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I hate everything about you, so why do I love you?

Sasuke - Usagi - Itachi


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Usagi Mitsu

Mein Name ist Usagi Mitsu. Ich bin die Heldin der Geschichte, okay. Eigentlich ist das ja Naruto aber wenn ihr dieses FF lest kennt ihr seine Geschichte ja hoffentlich schon ;)

Usagi bedeutet in etwa so viel wie "Mondhäschen" und mein Nachname Mitsu kann mit "Licht" übersetzt werden.

Mein Kekkei-Genkai ist der "Mitsu-no-Jutsu". Ich kann das Licht kontrolieren. Aber ich bin die einzige die auch die Kräfte hat die Dunkelheit zu bezwingen.

Ich bin, oder besser war, die letzte Überlebende des Mitsu-Clans.

Bis ich fünf Jahre alt war, lebte ich in Kumo-Gakure. Dann tötete mein Vater unseren Clan als er vom Mal des Fluches kontrolliert wurde. Fortan lebten wir in Kiri-Gakure. Ich erfuhr später, das mein Dad versuchte uns dort vor jemandem zu verstecken, doch als ich 12 war, fand er uns.

Orochimaru tötete meine Eltern und ich zog nach Konoha-Gakure, wo ich in ein Team mit einem gewissen hyperaktiven Ge-nin gesteckt wurde. Er, der nervige emotionslose Sasuke, ich und Kakashi-Sensei waren das Team 7.

Auf unserer ersten wirklich coolen Mission mussten wir einen Brückenbaumeister beschützen. Das war schwerer als gedacht! Echt man, wenn der uns auch die Hälfte verschweigt... Auf der Mission zeigte sich zum ersten mal der Fluch der in meinem Blut schwamm: die Dunkelheit. Immer wenn ich wütend wurde und meine Gefühle verrückt spielten, kam er zum vorschein und mit jedem Mal hinterließ er Tattoos die sich immer weiter von meinen Armen aus, auf meinem Körper ausbreiteten.

Falls diese Zeichen irgendwann meinen ganzen Körper bedecken sollten, würde ich sterben.

Damals versprach mir Sasuke etwas: Er würde mich aufhalten wenn ich wieder ausser Kontrolle geraten sollte.

Nicht lange danach musste er das auch schon tun. Mitten in der Chu-nin Prüfung tauchte Orochimaru auf und griff uns an!

Ich, rasend vor Wut, hatte nichts besseres zu tun als ihn anzugreifen... Bin ich nicht ein Genie? Doch befor mir etwas passieren konnte, rettete Sasuke mich! Er gab mir einen Kuss. Direkt auf den Mund!

Während der Vorbereitungszeit auf den nächsten Teil der Prüfung, trainirten wir jede Nacht gemeinsam und unser Verhältniss wurde immer inniger...

Es war so schön...

Nach der Prüfung wollte mir Hisa-me, mein anderes dunkles Ich, mir eine neue Kunst beibringen. Doch war ich ziemlich fertig danach und sie eingeschnappt woraufhin sie darauf verzichtete mein Mal des Fluches wieder zu versiegeln.

-Oh ja, ich habe ein Mal des Fluches, aber ich bin nicht stolz darauf!-

Ich rannte zu Sasuke und er half mir. Mehr noch. Er versprach mir, nicht zu Orochimaru zu gehen. Denn ich wusste das er es irgendwann tun würde. Aber dann würde ich mitkommen und Orochimaru töten wenn es sein musste.

Doch am nächsten Tag änderte sich alles! Ich ging mit Naruto und diesem perversen San-nin auf die Suche nach einer Frau und wurde entführt! Von Itachi Uchiha!

Und nicht genug, er brachte mich auch noch in dieses beschißene Hauptquartier und war mein 24 Stunden an 7 Tagen in der Woche Bodyguard... Hölle sag ich euch, denn das war derjenige, den Sasuke töten wollte! Und ich verbrachte meine gesamte Zeit mit ihm...

