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The Curse of the Brand



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Unexpected Allies

"King Pelleas, Vize-Minister Lekain is here to see you."

Pelleas looked up as Lekain appeared in a red magical circle.

"Greetings, Your Majesty. I came here to inform you that you general failed in stal­ling the Laguz Alliance."

"What?! Micaiah failed? But – she's never lost a battle before..."

"I fear our friendly relationship ends here, young king."

Lekain turned away. Pelleas went pale.

"No, wait, please! Give me another chance, I beg of you!"

"Well, since you begged... One more chance. Do not fail me again."

"Yes – I mean no – I won't... might I ask a question?"


"How do you do this? Appear out of thin air?"

"This is the empire's latest invention, a Warping Staff. Very useful, I love innovati­ons. Before that, we had to use that ghastly Warp Powder. It drained the user of his strength, so only very strong people could use it. What good is it that I am able to go anywhere I want, if I am too exhausted to do anything afterwards? Well, then. I will leave you now, I have a country to rule."

Moments after Lekain had disappeared, Almedha entered.

"That man was from Begnion, was he not? Vize-Minister Lekain, Duke of Gaddos, if I am not mistaken. He was here for your coronation – he came in Duke Persis' stead."

"Yes, mother. You are quite right."

"What is the matter, Pelleas? You are so pale. Did that man threaten you? Tell mother."

"No, it is nothing. I am fine."

Almedha didn't look convinced.

I can't tell her... I can't tell anyone...

"Please return to your rooms, I still have work to do."


"I hear the sound of wings, coming from the east", Ulki said.

Janaff turned round to look a the horizon.

"I can see them. They are flying as if the Dark God himself was chasing them!"

"Can you describe them more clearly?", Ike asked.

"Sure, no problem! They're about – 15-20, draco-knights mostly, one pegasus. And – you won't believe that – a couple of hawks and ravens. And it seems that they are carrying footsoldiers."

"I hear one big thing", Ulki said.

Janaff sighed. "That would be the big white dragon."

"They got a dragon?!", Tibarn asked in disbelief.

"Yup. No doubt about that."

"Can we outrun them?", Skrimir asked.

"Not a chance", Janaff replied. "They'll be here in about five minutes – we'll never get packed by them."

They had set up camp in the plain between the Ribahn River and Serenes Forest, knowing that the central army had not yet crossed the river. But now it seemed that this had been a mistake.

"Wait, the dragon started speaking!", Ulki said.

"Let's hear it, then", Tibarn ordered.

"I know you can hear me. I will begin my descend now and I would appreciate it if you wouldn't attack me. I want to talk to you."

"It could be a trick", Skrimir growled.

"Should we prepare for battle?", Ranulf asked.

"I doubt a dragon would need to trick us in order to kill us", Soren pointed out. "It could easily kill us by simply attacking. I say we take the risk that it really wants to talk, not fight. If we attack or do anything rash, we might initiate the fight."

"Agreed", Ike said. "But stay on your guard."

As the dragon approached, they could feel the wind caused by the gigantic wings. Its companions hovered over the camp, it seemed as if they were waiting for something.

Light flashed as one of the dragon's claws touched the ground and seconds later it had transformed into a woman.

"You look just like Nasir!", Ike blurted out.

"Why, he is my cousin", she replied, smiling. "I am Nala, captain of Senator Maian's personal guard. The senator requests permission to enter your camp, she has im­portant news for you."

"What kind of news?", Tibarn asked.

"I have received no authorization to tell you that. I am just here to ask for permis­sion."

"I say we hear her out", Ike suggested. "I met her during our stay in Sienne and I trust her to be an honest and decent person."

"You met her?", Titania asked, surprised. "We never saw her at all..."

"She told me she'd rather keep to herself. But she blessed me and wished me luck in our fight against Ashnard, saying she believed in me. And she might know what is going on in Begnion right now."

"Very well", Skrimir said. "Tell her to come down."

Nala nodded, threw back her head and opened her mouth as if she wanted to scream. Ike heard no sound, but the laguz flinched and Ulki covered his ears, how­ling with pain.

