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The Curse of the Brand



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Caves of Fire

Maian was glad to notice that she had regained all her strength during the night. The flight from Sienne had been terrible – luckily, none of her guards had realized she had been using galdrar to keep the birds and wyverns in the air. Nala had been the only one strong enough to make it on her own.

From the minds of Soren and Ike she learned that Soren had told his friend about her. Maian was glad to see that Ike didn't care about that.

They had a quick breakfast, after that they packed and left. They all knew the cen­tral army was still in pursuit and now that the senators were in charge, they couldn't expect any mercy.

Maian, her birds and draco-knights had joined Tibarn and his men, while Nala and the beasts preferred walking. Maian had managed to heal Skrimir's wounds, but also forbidden him to participate in all coming battles.

It was about midday when they approached Serenes Forest. As always, Maian felt a strange mixture of sadness and happiness. Sadness, because so many people had died a meaningless death there, and happiness, because the forest had been restored.

Reyson came drifting over and transformed into his human form.

"I wanted to thank you", he said all out of a sudden.

"Thank me? What for?"

"For burying my people."

"But that has been none of my doing."

"I know, but I can't thank your father – Sigrun told me he died. So I'm thanking you instead – besides, you are paying the workers to keep the grave-markers, right?"

"Yes. I felt like this was the least I could do."

"You know, you really have me confused. I just don't know what to think of you..."

Maian chuckled. "I always confused people – men especially – so I got used to that."

"Three guesses why that's the case. But – I can sense something is bothering you very much, but since I can't read your mind - "

"So you already tried. Well, I expected this to happen. As to answer your question, I am worried about the ones I left behind – Sephiran especially."


"Well, as long as Sanaki could be of any use to them, they will not harm her. But since they accused Sephiran of treason and fomenting rebellion, they could not possibly use him. I fear that they will dispose of him sooner or later..."

"You love him, don't you."

"Yes... I suppose I do."

"This might be rude to ask, but did the two of you have an affair?"

"No. We would not risk anything like that."

"So, he feels the same way about you?"


"Then why didn't you marry?"

"That would not have been possible."

"Why not? If you love each other - "

"The begnion society is extremely complicated, especially the one in Sienne. There are lots of unspoken rules and custom... You have to be very careful not to do any­thing wrong. Sephiran started favouring me the day I first came to a meeting of the senate. And it was also because of him that I was the first woman ever to be pro­moted onto the Council of Seven, the ruling part of the senate. From the very begin­ning, there were rumours about us having an affair... And if there had ever been a proof that those rumours were actually true, we would have never heard the end of it. For Sephiran, this would not have been that bad, but my reputation would have suffered terribly..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, as the younger one coming from the lower position it would have looked as if I was just using him... I would have been marked as the beautiful young lady who seduced men in order to get what she wants. Of course, if I had done that, I could have easily wrapped all the male senators around my little finger – including Lekain. But I would never do something that dishonorable."

"I see. It must be hard to live in a society like this."

"Believe me, it is."

"Would you tell me something about how the political system works? I mean, I know that the throne is passed on in the female line, everyone knows that. But what about the senators? Are they chosen or something?"

Maian laughed. "No. The senators make the people believe that they have been chosen by Ashera, but that is simply a lie. A senator's seat is passed on just like a throne would be. The most powerful families of Begnion can send one of them each to the senate. We have quite a lot of members, actually."

"You know, I came to realize how blind I was – blinded by prejudices. Only three years ago I thought all beorc to be cruel murderers and then some of them saved my sister... now I thought that all senators were corrupt, power-hungry racists. And you have taught me that is wrong."

"Well, I can assure you that some of us try to be decent people – though I have to admit that many are just what you thought – they are a disgrace."

"So that means that you, the prime minister and the apostle have been working against the corrupt senators."

"That is correct."

"I heard that you father was involved in the Emancipation Act. Why? Why was your family so strongly for laguz rights?"

"My family has not kept slaves for generations. They considered it a matter of honor and pride, to show they were wealthy enough to pay servants. My father, on the other hand, was always very fond of the laguz and thought that they should have the same rights beorc had. And so, I was raised to respect all the beings on Tellius."

"I see. One more question - "

Maian laughed again. "Feel free to ask as many questions as you want. I might not answer some of them, but you never know before you try."

Reyson smiled. "Who taught you to hide your thoughts, and why?"

"Sephiran taught me everything I know about magic. As a confidante to the apostle, I know quite a few secrets that should better not get out. And you should not believe that herons are the only ones who are able to read minds."