Aber es gab auch nette Überaschungen. Ich lernte Deidara kennen, einen jungen blonden Mann bei dem ich mir zuerst nicht sicher war welchem Geschlecht er angehörte ;) Oder den schüchternen Sasori, er ist echt lieb! Kisame konnte ich nicht ausstehen, Zetsu war nett und Pein, der Anführer, war einfach nur bescheuert. (Die Anderen lernte ich nie kennen.)

Doch dann erfuhr ich das Sasuke zu Orochimaru übergelaufen war! Ich war stinkwütend und Pein sandte mich dorthin um der Schlange eine Nachricht zu bringen. Ich kämpfte mit Sasuke und er tötete mich sogar. Doch das Monster in meinem Blut würde mich nicht sterben lassen. Die Dunkelheit kontrollierte mich und wenn er nicht Reue gezeigt hätte, währe er tot gewesen...

Zurück im Hauptquartier musste ich feststellen dass ich ein großes Problem hatte: Itachi.

Ich wollte nichts von ihm - dachte ich zumindest. In Wahrheit hatte ich mich Halsüberkopf in ihn verliebt und er wusste es.

Wir begannen ein Katz und Maus Spiel in dem ich meine Gefühle leugnete und er sich mir trotzdem immer wieder näherte.

Wenn er mich nicht angefasst hätte, währe ich wohl fähig gewesen meine Gefühle für ihn zu vergessen, doch als er mich dann beim Sex (ich wollte nicht, wirklich! Aber irgendwie wollte ich schon... Aber ich musste an Sasuke denken und- Zu kompliziert) fragte ob er aufhören soll (es war mein erstes Mal und es hat wehgetan wie Hölle), wusste ich das er genauso fühlte wie ich für ihn...

Er rettete mir sogar das Leben als mich die Akatsuki Mitglieder (er auch) in einen zugefrorenen See warfen. Er hatt mich rausgezogen und ins Warme gebracht.

Als nächstes wollte ich Rache an Orochimaru nehmen, entgültig! Doch dafür musste ich Sasukes Nähe in Kauf nehmen. Itachi der mich immer beobachtete und auf mich Acht gab, konnte es nicht ertragen das Sasuke und ich wieder mehr als nur gute Freunde wahren. Itachi wusste es nicht aber wir hatten sogar miteinander geschlafen.

An meinem letzten Lebenstag mischte Itachi sich dann schließlich ein. Während er Sasuke ablenkte, kämpfte ich mit Orochimaru. Es war Itachi der mich rettete als ich mit einer tödlichen Wunde am Bauch zusammen sackte.

Doch Sasuke merkte nicht das sein Bruder mich schützen wollte und griff an. Itachi kämpfte nun ohne Pardon und hätte Sasuke getötet hätte ich ihn nicht davon abgehalten mit meinen letzten Kräften.

Gerade als ich Ohnmächtig werden wollte hörte ich jedoch ein vertrautes Geräusch von tausend Vögeln. Meine Alarmglocken läuteten und ich sprintete los.

Das Chidori traff auf Fleisch als ich einen lauten Schrei ausließ.

Ich sackte zusammen und starb in den Armen Sasukes...

Blood sweat and tears were all that fell down your face. You pulled out more Shuriken knowing all your Chakra was gone. Still it did nothing. You tan toward the man/beast whatever he was and through the shuriken. As he blocked you ran toward him with your fist. Right when you thought your punch would hit his hand grabbed your wrist and twisted it behind you.

"Usagi you fight with much courage, but why, their already dead." Your eyes gleamed, but you weren't able to do anything about it. "For such a young age your very strong. I'm surprised you lasted this long." His menacing tongue slid across your neck making you shake, but far off you could here more men shouting.

The man looked back, only to bring his mouth back to your ear. "Your lucky, I will be seeing you soon my little Usagi."

Suddenly the grasp that held you disappeared and you fell to the ground. Tears feel fluently down your face as you heard the Jounins coming.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~PAUSE TO EXPLAIN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Your life was going just fine with your father Yukio Mitsu and your mother Nami Mitsu. You were training to become a ninja as your parents did. You father trained you with the Bloodline Justu always trying to make you stronger than any other students in the village. It was all going great until everything changed when that frightful man came.