"Sorry, little one."

"You could warn me next time", the hawk replied through gritted teeth.

Nala's companions now came swooping down towards them. The birds reverted before even touching the ground, the wyverns simply dropped and collapsed. Some of the birds lay motionless on the ground, others panted for water. Within seconds the beorc and beasts jumped off their steeds, seized water-skins and started giving water to their companions.

"My wings! They hurt! Where's our healer when we need her?"

"Stop lamenting, I'm on my way!", a priestess answered.

The pegasus alighted and cantered a few paces. Nala grabbed the reins to stop it.

"How are they?", Maian asked.

"They'll manage without you. You do your talking."

The senator nodded and descended from her pegasus. Ike immediately saw that she was not dressed for a longer journey. Her dress was of the finest quality and her hair had once been fastened in an elaborate style, but most of it had come down by now.

Maian's gaze swept over the assembled leaders of the alliance, then settled on Ike. She smiled.

"We meet again, Commander Ike. You changed."

"You didn't", he replied, stunned by her still youthful appearance.

Her smile faltered for a short moment. "Yes, but I did not come all the way from Sienne to discuss my looks with you." She sobered. "I need to talk to this army's leaders, it is a matter of great urgency."

"Well, that's them", Ike said, pointing. "King Tibarn of Phoenecis, Prince Reyson of Serenes and General Skrimir of Gallia. I believe you haven't met before."

Maian's gaze immediately settled on Reyson, while a strange expression appeared on her face.

To everyone's greatest surprise, she curtseyed.

"I am Senator Maian, Second Duchess of Idras, a member of the Council of Seven. I am afraid I have to bring you ill news... I was forced to flee my hometown of Sienne in order to save my life. We have been flying non-stop in order to catch up with you..."

Her voice trailed off. Reyson flinched and Ike guessed that Maian's thoughts or feelings couldn't be too pleasant right now.

Nala placed a hand on Maian's shoulder.

"Get a grip on, senator. You said this was important."

"I was just headed to Mainal Cathedral to attend a meeting of the senate when I had a vision... I knew that if I entered the cathedral, I would be killed by some of the other senators. So I gave orders to prepare everything for a swift departure and fled from town... My sister left shortly after me, I can only hope the senate will not go after her..."

"But how could they do something like that right under the apostle's nose?", Ike asked.

Maian closed her eyes and the next moment Ike felt an overwhelming sadness mixed with despair. Gasps and curses told him he was not the only one.

"Senator! You're doing it again!", Nala hissed. "Stop projecting your feelings at us, please!"

Maian struggled to regain control and eventually, she managed to.

"What I told you just now was the second part of my vision, the future. But I had another one from the past... This morning, the senators led by that traitor Lekain imprisoned Empress Sanaki in a room within Mainal Cathedral. After that, they for­ged an arrest warrant for the prime minister and jailed him... Begnion is now under the control of Lekain."

They stared at her in horror.

"Well, we always guessed that the empress wasn't behind that war", Reyson said. "But that the senators would go to such lengths..."

"I should have known." A tear was running down Maian's cheek. "After all, they murdered Empress Misaha..."

"What?! Why would they kill their own empress?"

"That, I cannot tell you. It is a secret of state."

"So you know."

"Yes. I know why she had to die." Bitterness entered Maian's voice. "One reason was, of course, the emancipation of the laguz. Some of the senators heavily objec­ted it. And as if committing a murder was not enough, they framed the heron tribe for it..."

"How long have you known that?!", Reyson asked.

"Ever since I started working for the senate ten years ago. But neither I nor Sephi­ran could prove it... Otherwise we would have punished them, believe me. But now... Sanaki and Sephiran are in the clutches of those traitors and murderers... and all I did was running away... I feel like a traitor myself."

"But you said they would have killed you, had you stayed", Reyson pointed out. "And you wouldn't be of any use to them dead."

"Of course, you are right. But still... My only consolation is that General Sigrun's men are already looking for Sanaki. I can only hope they find her before the sena­tors decide to dispose of her..." Maian looked at them, her eyes bright with tears. "Please, I beg of you... help me. Help me save them! They are more than just my superiors. They are as dear to me as my sister is... please."

