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Drabbles (Liley)

Because when you love somebody, you love them. No catch.


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In Love With You (English)







Number. 01

"This is Miley's decision to make, not yours! Stop manipulating her!", Lilly grabbed Jake's shoulders and pushed him away. She was seething, mad with rage and ready to punch him in the face.

“Shut up, Truscott! Miley is my girlfriend and I do whatever I want with her! And she doesn't need a pathetic, lesbian freak who only wants to hump her and then throw her away!”, Miley was shivering in the corner where Jake had left her. She was sobbing quietly.

“Miley is not your property! She is your girlfriend and you should love her with all your heart! All I see you do is brake her soul!”, her fists were shaking and a vein was rapidly beating on her neck. She wanted to make him pay, make him pay for breaking her best friend, the woman she loved.

“You don't know what you're talking about!”, he went to get Miley, but Lilly grabbed his arm.

“Don't you dare touch her. I will not let you hit her again.”, her voice was calm, yet murderous. She would not let him, she would not let him touch her precious Miley again. “Before you talk to her again, you will have to answer to me first.”

She needed to protect her.

“What are you?! Her watchdog?!”, he pulled away from her. “Miley is mine! She doesn't need you!”

“Obviously she does!”, Lilly pushed him back once again and crouched down next to the brunette, wrapping her arms around her and rocking her ever so slightly. “You will not hurt her again. I won't let you.” Miley buried her head in Lilly's shoulder and cried.

Lilly gritted her teeth.

The blonde tomboy knew why Miley put up with Jake's behavior. And she knew why she never said anything about the cuts and bruises and the pain. But Lilly just couldn't understand her best friend. She couldn't understand the reason at all.

Miley didn't love Jake. She never had and never would.

“Miley! Let's go!”, Jake reached for Miley, but she just buried herself a little bit more into her best friend. Jake's hands were trembling now and he bared his teeth to Lilly. She didn't flinch. She wouldn't show him any weakness. Because when it was about Miley, she didn't have any. “Miley, I want you to leave with me! You don't need her!”

“Yeah...”, Lilly froze. Miley just couldn't have said what Lilly thought she said. She couldn't possibly... No. “Yeah, I do need her. I need her more than anything.” The brunettes hands came from around her body and embraced a dumbstruck tomboy. “Because... I'm in love with her.”

But Daddy (English)







Number. 02

"Dad, I'm in love with someone...”, Miley was more than nervous and she didn't know if she was doing the right thing by telling her father. But Lilly had asked her to... So she did it. She couldn't lie to him anymore. It was getting to be too much.

“Really? That's great, honey. Who is he? Who do I have to shoot?”, he grinned at her and she tried to smile back, but failed miserably. She sighed, then sat back down on the couch next to her father.

“Uhm, that's the point, daddy... You know them already.”, little did he know who it was and that he probably really would have to shoot the person this time. She was scared for his reaction.

“So? Tell me.”, he was smiling at her. Surely expecting her getting back together with the quarterback of the football team Jake Ryan or falling in love with the head of the soccer team. But certainly not the female one. She always had it for athletes.

“Please, promise me you won't get mad, okay?”, she didn't want her father mad at her. She just wanted to be happy. With her girlfriend. Her father looked at her, perplexed.

“Honey, I won't get mad at you. Now, tell me his name. I hope he's tall and handsome. But it'd be okay if he was a little smaller. Someone nice. That's important. A guy who treats you right. A guy who can make you hap-”

“Daddy, I'm in love with Lilly. We're together. We're a couple. Please don't hate me.”, she just had to interrupt her father. She couldn't stand to listen to him any longer, describing her perfect never-to-happen boyfriend.

His face was expressionless.

“Miley Ray Stewart, what did you just say?”, he was extremely angry, Miley could sense it and she shied a little away from him, making herself look smaller. His voice boomed in her ears and she felt like crying. She had known how her father would react to the news, but she hadn't wanted to believe it.

“I'm... I'm in love with Lilly, dad. I love her.”, Lilly had been there for her after the Jake-incident and she had been there to put the pieces back together. Lilly always had her heart.

Robbie Ray's face was one of absolute disgust.

