa has fallen to the claws of the sub-humans! General Ike is headed this way!", a soldier shouted.

"You have lost, Maiden." Senator Maian relaxed and crossed her arms. "There is no need for me to do anything... I will simply watch your strategy fail. I will not enjoy it, however."

"You – you can see the future, too?"

"So you do possess that power. I should have known. Well, since I know what is going to happen, it is not thrilling at all. For you, alas, it will be very thrilling."

"No... I won't be defeated! Archers! Mages! Bring down that pegasus!"

Something big came swooping in, transformed into a human, grabbed Sothe and flew over the edge.

"Argh! Tibarn! Let go!"

"Sorry, little Sothe, but I can't do that."

"Sothe!" Micaiah rushed forwards. "Please, let him go!"

"Then call back your men immediately, or little Sothe gets a quick lesson in falling."

"Wait - "

"Don't take your time, girl!", Tibarn warned. "This is no bluff. It's a very long fall, and afterwards you could carry him home using several matchboxes. Pull your men back, now!"

"No, I – can't do that!"

"Well, sorry, little Sothe. Your friend just killed you. Say a quick goodbye."

"Tibarn, wait - "

The Hawk King dropped him. Micaiah could hear Sothe's scream, then he was silent.

Despite the knowledge that she could do nothing to save him, she dashed to the edge.

Another hawk was below, carrying Sothe safely in his arms. Micaiah's knees buckled.

"Sothe... thank goodness."

Her soldiers had stopped their attack in the meantime, horrified by what was happe­ning.

"Let this be a warning, beorc. Next time there will be no-one to catch him."

"Lady Micaiah!", Tauroneo called. "Sir Ike has arrived. Our plan has failed."

"I told you so", Maian said as Ike and Soren joined them on the plateau.

"Micaiah, Maiden of Dawn, listen to me very well", Ike said. "I have no idea why you go along with the senate's schemes and we have no desire to fight you and your men, but as a mercenary, I have a contract to keep. Get into my way again, and I'll kill you. Got that?"

Micaiah didn't reply, the shock had left her speechless.

"Hey, are you listening?"

"I – we have to fight you, we can't just let you pass!"

"Who said that? Your king, or the senate? You know, it's possible to refuse orders."

"No matter what you say, it won't change anything. We will come after you as long as you are in Daein. Should you manage to reach Begnion – no. You won't. I won't let you."

Ike gave her a rather frustrated look and turned to face Tauroneo.

"General Tauroneo, try to talk some sense into that girl, for she is about to lose it!"

"I'm sorry, Ike, but it is just as Lady Micaiah said. We will let you go for now. Just this once."

"You mean to let us go? Didn't you realise you just lost? You guys are all crazy..."


"Stop it! Enough bloodshed for a day!", Sanaki yelled. The pegasus that was carrying her came drifting over. "I won't have any more fighting, just stop it!"

"General Ike, we should leave", Senator Maian said. "There is nothing we can do here. If we stay, we would only make matters worse."

"What do you mean? Do you know something we don't?"

"I always happen to know too much, but I cannot tell you. Just leave this place!"

"Come on, Ike. No matter how many times you ask, she won't share anything she doesn't want to", Soren said.

"Fine. But this isn't over yet..."

The two of them descended into the gorge. Maian gave Micaiah a piercing, calcula­ting look, mounted her steed and took off. The other hawk dropped Sothe onto the plateau in front of Micaiah, then he left, along with his king.


"Soren, what's the situation like?"

"It's terrible. The oil caused severe damage to the pegasi and all but grounded them. A lot of our men died during that attack and many are wounded. All our healers, including the senator, are busy treating them."

"I see."

They had set up camp inside a small fort. Ike wanted to discuss this day's events.

"I wonder what was going on with them. From what I heard about Micaiah, I would have never thought she'd do anything like that", Ike mused.

"She wasn't happy about it, if you ask me. The senator hinted already twice that the senate might be behind this – and I think it's possible. Why else would Daein go to war? They must be busy rebuilding their country – just remember how long that took Crimea, despite having help from Begnion and Gallia."

"But why do they go along with that? Does the senate blackmail their king or any­thing?"

"Who knows. But it doesn't matter – all that matters is that we will have to fight them again. Our spies report that they have retreated to Nox Castle. I trust this will be our next battlefield."


Almedha stood on the balcony, her hands clutching the Sending Stone while she was projecting her thoughts at it.

"Please... I beg of you... help my Pelleas... Save my son..."

"What is it?", Kurth asked.

"He is in danger... please... come and help us..."

"I will. You have already been alone for too long... suffered too much... I will help you. Have faith."


"King Pelleas has just arrived. He requests our presence in the chapel", Tauroneo told Micaiah and Sothe.

Pelleas seemed totally different. Clearly, something had happened to improve his situation.

