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The Curse of the Brand



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Lillia's Legacy

As Ike wandered through the corridors of Daein Keep, he met Sothe.

"You look worried", Ike observed.

"Oh, hello, commander. I didn't mention it before, but Nevassa's actually my home­town. I've just been to the slums, hanging about with some friends... They're all angry because Crimea's won. Ashnard – he wasn't a particular good king, but he didn't care about where you came from. If you had skill, you could become any­thing. In other countries that would be impossible..."

"I see. Look, Sothe, I - "

"No, don't say anything. It's not like I mind travelling with you – I know that Crimea is in the right and Daein in the wrong. But seeing one's country losing a war is a hard thing..."

"I meant to ask you about the person you were looking for. Any news?"

"No... no-one has seen her."

"I don't mean to pry, but is this person special to you?"

"Yes, very... We're not related by blood, but she is still family. We – got separated before the war started and I was worried about her... but I've come to realize that it isn't good if I worry too much. She'll be fine... And I know we'll meet again someday. Until then I'll help you."

"Thanks, Sothe."

"General! General Ike!"

One of the begnion soldiers came hurrying towards him.

"We have just received news that Begnion has sent reinforcements! The troops are led by none other than our hero, General Zelgius!"

"Well, that sure was a change of heart those senators had", Sothe muttered.

"Yeah. Well, I'd better go meet with that Zelgius guy."

As Ike stepped out into the courtyard, the soldiers were already dismounting from their steeds and storing their belongings away. Snow was falling from the grey clouds above and it was very cold. A tall knight wearing a crimson armour and a dark yellow cape approached Ike. He had short black hair and green eyes.

"You are General Ike, I take it. I am General Zelgius, Earl of Kadohl. My troops and I are here to support you in your fight against King Ashnard."

"That's quite unexpected, to be honest. It took us ages to get the soldiers I have now, but that was really quick."

"The prime minister has returned to Sienne and that sped up things considerably."

"The prime minister? You mean Sephiran?"

"Yes, that is his name. Within one day, he and Senator Maian managed to get the other senators to agree to this – of course, the news of your victory has helped per­suading them. I am at your service, General."

"Wow. Er, I don't really know what to do with all of you. I really wasn't expecting this."

"In that case, please allow me and my men to set up camp around town."

"Of course. Please do."

"Another thing – we received a report from Deputy-Commander Tanith that neither you nor Princess Crimea intend to lay claim to the throne of Daein. Is that correct?"

"Yes. We have neither the time nor the resources to rule a country. Tanith said that the crown would be passed on to the empress."

"That is correct."

"That's alright, then. I trust Begnion will be able to handle Daein."

"We will be, no need to worry."

Titania stepped out into the yard, spotted Ike and came over.

"Commander, the preparations are concluded, we are ready to set out."

"Thanks, Titania."

The Greil Mercenaries assembled in the yard. Shinon, the sniper who had only recently rejoined the mercenaries, walked over to Ike.

"Hey, whelp, why exactly are we doing this? Just because some sub-human said so - "

"Use the word "sub-human" again and I'm going to knock you down", Ike warned. "You're even worse than Jill was... And we're doing this because I've decided we will. Nasir told us to have a look at Palmeni Shrine, so that's where we're going. There might be some clues there."

"Might I ask what is going on?", Zelgius inquired.

"You probably heard from Tanith that Nasir betrayed us."

"I did."

"Well, he only said, "Go to Palmeni Shrine if you want answers"."

"I see. Do you need any help?"

"Thanks, but I'd like to keep the number of people involved as low as possible. This isn't going to be a battle, we're just going sight-seeing."

"I understand." The ghost of a smile crossed his face. "Please excuse me."

Palmeni Shrine was not far to the west of Nevassa and getting there was no pro­blem. But Ike wasn't happy to find a gang of thieves at the temple who took the priests hostages. Elincia, being disgusted by this kind of behaviour, ordered the mercenaries to save the priests and Ike gladly obliged. While Elincia and Reyson stayed back, the others took care of the bandits. Compared to the daein soldiers they were nothing and the mercenaries didn't have much trouble with them.

After the fighting was over, the head priest came over to talk to them.

"Thank you so much for saving us. Might I ask your name, young lady?"

"I am Elincia Ridell Crimea, sole survivor of House Crimea."