It was the day after your 12th birthday when you were lying in your bed. You weren't able to sleep afraid of nightmares that you seemed to be getting a lot. Your dad told you it was all part of the bloodline changing you. You were just laying there when you heard a loud crash of glass breaking. You jumped out of bed and looked out your window to see. *father* (your thoughts go in *)

You were going to jump out the window to go to your father, but a figure suddenly appeared before him. Your father was beaten up pretty badly with cuts and bruises, and he tried to scurry away from the man. You just watched in fright as the figure came closer to him, and picked him up by the neck with only one hand. You were to scared to move, and you heard the "Crack" as your father's neck broke.

You were silent while your eyes bulged out of your head, and tears began to fall. Your eyes were locked, but when the man turned his head meeting your gaze you let out a squeal and started to run out your room. You were fast as you ran down the hall and jumped over the stair rail only to see your mother, or really what was left of her. Her whole middle was exploded leaving nothing but crimson blood and guts. You screamed out in fright as more tears fell from your eyes.

You knew she was dead, but her mouth twitched and you heard a faint sound. "Run" So that's what you did until you ran straight into 'him'

You had gotten but something hit you in the chest making you fly back onto to land on your back. You lifted up your head as blood began to leak from your mouth. Totally afraid now you got up quickly trying to get up but only tripping over your feet.

"Usagi." When your name was spoken your body froze and you slowly turned to look at the man. His face was unreadable, but yours had tears. Sine the only means of movement was your mouth you spoke.

"w...wh..who...a...are...y..yo...you?" It took you forever, but you finally got it out.

His mouth shaped a evil grin. "I am Orochimaru and you little Mitsu are my new pet." Your eyes widened as your body tensed. Your mind scrambling. *New Pet*

Orochimaru walked over to your father's lifeless body. "Yes, at first your parents objected, but I always get what I want."

Now the darkness within you emerged as your eyes shined brightly as anger overflowed out of you. "You Killed My Parents." This only made him smirk. You picked yourself up as your chakra began to swarm around you. You unleashed your Jutsu and started to fight, and that's where we get to that part up there.

First day in the new village

Rain heavily beat outside and over your tired body. You had not slept since the day it all happened. Orochimaru's pictured haunted your memory.

*I always get what I want.*

* I will be seeing you soon little Usagi*

*Usagi you fight with much courage, but why, their already dead.*

Your fists clenched as you vowed to yourself that would kill this man for what he did to you. But something else happened that night. Something your dad had been trying to make you do forever. That night you were able to Unleash the Karagari no Jutsu (Darkness technique) Everyone thought that the Mitsu's could only use Light Jutsu's but there was only one Mitsu that was born to be able to use both the light and darkness, and that was you.

You had long time stopped crying knowing that wasn't the ninja way. You had been rushed to the hospital after the whole thing where you were healed. Now you stood outside the Hokage's Court. You didn't understand why you had to go all the way to the Hidden Leaf Village. You had ever heard though many people talking about this ' Orochimaru' Many looked at you like you were a God, and some looked at you with fright not because of you, but for your life. You were sitting outside because it was too boring inside and the Jounins who protected you wouldn't leave you alone you snuck to the bathroom and escaped out the window. You had to come to the village because You only had one relative left, and that was where they lived.

"She only has one relative." Someone said from inside the meeting with the Hokage.

"But will she be safe here?"

"The Hidden Leaf Village is bigger and more guarded." The hokage said looking around him. "So if Miss Kagome Mitsu will take here under her care she can stay here and keep training, but we will keep a careful eye on her."

The ladies name who was Kagome Mitsu nodded and said, "I Will take care of her."

So that's how it went. You were found outside and everyone fussed over your disappearance and told you to never do that again. They wrapped you in blankets and you were told that you had to live with your Aunt. You had never met this Aunt and wondered why she lived in the Hidden leaf Village so far away from your family.