"Now I'm surprised – hang on – can you do it?"


Reyson laughed. „Incredible. Life's full of surprises.“

As they had crossed Serenes Forest halfway, Maian steered her pegasus towards the ground.

"I will take over the healing duty now", she said to Reyson. "Mist and Rhys have been working all morning, they should take a rest."

Maian indicated for her healer to follow her.

"I can help as well", Reyson offered.

"No, really, there is no need for that. You should save your strength."

"You have absolutely no right to say that. I heard you almost passed out last night after helping your men. If I'd known how this would end, I would have sent you to bed right away..."

"Oh, very well, I give in... Thank you. Ikarus!"

One of her hawks came drifting over.

"Yes, my lady?"

"Be as kind as to fetch me Soren of the Greil Mercenaries."

"At once!"

Maian and Reyson alighted. She handed the reins to Nala and made her way to the part of the army were the wounded were walking. A few seconds later Soren appeared.

"You needed something of me?"

"I was wondering... would you like to learn how to heal?"

"Why would I want that?"

"Well, imagine the following: Ike is badly injured and neither Mist nor Rhys are nearby..."

"You are playing at my weaknesses, woman."

"Of course", she replied, smiling. "I am quite determined to teach this skill to you, and I usually get what I want. So give up already. Besides, having another ability could only be an advantage, right?"

"You've got a point. But can I even learn how to do this?"

"Yes. Healing powers are the magical ability that is most common. Take Mist, for example. Or Queen Elincia. Both of them can heal, but possess no other magical ability. Healing is not much different from the kind of magic you use, the only diffe­rence is that you do not want to use your powers to harm others, but to help them. Of course, you also have to want to help them."

"So you want me to try and heal some laguz?"

"Yes. None of the beorc are injured. But – if you are really so much against healing a beast, you could try a bird instead."

Soren glared at her. "How did you figure that out? Did you read my mind again?"

"No. But I sensed that your dislike for the beast tribe is stronger than that for the other tribes. I understand, though, that you have improved a lot during the last three years."

Soren didn't reply.

Maian spent the next hour teaching him the basics. She realized quickly that Soren – despite his attitude – was eager to learn. She could also feel that he was enjoying her company – because he didn't have to pretend.

"Dammit! The central army has already reached the edge of the forest!", Janaff called.

"This is bad", Ranulf replied. "At this rate, if we use the hidden path leading from the forest into Gallia, we risk that Begnion finds out about it."

"And that would be like an invitation to invade the country", Ike added.


"But we cannot fight here", Maian said quietly. "The damage we would inflict on the forest would be too severe..."

"Damn! What do we do now?!", Skrimir asked, frustrated.

"Kauku Caves."

Everyone stared at Soren.


"Let's enter the Kauku Caves. They would be mad to follow us in there."

"We would be mad to enter in the first place!", Skrimir growled.

"If we take that path, we might make it. I prefer that to the prospect of certain death at the hands of the begnion soldiers. Don't you agree?"

Maian closed her eyes. "If we enter the caves, Begnion will not follow us. Does the cave not have another exit?"

"Two, actually", Skrimir replied. "One leading to Gallia, the other to Goldoa."

"Did you just have a vision?", Ike asked.


"And are you certain it's reliable?", Tibarn asked doubtfully.

Maian closed her eyes. "Yes. My visions always happen exactly as I have seen it."

"What's wrong with that?", Reyson asked, sensing her distress.

"I foretold the Serenes Massacre."

The others gasped.

"I told my father, but... well, you know the story. Everything happened exactly as I had described it."

"But – didn't you foretell your own death?", Skrimir asked. "How comes you're still alive?"

"That is easy. Every decision we make changes the future. In order for a vision to come true, certain conditions must be met. One of those conditions was me going to Mainal Cathedral, were I would be killed. But I never went there, so the senators could not kill me. By the time they realized I would not come, I had already left town. You can only change the future if it depends on your own decisions. Since I have no means of influencing the central army, I cannot make them enter the caves, or turn back. This is not my decision. Do you understand what I am trying to say?"

"Kind of."

"So you were unable to prevent the Serenes Massacre because you had no intenti­on of participating in the first place?", Reyson asked.

"As for that, I believe I was just too slow. If my father had made it in time to warn the herons, or to fight off the mob, it might have worked..."

"If we keep standing here talking all day Begnion will catch up with us", Janaff said. "Hurry up and make a decision already."