“I can not believe you! A daughter of mine will not commit to a sin like this! I do not deserve something like you in my family! You will end this... this thing you call a relationship right now!”, he stood, pulling out his cellphone and throwing it in her direction. “Call her. Now!”

Miley stared at him.

“Dad, I will not break up with Lilly. I love her.”, she didn't even remotely touch the phone. She stood up herself, slowly backing away from him. “Why can't you be more understanding? Why can't you be like Lilly's mother? I thought you loved me!”

“How can I love you if you... you act this abnormal! Miley Ray Stewart, I want you to get rid of this girl right now! I will not tolerate this. It's either her or me! Choose!”, Miley's eyes watered at this. She couldn't understand how her own father could be so cruel.

“But... But Daddy...”


Miley sniffed, wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her sweatshirt and shook her head. “I can't believe you.”, she pushed him out of the way as she ran towards the door, not caring about his screaming and how he never wanted to see her again.

She was 18 now, she had to make it herself. She just wanted to be happy.

However, she wasn't prepared for what greeted her outside.

Lilly Truscott was standing there, looking up at Miley. Looking torn and sad. But Miley was never more glad to see her beautiful face. She skipped down the front porch and jumped into the waiting arms of her loving girlfriend. Her rock, her refuge, her safe harbor.

“God, I love you so much, Miley. Don't cry. It's going to be okay.”, Lilly kissed her temple, making her feel more comfortable than she had in years. Lilly was everything she needed to be happy. She would miss her father, but he couldn't replace Lilly in her life.

And she knew that she had made the right decision.

That she chose the right person.

Insanity (Former Prologue) (English)







Prologue – One last Time

“I want her back, give her back. I want her back. You took her, you took her. Give her back, I want her back. Don't do that to me, I just want her back. Just give her back.”

“I can't. I can't bring her back. She's gone, she's gone. I can't bring her back. You're too late. Look, I can't bring her back.”

“No, you have to bring her back. I will kill you, you have to bring her back. I want her, I want her back. I need her.”

“She is gone and you can't kill me. You don't need her, you have me. Don't waste your time, I can't bring her back. She's gone, she's dead.”

“No, she is not. She can't be. She promised me, she can't be gone. Dead, no. Never. She promised, she promised. She'd never leave me. Never. You have to bring her back.”

“I'm sorry, I can not. She is dead. Look, she is dead.”

Her hands sweaty, moist, damp. The chains so strong, solid, unbreakable. She's tied. Tied. She can not leave, she can not stand. Kneeling, mourning, crying. Tears. Bloody and real. So much pain, she can not comprehend. What is happening? Why is this happening?

Why her? Why her? They can not tell her. And she is tied to the ground. The chains so heavy. She could not do a thing. She couldn't save her. No protection. What is happening? And why? Her mind blank.

She is not alone, she wishes she was. Alone, just she and her heartbeat. So irregular, so fast, yet so steady. What is wrong with her? Why is she here? Why is she tied to her fear? The ground? Angst. What? Why? When? Who? Who is she? Why is she chained?

He is not laughing, but she knows he wants to giggle, to chuckle, just smirk maybe. She does not know him. Why would she? She does not trust him, he tied her up. All her feelings, all her pride, all her love. Tied up. And yet.

Yet she does not know him.

Why is this happening to her? She sees it. She can see it. Her. The body. Lifeless, dead, cold. An empty stare, so alone, so white. Vague, yet so clear. Why can't she see the light anymore? Why take it from her? Who?

Tied to the ground, on her knees, screaming. Her mind can not understand. Her brain will not work. Can not. Just can not. What. Tell her what. What in the world is happening? And why doesn't it stop? Why? What makes this happening?

“Stop it! I want you to stop it! Bring her back! I want her back! Give her to me!”

She sees him, and yet she can't recognize him. She does not. He kicks her in the gut and she feels the pain, as if it was her own. Her. The lifeless body. It rolls on its back, the stare so full, yet so empty. Empty blue pools.

She screams. She screams. So loud, so clear, so huge. She can not stand it. Something is messing with her head. What? So many questions. She does not understand. He laughs. Now he laughs. So loud, so clear, her scream, his laugh.

What is happening?

