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The Curse of the Brand



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Life returns


Ike stumbled over something and grabbed a tree for support.

"What was that?"

Soren bent down to examine it.

"This is – a piece of wall. Look, there are ruins everywhere."

"This has to be the town where the herons lived", Titania said.

"This is strange", Mist observed. "The ground is damp and muddy and the plants are all dead – except for here. But why?"

"Let's search these ruins, we might find some clues here", Ike ordered.

The mercenaries spread out and started to search the village systematically.

Frustrated, Ike kicked a stone away. During today's search, they had repeatedly clashed with Tanas' soldiers. They had also noticed that Tanas had ordered clerics and virgins to call for the heron, hoping that he would show himself rather to them than to the soldiers. But the prince obviously had no intention of showing up again. And Ike was definitely losing his good mood.

"Ike!" Nasir appeared in the front door of a house. "Come over here, quickly!"

"What is it? You found some soldiers?"

"No. A – heron."

Soren, Ike, Titania and Mist stood in the back door, staring at the laguz sitting in the middle of a small meadow full of blooming flowers. Like the one they had met, this one had white wings and golden hair.

"Well, at least we know now who's responsible for the healthy nature around here", Soren observed.

"Er, Nasir, that's a girl. You said that the one we saw was the only survivor."

"I thought so... to see another one is almost a miracle..."

The heron girl got to her feet, turned and froze when she saw Ike and the others.

"Hello", Ike said. "We're looking for someone. Could you help us?"

The girl replied something, but Ike couldn't understand a word.

"Sorry, could you repeat that? Slowly?"

The girl turned and headed for the trees.


Ike dashed after her. She looked over her shoulder, saw him coming, and collap­sed. Ike bent over her.

"Come on, wake up."

"She's fainted, Ike." Soren rolled his eyes. "You probably scared hell out of her."

"What do we do now? We can't just leave her here..."

A sound among the trees attracted Ike's attention. Tanas stepped out of the forest, followed by some of his soldiers.

"Oh! There he is! No doubt this is the marvellous piece of art I paid so much money for!"

"About time you showed up", Ike replied. "Now we can finish this!"

"Wait, what is this? A girl? Splendid! Splendid! Men, bring me that heron!"

"I won't let you have her!", Ike shouted. "Greil Mercenaries, form up! We have to protect the princess at all cost! And try to kill Tanas while you're at it."


"We have a problem, sire. There's a battle going on ahead of us", Ulki reported.

"And it's in the same direction that sound came from?"


"Well, let's have a look."

They flew in the direction Ulki had indicated and alighted on a tree.

"What the hell is going on in those human's minds? Why are they fighting among themselves?", Tibarn asked.

Reyson shrugged. "I could care less."

"You won't believe this, but one of them is carrying a heron!", Janaff exclaimed.

"What?", Tibarn and Reyson echoed.

"It seems like one side is trying to protect the heron, the other wants to kidnap her. The protectors are mercenaries, the others serve a begnion senator", Ulki ex­plained.

"I know that senator!", Reyson said. "That's the one who bought me!"

"In that case I suggest we lend those mercenaries a wing", Tibarn ordered. "Janaff, Ulki, follow me!"

"I'll come with you, I can help!", Reyson said.

"Fine, as long as you won't do anything forbidden or dangerous."

"You have my word."

They transformed. While Janaff and Ulki took on the enemy flying units, Tibarn simply tore apart the soldiers on the ground. He was surprised to see three from the beast tribe fighting with the mercenaries. Reyson stayed high above the battlefield, using his galdrar to support them.

Tibarn spotted the senator among a couple of strong guards. Some of the merce­naries were trying to break through, but the soldiers stood their ground. Tibarn swooped down, his talons ready to strike. The senator spotted him and tried to run for it, but he was too slow.

"That's for treating Reyson like a pet!", Tibarn shouted as he turned back to the battlefield. He let out a loud scream of victory that echoed from the surrounding trees. The remaining begnion soldiers fled.

Tibarn, Janaff, Ulki and Reyson landed at the edge of the clearing. The sound of hooves made them turn to see a single rider approaching them.

"I don't mean to fight you, so please transform back", the woman said.

Seeing that she wasn't holding a weapon, Tibarn did as she said.

"The commander wishes to speak to you, especially the heron prince. We have to clarify a few things."

"Right. Just don't make any suspicious moves."

"No need to worry. You have actually done us a favour – we've been hunting that man for two days now."