"Oh! But then – why did you save us?"

"Father, our objective is to defeat King Ashnard. We have no quarrels with the people of Daein. And letting those scoundrels terrorize you wouldn't have been right."

"I see... in that case, we should be glad that you are still among us. You are a very kind person, princess. We shall pray for you."

"Thank you, father."

Elincia inclined her head.

"Mind if we take a look around?", Ike asked.

"Of course not! But there isn't much to see, I'm afraid."

The head priest was right. After searching several rooms they still hadn't found any clues and Ike was starting to feel annoyed.

Dammit... Did Nasir just fool us?

Mist came dashing around a corner.

"Ike, Ike, come quickly! Reyson's in trouble!"


They found Reyson in a small room, staring at the walls. There wasn't much furni­ture in there, just a bed, a stool and a table. The cover on the bed was moth-eaten and thin.

"He's been like this ever since we entered this room", Mist explained quietly. "He just stares at the walls..."

"There's the same pattern everywhere", Ike observed.

"That's no pattern", Soren corrected him. "Those are writings – writings in the An­cient Speech."

"Is that the language Princess Leanne speaks?"

"Precisely. We mages also use it for spells, but I can only read a few words. From what I understand... A person was locked up in this room. But Prince Reyson should be able to read it."

Suddenly, Ike spotted something on the floor. He stooped down to take a look at it.


"What is it?"

"I think this belonged to the person who was locked up in here."

"A white feather?!"

They looked at Reyson, who was still reading the inscription on the wall. After what seemed like eternity, he finally turned to face them.

"My apologies for taking so much of your time, but we have to talk."

"About the owner of this feather?"

"Yes. It belonged to my older sister, Lillia. She was a prisoner in this room." He closed his eyes. "I always thought that she had died during that terrible night... but I was wrong. Lillia was kidnapped during the massacre and brought to this room."

"Who did this?"

"I don't know. She only wrote about a big beorc, she probably never found out his name. Anyway, he gave her a treasure of our clan and demanded that she released the evil sealed within it. Lillia refused his request, partly because she lacked the power to do so. He kept repeating his demand and then... Lillia fell ill. It was a terri­ble time for her... We herons need nature to stay healthy. Being deprived of it, Lillia was dying. The man ordered one of the priestesses to take care of my sister. She had blue eyes and hair, and her heart was very pure for a beorc. She treated Lillia with so much kindness that she started to trust her. They didn't speak the same lan­guage, so communicating was difficult, but Lillia nonetheless decided to place her hope in that person. She told her to take the treasure and the galdr and flee. The woman did as Lillia asked. Shortly after that, my sister died."


"Yes, Mist, I got it. Say, Reyson, that treasure you spoke of – was it an old bronze medallion?"

"Yes, why?"

"It could just be a coincidence, but I must know – did your sister mention the priestess' name?"

"She did. Translated into the Modern Tongue it would be "Elena"."

"I knew it!" Mist clapped her hands. "Mother! It was our mother!"

"What!", Reyson exclaimed.

"Our mother's name was Elena", Ike explained. "And just like me she had blue eyes and hair."

Mist started humming a melody.

"That – that is the Galdr of Release!"

"Our mother sang it to us as a lullaby. What kind of power does it possess?"

"It can be used to unleash the terrible being sealed away inside the medallion."

"But I sang the song every day, and nothing happened!", Mist said, surprised.

"The Galdr of Release can only be used by a girl named Altina, that's why Lillia couldn't do it. But does that mean the medallion is here?!"

"Um – no", Mist said quietly. "It got stolen... by Nasir. It's most likely in King Ashnard's possession right now. I'm sorry..."

"It's not your fault", Reyson said softly. "None of us suspected Nasir to be a traitor."

"But that means that it was Ashnard who kidnapped your sister, and that's why my parents were on the run", Ike concluded. "My father was protecting my mother, who carried the medallion... And then he gave it to Mist."

"But what could Ashnard's objective be?", Reyson wondered. "If he manages to free the Dark God, this would be the end of the world. Besides, without Altina's help, it won't work."

"Well, we're not getting anywhere", Ike said. "Let's return to Nevassa for now... We know that we have to stop Ashnard and get the medallion back, before that mad guy does something stupid."

"Agreed. By defeating him, I will be able to avenge my sister as well."


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