You Aunt wasn't exactly the prettiest thing. She had short hair cropped to her ears and her body was nothing but a flat toothpick no wonder why she was single. When you walked into her apartment it wasn't anything special. It looked like a nice cozy home with old furniture and the heat raised up high.

"I know this isn't your home, but this is where you will be staying." She showed you into a room with a small bed. It looked like she had been planning to have a kid. It was small with only one dresser and a bed. You threw your backpack on the bed along with all the blankets.

"I'm so sorry...about your parents..but I hope you can feel welcome here...In another day you are going to be starting your Ninja training with uhh...what was his name..Iruka Sensei, but dinner will be ready soon."

You didn't even glance over, but you heard the door shut behind you. You didn't want to live in this stupid village. You had already gained your headband from the hidden village of the mist, and now you couldn't wear it. You sighed and started to unpack. After dinner which you shared no talk at all you went to bed. Well it wasn't really bed. You stayed awake thinking about that man. Before you silently fell asleep you thought. * Orochimaru you better watch out because the next time I see you. I will kill You.*

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~next day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The next day your Aunt woke you up bright and early. "Time to go to the Ninja Academy."

You moaned and rolled over again. This time she tour the covers off of you and you were up. *Ohh Great now I have to do this whole academy thing again.* You quickly took a shower and got dressed. The only source of make up you had was coal which you used as heavy eyeliner. You felt just a bit refreshed, but your mouth was still glued shut. You hadn't talked since it happened and you weren't planning on it anyway.

You walked into the kitchen rubbing your eyes still making your eyeliner rub. When you put your hand away you were able to see that your aunt was serving a young boy sitting at the table.

When she heard you come in she turned around with a smile. The Boy who had a long pony tail full of black hair turned and stared at you. "Come have some breakfast Usagi." She turned to the boy who was already sitting. "Ohh and Usagi this is Nara Shikamaru, Shikamaru this is Mitsu Usagi."

Your eyes just stayed locked as neither of you moved. Your aunt just looked back and forth between the two of you. "He's going to take you to the academy."

You rolled your eyes also taking a seat across from him. *ohh Great I need another Escort. I'm not helpless you know.*

You ate in silence and you watched as the boy looked up at you a couple times. Usually you would wear your hair up, but today you didn't want to waste time, and you felt like covering your eyes, because you could already tell by Shikamaru you were going to get alot of stares.

When you both finally finished you aunt ushered you out of the door. You sighed at the same time as Shikamaru which made the two of you glace at each other. You finally stopped staring and started to walk. You were surprised that this boy walked the same pace a syou. He had his hands in his pockets while looking down. You on the other hand stared straight ahead watching people pass by. They looked up at you some glaring others just curious. You weren't bothered by them you were to bust wondering on the idea of going to the academy again. Your thoughts were suddenly stopped when Shikamaru spoke.

"So why did you come to the hidden leaf Village?" Your fists clenched beside you. Shikamaru saw and decided not to go further. You kept walking forgetting about Shikamaru. He interrupted your thoughts again.

"I don't know if your aunt told you but you'll probably have to take the last exam. Today's sort of our graduating day."

You actually said something in return surprising both of you. " I already graduated so it won't be a problem."

He looked over at you questionably, "Then why aren't you wearing your head band."

"I can't since it's from the village of the hidden mist." He nodded and you glanced at his headband that he wore on his head. It had that stupid leaf symbol at least the mist one was better. Soon you were coming upon a rather big building obviously the academy. You looked closer and saw that two girls stood in front of each other fighting about something. One had bright pink hair and the other had blond.

Shikamaru's head lowered. "How troublesome." You didn't understand, but you kept watch as they started to run into academy at full speed. You had no idea what they were fighting about. As soon as you walked in you were ready to look around for good opponents. It didn't take you long to search, because most of the girls were huddled fighting over something.

"I want to sit next to Sasuke."

"No I got here first."

"He likes me better."

You didn't get to see this Sasuke person because they blocked your view. You didn't bother about it since Shikamaru ahd already started to head up the middle stairs. You followed him keeping your he3ad down. Out of the corner of your eye you saw a blond haired kid with a orange suit stare at the group of girls. * Jealous *

You followed Shikamaru all the way to the very back where you took the corner seat and Shikamaru was forced to sit to your right. You put your head down already annoyed by the shouting girls. You closed your eyes ready to send chakra around your ears so you wouldn't hear them.