Blood, everywhere. She can almost taste it on her tongue, just almost. Her mouth watery, yet so dry. She can. She can not. She swallows, stares now. Her stare cold as ice, almost like the stare the body inhabits. She wants her back, she needs her. She goes insane.

She knows she already is. Insane. She can not help it. Why, she asks, why should something change? She needs the change. She swallows again, hard. He stops laughing, his face sour, not happy. He's angry, probably frustrated.

She does not know.

“Give her back!”, she screams again. Not as loud as before, but loud nonetheless. He smirks, he chuckles, he shakes his head. White hair, sheer, white face, white suit, white tie. White. Her mind goes white. She wants to grab his throat, wants to strangle his laugh. She chokes on her own words, as a punch hits her.

Her teeth clatter.

But she does not flinch. She can not give him the satisfaction. Yet she can not comprehend. His knuckles as white as his hair. She knows his glasses, she knows, who he wants. He is not old, thirty maybe. It is not important, because he is as white as herself. Yet she is only eighteen. She has blonde hair, she is strong. She is weird, she knows that.

But her mind. Her mind. Her mind is a white place and he knows that, too. She spits on his face and he growls. She knows he is angry. Now. He hates her, he despises her. She grits her teeth. “Give. Give her back. I want her!”

He screams. Now he screams, his howl oh so loud. He slams his fist in her face once more and she feels his anger. His rage.


He stumbles. He almost runs to the lifeless body. Their chestnut brown hair hanging in their face. So beautiful, perfect, flawless. Yet, blood. So much blood. Disturbing the beauty. It's a sin. A sin in so many ways, that she just wants to vomit.

He gabs their body and throws it her way, yet not close enough. She reaches towards them, but she can not touch. A hollow feeling in the pit of her stomach. The chains so strong. She is tied. Still. Not able to move. They rattle, they squeak.

She feels so cold, so alone. They are right there. In front of her. Out of reach. She places her hands on the floor, just looking. Just looking, as he pulls their pants down. Her eyes wide, as she realizes. As she finally, finally, finally sees clear. She thinks it, she knows it. He pulls his zipper down and she screams.

She screams.

She screams.

“No! Stop it, stop it, stop it! No!”, he pulls down their underwear. They are so lifeless, so cold, so innocent. He can not do that. No, he can not do that. Never would she allow that. She sees him smirk, sees him grab his limb. The limb between his legs and it hardens. She wants to throw up. She is disgusted, she is scared.

Not for herself, though.

“You can't help her, little Lilly. You can't help her. She's long gone, you can't save her. Come on, enjoy. Enjoy. You are the one I want. Always, just you. And she is just something that got in the way.”, he pushes their legs apart with his white foot and lowers himself.

She pulls and tears at the chains. Her hands are tied. She can not do a thing.

And she feels it. She feels it. It is right there in her. She has absolutely no power. Not over him, not over herself, not over... Miley.

Because she lost her, she lost her. She is gone now, she is dead. And he will not bring her back. She screams. She cries. He can not do that.

But he does.

He claims them, he enters them, pushed deep inside them. In the lifeless body. He groans, he pushes harder. It is rape, he is raping the dead body. And she screams again, the tears are sliding down her cheeks. She can not help. She can not help saving Miley. She is useless.

Impotent, not able to do anything. Just staring, pulling, squirming. No, it can't happen. He pushes harder, faster, more violent, more forcible. He moans and she can see blood. Blood on the body, between its legs. And her vision blurs. Too many tears. So much water.

She whispers. Just whispers. No. And she bows her head, buries her face in her hands. She can not look anymore, she needs it to stop. She hears him grunt and moan again. Pleasure. Sick pleasure. He satisfies himself. Miley. Miley. He rapes her, the lifeless body. He rapes Miley. And she can only do as much as listen and stare.

And this is when her breathing hitches. And she feels something else. It is the first time since endless hours, that she can actually feel its presence. He moans again and she opens her eyes. It is raining. The roof is full of holes. She is soaked. She raises her head, feels the raindrops on her face and grits her teeth.

Now. Now or never.

She attempts to stand, but the chains on her wrists keep her from raising fully. The metal shimmers in the moonlight and she pulls a last time.