"I found it! It was just as you said, Micaiah. I found a way to break the curse!"

"That's great! So, how do we break it?"

"I found a very old looking book in the library, so I trust it tells the truth. In order to end the curse, the pactmaker must die and the document be destroyed."

"What – what do you mean?", Micaiah asked.

"I can finally atone for what I have done and by doing so, free Daein from the curse."

He pulled a dagger from underneath his robes and held it out to Micaiah.

"I want you to be the one. I want you to kill me."

Micaiah stared at him in horror. "What? You can't be serious – there has to be another way - "

"There is none. The pactmaker needs to be killed by a third party, or I would have done it myself."

"No, I – King Pelleas, I can't do that!"

"I understand. It is your compassion that I value so much. General Tauroneo. It is your duty to do this."

"Your Majesty..."

"This is an order."

"Very well."

Tauroneo took the dagger. Micaiah watched them, horrified.

"I'm so sorry I dragged you all into this, Sothe, Micaiah, but I'm also glad we met."

As Tauroneo prepared to stab Pelleas, Micaiah realised something.

"No, wait!"

She rushed forward and yanked the dagger from the general's hands.

"Micaiah!", Pelleas exclaimed. "What are you doing?!"

"Listen to me! We can't break the curse like that, we don't have the document!"

The others were silent as the message sunk in.

"Even if we killed King Pelleas, we would still be cursed! He would have died in vain! Lekain is the second pactmaker, right?"

"Yes", Pelleas confirmed.

"Then he'll have the document with him. He's the one we need to kill."

"But how do we do that? Turning against the senate is not an option."

"I don't know... But sacrificing your life wouldn't do us any good, either."

"But what do we do now?", Pelleas asked.

"We have to fight again, or it would look suspicious."

"But can't we try to send a message to the apostle?", Sothe asked.

"No, it's too risky", Pelleas replied. "We can't ask for help... We're in this alone..."


Lehran leaned against the cold stone wall. His situation wasn't as bad as it would seem at first – he was still alive, after all. And from what he had overheard, both Sanaki and Maian had managed to escape.

He eyed the lock of the cell door. Of course he could blast it open with magic, but fighting the guards outside would be difficult. Besides, some would take it as a con­firmation that he was guilty if he ran away. No, it was better to wait.

He heard cries from above. Thanks to his fine ears he could even understand them.

"It's him! No, stop, you can't - "

"Somebody! Help! He's here!"

"Why you - "

One after another, the voices died away. Lehran moved to the door and leaned against the iron bars.

"Good afternoon, general", he said pleasantly as Zelgius entered the dungeons.

"Master. It is good to see you are unharmed."

"For some reason, they decided not to dispose of me yet. But I almost died of bore­dom. I am not used to doing nothing."

"If you would stand back, I could open the door for you."

Zelgius grabbed the lock and simply pulled it out.

"Is the apostle safe?"

"Yes. She joined forces with the Laguz Alliance and Crimea."

"I see. And Maian?"

"I saw the senator before the alliance clashed with Duke Culbert's forces in Crimea. She was with the alliance and seemed well, from what I could tell."

"So both of them are safe. I want a detailed report later - "

"That reminds me, I have something for you." Zelgius pulled an envelope from his pocket. "A carrier pigeon caught up with me when I was on my way here. It is addressed to you. I assume it is from the senator, for we had no chance to meet."

"Yes, this is her handwriting. Do I have time to read this now?"

"I should think so. I can easily deal with any reinforcements that might show up."

Lehran took the letter and broke the seal. He detected a spell and deactivated it, then he unfolded the piece of parchment. Maian had written in the Ancient Tongue. Lehran couldn't help smiling.

This is just like her. Relying on the sealing wax would be foolish, and there are so many mages in this city that it would be possible someone broke the spell. But hardly anyone can read the Old Tongue well enough to decipher this.

Dear Lehran,

If you are reading this, it means that General Zelgius has reached you and you are safe. I joined forces with the Laguz Alliance some time ago and I met your three other children. They are all very kind – especially Princess Leanne, who has been following me around ever since. She really seems to like me, we are learning from each other as we go along.

I have Sanaki under my wing now and will do everything in my power to see her back to Sienne safely. But Daein is interfering again – what was the senate thinking, using a Blood Contract on King Pelleas?! This has to end, better sooner than later.

I suggest you go and stay with my sister at our vacation home on the Sestohl Plains, I have already sent her a note. I am certain she will help you in any way possible.

I hope we will meet again soon.


"She suggests we go to her sister's", Lehran told Zelgius. "And I think we should do that."

"Very well. And I brought this for you as well."

"A Warping Staff. How neat. Are you running short on Warp Powder?"

"Yes. I have almost used it up."

"Oh dear. Then I have to make some, for if you should really run out of it, this would be a problem."


"Well, let us go. It is time for us to make our move."



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