Before you focused you heard. "Naruto stop staring at Sasuke." Then everything went quiet. You rose up your head immediately to see what happened. Your eyebrow raised as you saw the orange jumpsuit kid kissing another boy who all the girls were swarmed around. They both tore away and started vomiting. All the girls were silent but then they looked pissed.

The one girl with the pink hair looked the most furious. She punched the orange jumpsuit kid. Who went flying back. A small smile fell across your lips, but someone stopped everything with his strict voice. "Calm down and take your seats."

Everyone did as instructed and no one seemed to notice you. You were happy until the Sensei's eyes fell upon you.

"Before we get started." He said while heading in front of his desk and leaning against it. "I want to introduce our new student."

You cringed as everyone started to whisper and look around. You kept your head down wanted no one to see you.

"Her name is Mitsu Usagi. She came from the Village of hidden mist. Usagi why don't you come down here."

Your chair screeched as you pushed it out still with your head on the table. You brought it up only to see everyone looked inat you. Your heart jumped from nerves and you made no eye contact with anyone. You slowly made your way down the isle with your head down low.

"No reason to be shy." The Sensei stated.

* SHY * You immediately rose up your head meeting the sensei's gave with a mean glare. His smile fell a little.

"You came here after some family problems, Correct?"

you didn't stop walking down the stairs. Your glare held his eyes as your teeth and fists tightened. "..yeah..." You had to spit it out.

You finally got to the head of the class and turned around to scan through them. Everyone seemed to be mesmerized by your eyes.


* Mistu Usagi..I've heard that name before. What kind of family problems would make her come here? I wonder if that symbol on her back means that she's from an advanced bloodline. *

A Student behind him said, "Look at her eyes."

Sasuke looke dup to see a pair of gold eyes looking around the room. * Her eyes are interesting. *


* Ha they all look weak. * You thought as you looked around the room again. The blond girl was giving you a dirty look because she noticed Sasuke staring into your eyes.

"Now I know you graduated already, but you still have to pass our exam. We have to see where you are, and to see if you can wear this." He lifted up a headbanc with the leaf symbol on it.

You just sighed knowing that whatever it was would be easy. He seemed to look over you before he said. "All you have to do is transform into me."

* That's all, Let's make this more interesting. * You smiled a bit and put your hands together. you felt the flow of your chakra as you made your hand symbols, well more than needed. "Henge."

A cloud of smoke surrounded your body and everyone waited patiently as it cleared. When the smike clared a perfect replica of Iruka took your form. Everyone around you gasped and Iruka turned to see why. sitting next to everyone in the room was a perfect replica of them.

You felt someone poking one of the replica's and you saw that it was Naruto. Yuo made the replica give him a dirty look. You heard people start to say. "This doesn't even look like me. " "Damn she's good."

You smiled as you saw the sensei's eyes widen. "Wow, your recordes weren't lying."

As you knew already they said you were the best out fo the femals and most fo the males. You made each of the replica's do a stupid expression at the same time all of them a different look. Then with a puff of smoke there was only you.

The sensei handed you the headband which you tied onto your forhead and under your hair. "Welcome to teh Hidden Lead Village." Everyone was still talking about yuo. You were going to head back to your seat, the sensei placed a hand on your shoulder. "How about we have introductions. Sakura you first."

He glance over at the pink haired girl. She had a huge smile and the look of envy. "I'm Haruno Sakura." You didn't smile, but looked to the next person.

" Hyuga Hinita." She spoke softly with her head down, but you noticed her milky colored eyes.

" Inuzuka Kiba and this is Akamaru." You saw the little dog on his head and thought. * How cute.

"Aburame Shino" You could barely hear his name because a turtle neck covered his mouth.

It went to the next row up. You saw the blond girl who had a sour expression. " Yamanka


Naruto was the only one to stand up and yell, "I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I'm going to be the next Hokage."