She can feel it. It breaks. The chain. It broke. It is broken. She stands, she hovers over him. He has yet to understand, what is happening. His eyes still closed in his sick pleasure. Her fists shaking, her vision still blurry. And she reaches back, ready to kill.

He is send flying against the wall, his limb still covered in blood and his juices. He is knocked unconscious immediately. And she stares, her fist still raised. And her eyes sting. So many tears. She kneels to the ground, looks at the still body in front of her. Blood and a white secretion on her legs, her inner thighs. She strokes the auburn haired girls cheek and leans down.

She kisses her.

Just one last time. Her lips meet the cold ones, but she does not flinch.

She pulls up the underwear and the pants and buttons it up. Then she looks again. She looks at the man. He is lying face down in the dirt. She gets up, walks over to him. Slow motion. She knows he has it. She takes his gun, she points it at his head and pulls the trigger.

The bullet pierces his skull, kills him. But she is not satisfied. She still feels the thirst. She wants revenge.

It is his fault.

Everything keeps coming back to him. He deserves death. And she shoots him again. Again and again. Until there is only one bullet left. The man, a bloody mass. Her stare so cold. Icy. She does not drop the weapon, looks over, turns around. She walks over again, kneels down again, drapes her arms around the body's waist.

A last tear and she kisses her cheek. A last time.

She does not feel fear, as she lifts the gun to her temple, leans her head on the other girls shoulder and closes her eyes. And. And. And.

And she pulls the trigger.

One last time.

13. Relient K - The Thief







Way number 13 – Cowardice

I guess it’s safe to say

You’re never coming back (Oh oh oh oh)

And I understand

Why you wouldn’t want to (Oh oh oh oh)

I guess it’s up to me to find a way to get to you


Jake starrte die schweren Türen an, die sich vor ihm erhoben, als die Wachen ihn in ihre Richtung bugsierten. Er ließ seinen Kopf hängen und sah nicht auf, als die zwei Männer ihn in die Halle führten und auf den Stuhl des Angeklagten setzten. Er seufzte in sich hinein und behielt seinen Blick nach unten auf den Boden gerichtet.

Er wollte sie nicht ansehen. Er wollte nicht mit ansehen müssen, was er ihr angetan hatte. Sein Magen drehte sich bei dem Gedanken um, was er mit ihr gemacht hatte. Er würde sich selbst dafür nie verzeihen. Vielleicht war Miley wirklich besser mit dieser Lesbe dran, als mit ihm.

„Leslie Ryan, erheben Sie sich.“, Jake erhob sich langsam und hob seine Augen zum Richter, der ihn missbilligend musterte. Für das, was er getan hatte, gehörte er bestraft. Das wusste er. Und er würde es akzeptieren.

Er verstand ihren Schmerz.

Seine Augen wanderten zu seiner Ex-Frau.

Mileys Blick lag nicht auf ihm. Sie hatte den Richter fixiert. Lilly Truscott saß neben ihr und hielt ihre Hand. Sie lehnte sich zu Miley und flüsterte ihr etwas in Ohr und die Brünette drehte ihr den Kopf zu und lächelte liebevoll. Lilly strich über ihre Hand und Jakes Eingeweide zogen sich zusammen. Er hasste es immer noch, sie zusammen zu sehen.

Miley würde nie wieder mit ihm sprechen und würde wahrscheinlich diese Lesbe heiraten, sobald ihre Scheidung vom Tisch war. Er knirschte mit den Zähnen, wandte sich wieder dem Richter zu und atmete schwer durch seine Nase.

Er verstand, wieso sie ihn nicht mehr wollte. Aber er ertrug den Gedanken nicht, sie hier mit diesem Miststück zu sehen. Wieso war sie nicht allein gekommen? Diese Lilly war doch erst der Auslöser seines Problems gewesen. Sie hatte dafür gesorgt, dass er die Kontrolle verloren hatte. Sie sollte hier sitzen, nicht er.

Sie hatte alle Schuld an der Vergewaltigung. Er war vollkommen unschuldig. Davon war er überzeugt. Wenn diese Lilly nicht gewesen wäre, dann hätte er seine Frau nicht vergewaltigen müssen. Dann hätte sie freiwillig und von ganz allein mit ihm geschlafen.