"Did you notice we're currently on the run from the central army?", Skrimir asked.

"Of course I know that. But your goal is to punish the senators, right? We have the same enemy now."

"What could you offer in return for our help?", Tibarn asked.

"Well, there would be a couple of perfectly trained draco-knights, you will find hardly any who are better in the whole empire. Two archers, one healer, one thunder-sage and warriors wielding swords, axes and lances. A few hawks and ravens, several tigers and cats and – not to forget - a goldoan white dragon. And then there would be me."

"And what could you tiny little beorc possibly do?", Skrimir asked doubtfully.

"I am a light sage and I possess rather strong healing powers."

"You don't look strong or scary at all, you know."

Maian's eyes narrowed. A cat appeared by her side.

"Hey, hey, captain, how about we tell him what she did to that senator?"

"Oh, you mean that."

"Yeah, exactly. Tell that dumb ol' lion."

"Tlia!", a beorc woman with lilac hair said. "Mind your manners!"

"But, Commander Cynthia, he insulted the senator! We can't have that! We can't!"

"Be quiet, Tlia, you are giving me another headache!"

Nala smiled. "Tlia, why don't you go for a walk? Run three laps around the camp and then report back to me."

"Ha! You'll be amazed by how fast I'll be back, captain!"

The cat dashed away.

"Thank you", the commander said quietly.

Nala grinned. "Anytime."

"What's with her?", Ranulf asked.

"She's hyperactive", Nala explained.

"And what was that about the other senator?", Soren asked.

"Well, that was a few years ago. He was stupid enough to use the word "sub-human" right in front of Senator Maian", Nala explained. "I was waiting outside, guards are not permitted during a meeting, but I could feel the magical outburst and hear the screams..."

"What happened?", Ike asked.

"I am usually a calm and balanced person", Maian explained. "But I tend to be very moody – especially if you hit a trigger. Any kind of racist behaviour, for example, would make me lose control and go on a rampage. That is what happened that day. I was so furious I lost control and attacked the other senator, without thinking about what I was doing... he spent a week at home, being nursed by the best healers in town", she added with smug satisfaction.

"What did the senate say to that?", Ike asked.

"Well, they were quite angry", Nala said, "but the prime minister covered for her, saying that any kind of insulting behaviour was unworthy of a senator and that they should mind their manners."

"You should have seen how angry he was", Maian added. "He would have liked to kill the senator for this insult, but I was faster. Besides, he never loses control like that. I must ask you not to do anything that might provoke me. When I am in one of my rages, I lose myself completely. That is not a pleasant feeling and it certainly would not be good for the one who provoked me."

Everyone was quiet for a while as they considered what Maian had told them.

"I suggest we take them along", Soren said to everyone's surprise. "We might need their help. Besides, two more healers could come in handy."

"I agree", Ike said.

"Me too", Reyson added.

"Well, this settles it, then. Welcome on board", Tibarn said, extending his hand.

Maian smiled and took it.

"Alright, everyone, set up camp!", Commander Cynthia ordered.


Reyson watched Maian's guards as they tended to their steeds and set up the tents. He was amazed to see how well beorc and laguz worked together.

He spotted the senator sitting on the ground, watching her men. He frowned. Something about her was odd. It felt familiar, yet alien... And she had a striking resemblance not only with his sister, but with almost any female heron he had known. But at the same time he knew she couldn't be one, her eyes were different. And she had no wings.

Reyson walked over and stopped next to her.

"Why aren't you helping them?"

Maian looked up.

"Prince Reyson. My body simply lacks the strength to do so. I could not even lift one of those poles."

"How about using magic, like the other two?"

He pointed at the magician and the healer.

Maian closed her eyes. "To be honest with you, I am completely exhausted. I tried my best to hide it from my guards, they would only start worrying again..."

"What are you exhausted from? You were riding a pegasus."