* Keep Dreaming. *You thought as everyone looked at him in anger.

When things cooled down you looked across the isle and saw what all teh girls were after. You saw nothing in his black hair and onxy colored eyes. His gaze was fixed on your eyes something like determination and wonder in them. His hands were intertwined as his head rested on his knuckles. "Uchiha Sasuke."

You gave him the same look and then moved on when the next person spoke. "Nara Shikamaru."

The sensei let fo of your shoulder and you walked to your seat. His gaze followed you. * Shje's strong...No wonder why she lived. *

As soon as you sat down Iruka spoke. "You all can talk quietly while I reorganize the groups."

"Groups?" Sakura asked looking over at Sasuke obviously wanting in his group.

"I have to put you in groups of three for the next exam. You will train with another sensei for awhile."

* This sucks. I barely know anyone. * You hoped you would at least be in Shikamaru's group since you knew him alittle. You just kept your head down as the firls fought over being in Sasuke's group before it got ugly the sensei was finished.

"Ok Quiet Down."

"GRoup number 1"

"Inuzuka Kiba

Aburame Shino

Hyuga Hinita."

You sighed but tightened when you heard.

"Group 2"

" Mitsu Usagi

Uzumaki Naruto."

You glanced down at the orange sut who was crossing his fingers and looking at Sakura.

* Nara Shikamaru * you thought staring at the sensei's mouth ready for it to move.


* Shikamaru *

" Uchiha Sasuke."

There was a loud. "What!" Narto was standing pointing at Sasuke while Sakura and Ino Glared at you with hatred. You just slammed your head on the desk.

"WHy do I have to be with that Pig." Naruto screamed pointing at Saskye who glared back.

The sensei let out a frustrated sigh. "Sasuke and Usagi are the best, and hopefully they will be able to pull your scores up. You were lucky that you passed the first exam."

"Moron." Sasuke Stated.

The sensei went on with the next group. * Great I'm with two people who hate each other and one is a monkey boy who thinks he could become the next Hokage when he couldn't even pass the first exam. *

"Haruno Sakura

Nara Shikamaru

Yamanka Ino."

You saw Shikamaru slam his hed on the table also. you understoof why. It seemed Into and Sakura were rivals.

"Now I want everyone to have a nice lunch and meet back here in an hour to meet your new sensei's. Class Dismissed."

You were last out the door. You saw Into storm off away from Sakura and Naruto tap her on the shoulder. She turned around with a loud. "What!"

Naruto was surprised, but put himself together before saying, " I was..wondering..Since..well We won't see each other for awhile." He had placed his hand behind his head scratching his head.

She didn't even seem like she was paying attentio. She rsuhed right past him and said, "I wonder where Sakure went to."

Naruto's head hung low, and now you knew why he hated Saskure. You felt a little pity for him, bit his head rose and he smiled at you while waving. You disappeared in a cloud of smoke because you didn't wnt to be bothered.

Yuo jumped back onto the roof of the academy and started to jump to the next roof. You had an hour to do whatever you wanted to do. You decided top get some Ramen and sit by a tree. You found one of those Ramen stands and after buying some you awlked toward the green foliage.

You had picked a perfect tree and there was a root errected out of the ground so you could sit on it. You kept thinking while you ate the noodles. You thought about your team. soon your thoughts strayed to your parents. Would they be proud o you for graduating again. you lifted your hand. Flashes of what happened went through your mind.

You did the Tomoshibi Light



Your hands began to glow a pure light, but it seemed to be darker like when you tried to do the Karagari Jutsu. You attacked Omochimaru with your light hand. He blocked for awhile but he started to attack you. All you had to do was raise your hand and the light created a shield.

The light started to darken more as you kept getting hit, and yet you weren't laying anything on him. Omochimaru finally hit you in the mouth making you fly back. Yu wiped the blood from your lip and got up. You looked at your still lighted hand and you were going to try it. Each time when you tried to do it with your father it never worked, but you were sure now.