"I didn't do it for you guys."

"I know, but it still made our work a lot easier."

The heron girl was lying on the ground, a healer was just using magic on her. The girl Reyson had seen along with the knight stood next to him, looking anxious.

"I'm done", the healer said. "She's going to wake up soon."

"Thanks, Rhys", a familiar-looking beorc replied.

"Commander, I've brought them."

"Thanks, Titania."

The young man turned to face them. The knight dismounted and stood next to him, a mage appeared on his other side. The girl crouched down next to the still uncon­scious heron.

"It's you", the commander said. "Good to see you're safe. You had us pretty wor­ried, you know."

"This girl – who is she?", Reyson asked.

"I was hoping you could tell us... She fainted before we could get any information from her."

That moment, the girl stirred and opened her eyes. The beorc girl smiled at her and extended a hand. The heron seized it and let the other one pull her to her feet. Then she looked around, puzzled. Her eyes met Reyson's.

"Reyson? Is that you?", she asked, using the Old Tongue.

"Leanne? Leanne! It is you!"

He rushed forward to embrace his younger sister.

"Reyson... I thought I was alone..."

"How did you survive? Everyone else is gone..."

"The forest protected me. I have been sleeping until recently."

"I see..."

"Leanne, do you remember me?", Tibarn asked.

"You are Tibarn, right?"

"Yes. So you remember my name."

"Oh, this makes me so happy!", the beorc girl said. "They have been separated for 20 years!"

"You understand her, Mist?"

"Well, sort of. Mostly I get the meaning of what she says."

"You're weird."

"Shut up, Ike."

"But it makes me happy, too."

Ike suddenly smiled.

"I think I'm going to note this down in my diary", the mage said dryly. "Ike actually smiled."

"You don't keep a diary, Soren."

"That's the point, Ike."

"But Soren's diary would surely be interesting", Titania mused.

"Ya think so, captain?", a green-haired axe-fighter asked. "I can imagine what he'd write down... "Today I've met some more despicable people. Some more to add to the people-I-hate list. The whole world sucks..." Something like that."

"I'm impressed, Boyd", Soren said. "That's a pretty good idea – I might do that. And you would be on top of the list – right after Shinon, that is."

"Whaddaya mean by that?! Lookin' for trouble, little one?!"

"Oh, come on, you wouldn't be a match for me."

"Stop it, both of you!", Ike interrupted. "We really have other things to worry about."

Leanne laughed. "You are funny."

"Eh – what?"

"She said you're funny", Reyson explained.

"Am I supposed to feel flattered now?"

"I think so."


Tibarn stepped forward.

"You there, beorc."


"I'm Tibarn, King of Phoenecis. Ever since the Serenes Massacre occured, the royal family has been under my protection. Who are you and why did you protect Leanne?"

"I'm Ike, Commander of the Greil Mercenaries. By orders from Apostle Sanaki, I am protecting the herons."

"What! The herons were accused of murdering the former apostle, and her succes­sor now wants to help them? It's a bit hard to believe that."

"I agree", Reyson added.

"The Apostle Sanaki knows the herons are no murderers. Please wait to judge her until you've spoken to her. She's waiting at the edge of the forest."

"The apostle's here?!", Reyson asked.

"Yes. Please come with us."


Sanaki, Sigrun, Tanith and Elincia hadn't moved away from the clearing where Ike had left them. Since waiting in the lifeless forest was dull and boring, Elincia and Sanaki had spent the time talking about many things. Elincia had told Sanaki about the alliance between Crimea and Gallia, and how the two kings had worked to tighten the bonds between their nations.

"Why did King Caineghis not help you, although he is your ally?"

"He was very sorry about that, but he said that giving me support would give Daein an excuse to invade Gallia. And some of the senior statesmen were against it, also because some still resent the beorc because they remember what it was like to be slaves..."

"I see. And again, we have to pay for the crimes our ancestors committed."

The cat Lethe came dashing towards them, stopped and reverted.

"Commander Ike has sent me to give you an update. Duke Tanas is dead, he was killed by King Tibarn of Phoenecis. The king is headed this way, along with Prince Reyson and Princess Leanne of Serenes."

"I see. Thank you."

"So there is another survivor", Elincia said.

Five minutes later the vanguard of the mercenaries appeared. Most of them stayed back while Ike led the birds over to meet Sanaki.

Elincia took a step backwards to show that she wasn't the one they were here to see. Sanaki indicated her guards to stay with the princess and stepped forward to meet the birds.