Jake verstand die Welt nicht mehr.

Er musste einen Weg finden, sich hier irgendwie heraus zu winden. Für Sexualstraftaten gab es für gewöhnlich nicht sehr lange. Vielleicht fünf, sechs Jahre. Aber er würde Miley wiedersehen. Und dann würde er sie wieder zurückerobern. Sie gehörten doch zusammen.


And I can’t see you

I’m getting used to

Living in the midst of your perfection

And I’m so lost

How can you trust

Somewhere the sun is always shining?


Mileys Augen waren immer noch auf den Richter fixiert. Auch, als Jake in den Zeugenstand gerufen wurde. Er trat vor und stellte sich in die kleine Box neben dem Richterpult. Er würde ihnen seine Version der Geschichte erzählen. Er hatte keine Schuld.

„Miley? Wo warst du denn so lange?“, Jake saß in seinem Lieblingssessel und las sein neues Buch, als die Brünette durch die Vordertür herein kam. Sie war bepackt mit Taschen vom Shopping mit dieser Lesbe und stellte sie neben dem Sofa ab.

„Lilly und ich waren noch kurz in dieser neuen Bar. Du weißt schon. Die, die letztens erst neu aufgemacht hat.“, sie lächelte ihn etwas gequält an und setzte sich auf das Sofa, streckte ihre Füße auf den kleinen Couchtisch und seufzte ausgelassen. „Eins muss ich ihr lassen. Sie hat Ausdauer.“

Jakes Auge zuckte. Ausdauer. Darauf wettete er. Seine Schlampe von Frau machte auch noch Witze über die Tatsache, dass sie ihn betrog. Langsam aber sicher wollte er sie nicht mehr sehen. Sie sollte ihm bloß aus den Augen gehen.

„Wirklich... Wie schön.“, er zwängte die Worte hervor und legte sein Buch beiseite. Miley sah ihn an, aber ihr Blick enthielt keine Liebe für ihn. Er stellte mit Bitterkeit fest, dass Sehnsucht in ihnen lag. Sehnsucht nach etwas, was er ihr nicht geben konnte.

Aber das würde er nicht auf sich sitzen lassen.

Er erhob sich stumm und ging auf seine Frau zu. Sie sah zu ihm auf, als er vor ihr zum Stehen kam. „Ich finde, wir sollten uns Mal an ein paar süßen Kindern versuchen. Was meinst du?“, er nahm ihr Gesicht in seine Hände und ging leicht in die Knie. Er küsste sie, aber sie saß nur da. Er presste ihre Münder fester zusammen und seine Hände glitten unter ihr Top.

Miley packte seine Arme.

„Nicht heute... okay? Ich bin kaputt, ich habe einfach keine Lust.“, sie kaute auf ihrer Unterlippe herum und Jake biss die Zähne aufeinander. Nie hatte sie Lust, mit ihm zu schlafen. Nie wollte sie ihm auch nur ein kleines bisschen Liebe zeigen. Immerhin waren sie verheiratet, verdammt!

„Was?! Hast du etwa schon zu viel mit deiner kleinen, lesbischen Freundin gefickt?!“, er packte ihre Handgelenke und pinnte sie auf dem Sofa fest. Sie wirkte verängstigt.

„W-Wovon redest du?“, Jake schnaubte.

„Oh, stell dich nicht dümmer, als du bist! Dachtest du etwa, ich merke es nicht, wenn du mich hinter meinem Rücken betrügst?! Kannst du denn nicht sehen, was für einen Keil dieses Miststück zwischen uns treibt?!“, er verstärkte seinen Griff und sie wimmerte leise. Er fühlte sich stark. Zum ersten Mal seit Wochen fühlte er sich wirklich gut.

Er hatte die Kontrolle. Er hatte die Macht. So, wie es sich gehörte.

„Jake, es tut mir Leid. Es kommt nicht wieder vor.“, leere Worte, Lügen. Er knurrte, warf sie auf den Boden zu seinen Füßen und packte wieder ihre Handgelenke, hielt sie auf dem Boden fest. Er nahm ihre Hände in eine von seinen und riss mit der anderen an ihrer Hose.