"Staying on the back of a pegasus while flying at top speed requires a certain amount of strength. Riding is not as easy as it might seem, especially if you have to do it for hours. And please do not forget that I was running for my life – we had to pass the central army on our way here and we had no idea whether they would attack us or not. Not to mention that some of my men reached their limit on our way and I had to keep them from falling..."

"With magic?"

"Yes. The more time passed, the more I had to use my powers to keep us aloft. Right now, all I can manage is sitting here, talking to you without fainting."

As Reyson concentrated on her self, he could feel that she really had drained of most of her strength. But there was something else...

I can't read her mind! That means that someone must have taught her how to shield it. That is – unexpected.

"So, you would help them, if you could."


"In that case, allow me to help you."

He placed a hand on her shoulder and started chanting a galdr. He could sense her surprise.

"This is the first time ever someone used a galdr on me", she said quietly once he was done. "It feels – wonderful."

She got to her feet, thanked him and made her way over to the tents.

Reyson looked after her, puzzled. She was unlike anything he had expected a begnion senator to be like.

The next moment he felt a strong urge to hit his own head when he remembered where he had heard her name before.


Soren was on his way to his tent when he noticed something lying on the ground. It was almost dark by now, so it took him a few seconds to realize it was Senator Maian. Soren quickly bent down to examine her.

"Senator. Can you hear me?"

"Ah... it is you. Soren."

"What happened to you?"

"I am so tired... I simply collapsed. I overdid it – again..."

"Well, it'll pass. I meant to ask you – we met before, didn't we? That day in Mainal Cathedral."

"Yes. I immediately realized that you were just like me... I was intrigued. I apologize for startling you."

"It's alright. But I knew from the beginning, without even seeing you, that we both carry the same curse."

"No... no curse. I need to tell you something... once we have reached Gallia. Once we are safe... I need to tell you... it is important. We are not cursed."

Her eyes closed. Soren's mind raced.

What could she possibly mean? Anyway, she needs to rest. I should find someone who could carry her to her tent... but can I just leave her here?

"No need for that... you should be able to carry me by yourself, I am more bird than beorc, after all."

Soren stared at her.

"Did you just read my mind?"


"Oh well, let's try it."

Soren bent down and carefully lifted the woman into his arms. She hadn't been exaggerating, she was as light as a feather.

As Soren reached the part of camp that was used by her men, he met Nala.

"Oh, thank goodness you found her, little one!", she exclaimed. "We've been looking for her all over the place. I'll take her from here."

Soren didn't like being called "little one" by her, but then again, she might be several centuries old and therefore consider everyone else as "little".

Nala gave him a piercing look as she lifted Maian out of his arms. Soren felt a twinge of fear. He knew that most laguz could sense what he was. He stared at her defiantly.

Nala suddenly smiled, then she turned her attention towards Maian, who didn't seem to have noticed what was going on.

"Hey, senator, can you hear me?"


"Oh dear, look at you. You pushed yourself too far again. I'll have to put you into bed right away..."

"For heaven's sake, Nala, stop acting as if you were my mother! That is Liane's job."

"Yes, but your sister isn't here, and someone has to make sure you don't get yourself into trouble. And that would be me."

"I am a grown-up woman", Maian protested.

"Yes, a grown-up woman who never knows when to stop. Honestly, one day you kids are all going to drive me insane!" She turned back to Soren. "Thanks for bringing her back. You need anything?"

"No. I'll be going now."

Soren turned on his heel and headed straight for Ike's tent.

"I need to tell you something, it's important. The senator – she is one of my kind."

"Really? Ah, that explains why she didn't age."

"Yes. She knows about me, and I think that dragon, Nala, does, too."

Ike leaned back in his chair.

"Well, I doubt Maian will tell anyone about you."

"Yes, but what about Nala?"

"Look at it that way: if she knows about you, then she must know about Maian as well. Do you think she would betray Maian?"

"From what I've seen just now, no. The two of them seem to be very close, just like - "

"...us. I get it. So, I'd say there's no need to worry. But never forget this, Soren: you're my friend. And I'd never let anything happen to you."

"Thanks, Ike."


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