"I say we try the caves", Ike said.

"Agreed", Tibarn said. "It seems to be our only chance... we just need to be careful to take the right exit."


"General Zelgius, the enemy is fleeing into the Kauku Caves!"

"They must be really desperate", Levail said. "Those caves are a death trap."

"Well, this is it. Our pursuit ends here. We will return to Sienne - "

"Uweee-heee-heee! I fear I cannot let you do that, Zelgius."

Oh no. Not him.

Slowly, Zelgius turned to face the speaker.

"Senator Valtome."

"Why, you don't even look surprised to see me. I have news for you. The senate has in its wisdom appointed me the position of the central army's commander. I am in charge now."

"What are your orders, commander?"

Valtome sighed. "You are ever so serious, Zelgius! I wonder, is that impassive face of yours your only facial expression? I would really love it to see you surprised just once..."

"Your orders, commander."

"Oh, very well. We will head for Gallia via Crimea. Prepare everything for a quick departure. Oh, and send the unit that had been stationed at Mugill into the caves."

"What? My lord, I must ask you to reconsider! Sending them into the caves is the same as sending them to the gallows!"

"You dare talk back to me?", Valtome asked, a dangerous edge in his voice. "Question my orders again and I will have you killed."

Zelgius clenched his fist. He knew Valtome well enough to understand that he meant it.

Lord Sephiran... Is he alright? And the apostle... At least Senator Maian managed to escape...

Zelgius had been quite surprised when Maian and her guards had rushed over the heads of his soldiers shortly after Sigrun had delivered the senate's order. Sigrun had been unable to hide her relief when she had seen that Maian was well.

But now that Valtome is here, there is nothing I can do to stop the army... he will wipe out the Laguz Alliance and everyone else standing in his way.


Maian immediately understood why Skrimir had been against taking the road through the caves. Lakes of molten rock, ash in the air and an incredible heat made it an ordeal. Maian could hardly breathe and the heat was getting to her.

As they climbed a steep cliff, Skrimir stopped and looked back to the entrance.

"Didn't you say the army wouldn't come this way?", he asked Maian.

"You call that an army?", she replied. "This is just one platoon, most likely they were sent in here to see if we have been roasted by now."

"Just one platoon, eh?", Ike asked. "We'll handle them, you go on and look for the exit."

"Allow me to assist you", Maian offered.

"Thanks, I really appreciate it."

"But how do we fight in here?", Soren asked.

"I suggest you leave your horses, it would be too dangerous for the riders. My men and I will attack from above, and we will drop our beasts as we approach. You try to get as close as possible without being detected, for if we strike at the same time from several directions, they will have no time to react."

"In that case, you'll have to carry me as well", Nala pointed out. "They might not notice a couple of wyverns, but even beorc are not dumb enough to overlook a dragon."

Maian nodded. "Agreed."


"Hey, come on, Skrimir! We're supposed to look for the exit", Tibarn said.

"Wait. I want to see how they fight. This could be interesting."

The Greil Mercenaries were in position and the wyverns and birds now moved in. Maian was still in the middle of the cave, watching them. As the draco-knights were right above the begnion soldiers, they dropped their companions. During the fall, Nala and the beasts transformed. The mercenaries leapt out from their hiding pla­ces and the battle began.

Maian moved in, speaking in the Ancient Tongue.

"Holy light that purges the darkness, come forth at my command and strike down my enemies!"

Multiple rays of light shot from her outstretched hands, each of them killing one begnion soldier.

"Wow, she really is strong."

The beasts formed little groups to fight more efficiently. One of the birds seized a begnion soldier and lifted him into the air. A draco-knight changed her course to stab the man. The raven dropped the dead body.

Ten or so of the begnion soldiers had ganged up on Nala and tried to get past her claws, tail and flames. Nala seemed to be rather enjoying herself.

"They really work well together", Reyson said. "Amazing!"

The begnion soldiers didn't last long against the combined forces of the mercena­ries and Maian's guards. Maian turned her pegasus around and came heading back. Suddenly, she buckled over and slipped off the back of her steed.

Reyson gasped, several of Maian's guards started screaming. One of the hawks dived after her and managed to catch her. One of the draco-knights caught her pegasus.

"General Skrimir! We found the exit!"

"Excellent. I want to get out of here as soon as possible."

Maian's guards used their cloaks and lances to make a stretcher for the senator, while the healer checked her.

"She just passed out, nothing serious."

"Let's go, then", Tibarn said.


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