„Wenn du mir nicht das geben kannst, was ich will, dann werde ich es mir eben nehmen!“, er riss ihre Hose herunter und sie versuchte, sich gegen ihn zu wehren, aber er war immer schon stärker gewesen, als sie. Sie wand und sträubte sich unter ihm, aber er schlug nur in ihr Gesicht. „Miststück!“


And there’s just one last thing that I have to say

As we reflect on the mess of all of this I’ve made

It was cowardice that made me push you away

I was so afraid cause you were so much better than me


Lilly Truscott küsste sanft Mileys Schläfe. Jake ballte seine Hände unter dem Tisch zu Fäusten. Sie hatte Miley nicht verdient. Miley brauchte jemand Besseren. Jemand Stärkeren. Aber nicht dieses blonde Miststück. Wie hatte Miley nur je etwas für sie empfinden können?

„Hiermit verurteilen wir Leslie Jake Ryan zu sieben Jahren Haft.“, der Richter schlug mit seinem Hammer auf den Tisch und Jake erhob sich erneut. Mileys Augen waren rot und jetzt endlich sah sie ihn an. Er fletschte seine Zähne und sie zuckte zusammen und sah wieder weg.

„Wir werden uns wiedersehen, Miley! Man sieht sich immer zwei Mal im Leben! Wart's nur ab!“, er sträubte sich nicht gegen seine Fesseln und sein Anwalt schüttelte den Kopf. Er hörte Miley schniefen. „Ja! Das geschieht dir recht! Ich hoffe, du verrottest in der Hölle!“

Er konnte nicht mehr an sich halten. Es brach aus ihm heraus.

„Du hattest mich sowieso nie verdient! Ich bin Jake Ryan, verdammt nochmal!“, er wand sich in seinen Handschellen und kam vor Miley zum Stehen. Der Wachmann packte ihn, aber Jake machte keine Anstalten, Miley anzurühren.

Lilly stand auf.

„Verschwinde, Jake! Du wirst Miley nie wieder anfassen, ist das klar?!“, er sah den kalten Hass in ihren Augen. Den Hass, den er jedes Mal verspürte, wenn er Lilly ansah. Sie liebte Miley. Und das machte den jungen Mann nur noch wütender.

„Fahr zur Hölle!“, er schnellte nach vorne und schlug seine Stirn hart gegen Lillys Nase. Die Blonde krachte in den Stuhl hinter ihr. Blut lief ihr Gesicht hinunter, als sie sich wieder auf rappelte und Jake einen Faustschlag ins Gesicht versetzte.

Die Wachmänner zerrten Jake weg von Lilly. Lilly wollte ihm hinterher, aber Miley nahm ihren Oberarm. Jake sah dabei zu, wie Miley Lilly sanft zurück auf den Stuhl drückte und ein Taschentuch hervor zog, sanft das Blut weg wischte. Er seufzte.

Er hatte Miley verloren.

„Das kommt davon, wenn du dich mit mir anlegst. Miese Schlampe.“, er trat ihr gegen den Bauch. Sie blutete aus ihrem Intimbereich und Tränen liefen über ihr Gesicht. Jake sah missbilligend auf sie hinab und schnaubte. „Das hast du verdient. Niemand betrügt mich.“

Er ballte seine Hände zu Fäusten. Die Schuldgefühle sickerten noch nicht in ihn hinein. Er war kein Feigling. Er hatte es seiner Frau gezeigt. Er hatte ihr gezeigt, wer in ihrer Beziehung die Hosen an hatte. Er grinste triumphierend auf sie hinab.

Er hörte, wie die Tür geöffnet wurde.

„Hey, Miles! Du hast dein Portmonee in meinem Auto... vergessen...“, Lilly Truscott stand da im Türrahmen ihres Wohnzimmers. Besagtes Portmonee landete auf dem Boden, als sie die Szenerie in sich aufnahm. Ihr Gesicht erbleichte. Dann ballte sie ihre Hände zu Fäusten und stürzte sich auf Jake. „Du elender Mistkerl!“ Sie schlug ihm ins Gesicht.

