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“…” The group didn’t really talk much during their trip. Callo walked in between the girls and the two ‘foreigners’ as he used to call them and Yuna counted her Gar… Ary just enjoyed walking and Ledah and Ifrit? They didn’t really dare talking much as they received deathglared whenever they even opened their mouth…

“…” Ary rose an eyebrow… as much she enjoyed traveling, the silence kept bothering her… So why not start a conversation with their new friends?

“So, you guys are rather wealthy I guess? Are you dukes?”

“Hm? No, not at all.” Ledah blinked confused at the sudden exchange of words within their little group. Two sentences! That was a lot compared to the utter silence hanging upon them since they started this journey!

“Oh come on! You don’t have to be shy! You can tell us!” She grinned. Now Yuna got interested as well.

“You guys really act like nobles… well, at least you do, Ledah… The way you walk, speak, behave,…” The demoness kept counting on her fingers while eyeing them curiously. She knew way to well what they really were…

“No… not really…” The young blonde bit his lip. This demon was a threat to anything they had planned! For her this was just a game and Ledah was unsure what would happen if she grew tired of playing…

“Oh… okay!” Ary smiled, walking ahead of the group again… Somehow Ledah had the feeling as if the subject wasn’t done yet…

“Time for a break…” Ledah sighed and put his back next to a tree…

“I agree. I need something to eat as well!” Ary grinned evilly and looked at Ledah curiously.

“What’s wrong? Do I have anything in my face?” He snapped annoyed. What was just WRONG with this girl?!

“Oh… nothing I just thought it might be painful if you carry your stuff later on and it is full with ants…” She pointed at the spot Ledah had put his packs to… The young man rushed over, taking the bag off the ground and patting the ants away. He had laid the pack right into an ant-hill…

“Oh my… Can I help you, Led?” Ifrit asked, worried before tripping over a root, landing directly in the anthill…

“This really isn’t my day…” Ledah sighed as he burnt the ants off his brother.

“Ups… thank you!”

Yuna chuckled and sat down next to Ary. They talked eagerly about something, but it was too quite to understand… Callo however seemed to understand very well. He looked as if he had a hard time suppressing an evil grin. He even bit his lip so hard, Ledah was wondering why it wasn’t bleeding yet.

“Uhm… Do you have some supplies left or do we have to hunt?” The blonde asked as he searched through his packs unable to find anything left to eat…

“Hunt?” Ary smiled innocently. “But why should we go hunting? Food is all around us!” Something in her smile worried Ledah… It looked so innocent… too innocent.

“If… you say so. And… where exactly?” He looked around. The trees were mainly oaks and no fruits hang on them. The mushrooms here grew on Asgard as well and he knew they were poisonous. There were only a few rocks and old tree-stumps lying around on the mossy ground…

“Look, I will show you!” The young girl jumped up, walking to a stone, lifting it. Underneath it were worms, larvae and all kinds of insects… “Those aren’t good… those aren’t either…” She pulled away some worms and bugs and threw them away. “Oh, there is a good one!” Ary took a fat white caterpillar with red head and threw it towards the boys. “Here!”

“Y… you are kidding me… right?” Ledah chuckled nervously.

“Huh? Not at all. It’s a delicatessen! A wonderful snack all over Midgard as they can be found almost anywhere you go. And they are good for your health!” The summoner smiled and searched for more…

“…” Ledah gulped. “Y.. yeah of course… now that you mention it, I remember… It’s… delicious…” He looked down at the slimy little creature in his hands and closed his eyes. ‘Just… imagine it was sweets… Just imagine it was sweets… just imagine it was sweets…’ Ledah tried repeating this mentally again and again before opening his mouth slowly. The movements of the little animal in his hands made it rather hard to imagine though…

Suddenly someone bursted out in laughter. Ledah opened his eyes, seeing Yuna rolling on the ground, laughing as if someone tickled her really hard…

“Oh Yuna!” Ary whined.

“Sorry, I’m really sorry, but… Ahahaha!!! I just couldn’t hold back any longer! Hahahaha!!!” She laughed so hard it was hurting. Now Ary had to laugh too. Ledah looked down at the little animal in his hand and back at the two girls.

“You were kidding…” He rose an eyebrow, unimpressed. Even Callo grinned now. He seemingly couldn’t suppress his amusement anymore either…

Ifrit didn’t get the whole situation. Ledah bet if he gave him the insect now, he’d eat it, believing them every single word…

“Sorry but… haha, something like that can only happen to a noble! No one living in a normal town or village wouldn’t recognize a willow-moth-caterpillar!” Ary grinned.

The young enwa wasn’t amused at all… Oh well… so he was going to play that game…


Now, finally Ary seemed satisfied, dropping this subject for the rest of their journey.


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