"You're the apostle?", Reyson asked in disbelief.

"I am."

Sanaki took another step forward and sank on her knees.

"I am so sorry..."

"My lady!", Sigrun gasped. "You are the empress, you cannot kneel before anyone!"

"Let her be", Ike interjected. "Let her heart speak."

"But - "

Ike glared at Sigrun. Sanaki had to admit he was good at that. Sigrun fell silent.

"I'm sorry", Sanaki repeated. "I do not know the appropriate words to say to a mem­ber of the heron clan, and I am aware of the fact that, no matter what I say, the past cannot be undone. I can neither return your family nor your people to you, nor your forest. But as this nation's ruler, I want you to know that I am truly terribly sorry."

There was total silence after her short speech. No-one spoke, no-one moved.

Suddenly, a voice spoke in a soft, melodious tone. Sanaki looked up to see Prin­cess Leanne standing in front of her.

"Ah – what is it that you are saying? Are you – telling me to stand?"

Leanne smiled and extended a hand. Sanaki seized it carefully, afraid that she might break the princess' delicate fingers.

"Leanne, what are you doing?!", Reyson asked. "You can't honestly expect me to forgive them! You were asleep... you don't know what those humans did to us..."

Leanne shook her head and closed her eyes as she replied.

"You – know?"

Leanne put a hand on Sanaki's shoulder as she responded to her brother.

"I see... If that's what you're truly feeling..."

He turned to face Sanaki.

"We hereby accept your apology. The fate of our people shall no longer cause you any grief."

"Thank you..."

"I have a question, apostle. Do you know who erected those graves? The whole forest is full of them."

"I have asked myself the same question, and unfortunately, I do not know the answer."

"Hm. I would have liked to thank that person."

"I know the answer", Sigrun said. "But, Your Highness, you will not be able to thank that person. He died seven years ago."

"Who was it?"

"Senator Tiloki, Duke of Idras. I learned this from some of Senator Maian's guards – she is his daughter, you must know. Apparently, the duke tried to prevent the massacre from happening, but – well, you know what happened. Young Maian fell deathly ill and almost lost her will to live when she received the news. The duke left her in her older sister's care and returned to the forest the following day, bringing all the servants and soldiers he could muster. They buried those they could find, and engraved the names of those they could identify – those were not many. I also heard that Senator Maian comes here regularly and that she pays stonemasons to work on the graves to preserve them."

"That is an interesting story – but why is that senator not here now?"

"Her sister would not permit it", Sanaki replied. "She thought it would be too dange­rous with all the soldiers roaming the forest. Otherwise, she would have surely come – when I told her you had survived, she was overjoyed."

"I see... well, maybe I'll get a chance to thank her someday."

Reyson turned and walked to the edge of the clearing. Leanne and Tibarn followed him.

"That's good news", Ike said to Sanaki.

"Yes. Yes, indeed."

Tibarn returned.

"Reyson and Leanne are going to perform a ceremony at the altar. They've already gone ahead and they request your presence."

"Let's go, Sanaki."

Ike clapped her on the shoulder.


As Ike and Mist approached the altar that had been erected on a hill overlooking the village, they could see Reyson and Leanne standing on either side of it.

As soon as everyone had arrived, the siblings turned to face each other. Reyson raised his arms, the palms of his hands facing upwards. Leanne folded her hands.

As they started to sing, Ike could feel the power that radiated from them and their magical song. He couldn't understand the words, but something about this was very familiar...

"Mother... Mist, isn't that mother's song?"

"Not quite, but it – it is close. Ike, look, up there!"

Light washed through the forest and where it passed the trees, leaves and flowers grew from the branches. Within seconds, the forest around them was brimming with life. Butterflies and birds filled the air and tiny globes of light floated everywhere.

"It's incredible!", Mist exclaimed, laughing and dancing through the light.

Ike looked up at the two herons still standing next to the altar.

"The lord of the forest is returned."

"That was so beautiful!", Elincia said.

"That was excellent work done", Tibarn added. "Serenes Forest is finally back to what it used to be."

"Why didn't Reyson do that earlier?", Ike asked.

"It's impossible for a single heron to perform the Galdr of Rebirth, it takes at least two of them."

"I see."

Ike suddenly noticed Sigrun was crying. Sanaki tried to comfort her.

"Don't! This is no place for tears."

"Ah – apostle, I'm just so happy – and so proud. What you did today – Empress Misaha surely would have been pleased."


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