Er krachte in das Klavier und seine Nase begann heftig zu bluten. Er schlug zurück und packte sie am Kragen, schlug ihren Rücken gegen die Wand. Sie packte seine Arme und grub ihr Knie in seinen Magen. Er knickte ein und ihr Fuß traf seinen Kopf.

Mit halb geschlossenen Augen sah er dabei zu, wie Lilly Truscott neben seiner Frau in die Knie ging und wie sich Tränen in ihren Augen bildeten. Er konnte sich nicht bewegen. Die Lesbe holte ihr Telefon heraus und rief die Polizei. Den Krankenwagen.

Sie strich mit einer zitternden Hand über Mileys Haar und ihre Lippen zitterten. „Ich liebe dich, Miles. Es wird alles wieder gut. Mach dir keine Sorgen.“, sie beugte sich vor und gab Miley einen kleinen Kuss auf die Stirn, bevor sie vorsichtig ihre Jeans wieder hoch zog und sie auf ihre Arme nahm.

Jake starrte ihr nach, als Lilly die Brünette aus seinem Blickfeld trug.

Er hatte verloren.


I guess it’s safe to say

You’re never coming back (Oh oh oh oh)

And I understand

Why you wouldn’t want to (Oh oh oh oh)

I guess it’s up to me to find a way to get to you


Kommentare zu dieser Fanfic (9)

Kommentar schreiben
Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von:  Wolkenkranich
2014-08-08T12:53:24+00:00 08.08.2014 14:53
wirklich schön du hast einen tollen Schreibstyle^^ Liley forever♥
Von: abgemeldet
2010-07-10T09:51:36+00:00 10.07.2010 11:51
İch hasse Robby Ray nicht...
Nein, ich kann ihn nicht verstehen und finde ihn teils sehr hirnlos, (wenn du ihn so darstellst :P) aber nein ich hasse ihn nicht.
Mal abgesehen von dieser kleinen sehr grossen Macke, ist er ja ein guter Vater... oder so...
Wieso machst du das nur mit ihm???? Er hat doch so schöne Haare :o
Von:  Talitha2
2010-07-03T20:16:34+00:00 03.07.2010 22:16
Schön geschrieben, auch wenn mir die Thematik persönlich überhaupt nicht gefällt. Bei Vergewaltigung läuft es mir jedesmal kalt den Rücken runter (auch wenns nur Fiktion ist). Aber wie gesagt, sehr schön, besonders die Gefühlsbeschreibungen.
Von:  sandpix
2009-12-15T19:47:55+00:00 15.12.2009 20:47
ich kenns ja schon :D und du kennst meine meinung :D

auch wenns englisch ist (und ichs zu soner 'späten' stunde eig nich lesen WILL) is es einfach erstklassig ^.^b
freu mich total auf die fortsetzung :D

Von: abgemeldet
2009-12-13T12:17:57+00:00 13.12.2009 13:17
God. Perfection.
You are the goddess of the German Liley-universe.

Ne, mal ernsthaft. Das ist sowas von perfekt. Traurig, aber perfekt.
Von: abgemeldet
2009-11-06T15:09:06+00:00 06.11.2009 16:09
Also ich fand es gut. Ein wenig kurz, doch wie gesagt gut.
Auch wenn mir einige Formulierungen ein klein wenig bisschen seltsam vorkamen.
Na ja, war aber nichts weltbewegendes.

Von:  HarukalovesMichi
2009-10-10T09:55:36+00:00 10.10.2009 11:55
Hm ich kann leider nicht so gut englisch also von daher, sorry

aber so bissel hab ich verstanden, sweeettt ^^
Von:  sandpix
2009-09-04T15:38:56+00:00 04.09.2009 17:38
GOD wie man RR hassen kann O.O
nja Miles hats richtig gemacht xD hätt man denk ich auch nich anders erwartet... (sons hätt ich dich gehaun xD)
Von:  sandpix
2009-08-31T18:01:36+00:00 31.08.2009 20:01
aaaaaw x3 so zucker ey :3
is das niedlich wie Lilly Miley verteidigt (wie imma eigentlich Oo) xDD
auch wenns auf englisch war einfach genial ^-^b