You put your hands togehter and formed another Jutsu. "Karagari Jutsu." You felt the darkness as it filled your hands. You shot your hands forward as you dad had taught you. The darkness shot out toward him and wrapped around his body he was stuck. You made the rest of the darkness wrap around him and you started to feel his thoughts as you connected the darkness to him. The only thing running through his head was excitement. You picked him up using the darkness, and spun him around getting more velocity until you finally let go of him making him fly into a tree.

While yu were having the flashback Sasuke and Naruto were busy. Naruto tied Sasku eto a tree and took the form of Sasuke, and headed to Sakura.

Naruto was so close to kissing her after he asked about what she thought about Naruto. Before he could kiss her his stomach started to bubble and cramp. He quickly ran off to relieve himself. Meanwhile Sasuke was able to get free and he walked trying to find Naruto ready to kill the kid. He was walking through the woods when he spotted someone. They were seated down on a tree root.

He walked a little faster thinking it was Naruto. As he came closer he noticed it was the new girl who was on his team. She just sat there staring at her hand. He thought he would ask her if she saw Naruto. As he came closer her hand suddnely started to light up. Sasuke stared at the pure light that seemed to engulf her hand. He stopped to suddenly making alot of noise, and also making her look up in surprise, but her hand went out.

You were now picturing when Omochimaru came back without a scare. You knew you should have ran but you were curious. He came closer and you shot the dakrness back around him. This time something happned the darkness started to swarm around you. It was a feeling that you would never forget.

"The jutsu is very strong, but don't use it to much. Darkness is what it is and it will try to consume you." You now knew what your father meant.

You were brought back to reality when you heard a sound. You turned toward it and gasped. Sasuke stood there looking at you weirdly.

"Sasuke.." You said letting out a long breath.

His eyes still looked at you weirdly, but his face was straight as he said, "Have you seen Naruto."

It was your turn to look at him weirdly. "No...why?"

All he did was sigh and started to walk away again without answering.

* How Rude * You thought as you watched him walk away. A small smile fell on your face as you got up and jumped in a tree and followed after him. You were from the Village of Hidden mist so sneaking up in people were your speciality. You kept following him as he soon landed on a path. You jumped into another tree almost falling over when you heard someone scream. "Sasuke." You looked up to see Sakura running toward him a smile on her face.

She ran straight up to him getting really close to his face. "Are you ready?" She asked while her face blushed.

"Where's Naruto?" He asked not even looking at her but past her shoulder.

She hit him in the arm playfully. "Stop changing the subject. You know that tweeb is just annoying, probably because he has no parents."

Your Face Grew angry and You Narrowed your eyes on her ready to pounce. Sasuke Looked down at her the same way and said, "Sakura your Annoying." He then walked past her while she looked down looking like she was going to cry.

* In Your Face Biotch * You thought as you jumped to the next tree following Sasuke yet again. You noticed that he had the same expression as you. Why thought he isn't friends with Naruto. Maybe he doesn't have any parents....You just looked at him and jumped into the next tree. It didn't take long until that stupid blond ran into Sasuke.

"I'm going to Defeat you Uchiha Sasuke For the Respect of others." Naruto yelled as he pointed toward Sasuke who just stoof there with annoyed expression.

* What the Hell is he thinking. They are suppose to be on a team. If Naruto Ruins this I'm going to kill him * You grabbed a branch farther forward so you could get in a pasition to attack Naruto if he attacks Sasuke.

Before Naruto can even attack he bends over hands over his stomach. "I'll.." He suddenly runs away back to the Academy. You stare at him with a shocked yet almost laughing expression. You tried to pull back so you could sit up, but your hand slipped and you suddenly fell out of the tree. You flipped over onto your feet. You were lucky to find that there were bushes blocking you from the road. Sasuke would have definately heard that so he would check it out. You jumped away into another direction and started to run to the academy.


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Von:  Spiegelregen
2009-11-23T20:04:12+00:00 23.11.2009 21:04
Ich hab mittlerweile bis kapi 15 gelesen, aber Part 2 ist mit Part 9 und 12 immernoch mein Liebling! Ich mag die Story vool geern!! *____*
