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Unknown Future


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New friends

In the evening:

Vlad was lying on his couch while listening to some calming music. He needed to relax after this strange day. At first he woke up an hour before he originally planned, due to any dam nightmare he couldn’t even remember. Then at the memory of what Jack had told him, he somehow thought it wouldn’t hurt to make his old breakfast once again. Afterwards it continued with Skulker’s unannounced visit and Techniku’s sudden appearance. At next he fortunately had a short break, in form of lunch but after that it went right back on.

He found the techno ghost in his library talking to himself and couldn’t help but to try to cheer him on. What ended with him listening to endless monologues for nearly the whole afternoon, until the ghost finally decided to leave. At this time the billionaire thought he would’ve survived it, but half an hour later he was proven wrong. His secretary came and wanted to know where the hell he had been. At the end he got rid of her, as he explained to her that the son of a college friend had an accident.

# Seriously, is there anything that can make this day even more creasy? #

As if to answer his question, his phone rang at the very moment.

Vlad Masters.

Äh, yeah hi, it’s me.

Good evening Daniel. What gives me the honour?

Oh, I just thought it wouldn’t hurt to ask how the research is progressing.

I see. You want to know if there is any new information.

Ähm, yeah. So are there?

Well to be honest, I don’t know. I think the research is still ongoing.

You think? Haven’t you checked it yet?

No Daniel, I was busy with...other things.

What kind of things? I mean what could be so important?

Uff. Let’s just say I had a creasy day.

Ha! You think you had a creasy day? I doubt that yours was creasier than mine.

Sorry my dear boy, but I’m holding against that.

You wanna bet?

Vlad thought about it for a moment and then replied:

Yeah. Why not.

For what?

Mm let me think for a moment. Yeah I know! If I win you have to spend your summer vacation with me.


What’s the matter little badger? Are you afraid to lose?

No way!

Then we have a deal?

Yes we do!

Good. Want to start or should I?

Just get going. I’m listening.

He didn’t have to tell him twice. The billionaire was happy to get the chance to talk it over with someone, so he immediately began to give the boy a summery he wouldn’t forget anytime soon. When he finished he waited for the younger ones reaction but nothing came.

Did I shock you so much that you don’t know what to say anymore?

Ah. I’m just trying to get this in my head. Am I really getting that right? Nicolas Technikus, Mr. I hate emotions, has a crush on Skulker and admitted it?

To put it simply, yes.” The billionaire answered and waited again for a reaction this time not very long.

A few seconds later the younger halva burst out into laughter. Vlad smiled cause of the intense reaction of the other one. Two or three minutes later the boy calmed down.

Ha, ha. Sorry but that was just too much. Giggle.

Then you admit defeat?” Masters asked and broth the teen back to reality.

When he realised it, it hit him right in the face. He had lost! When the boy remained silent again, Vlad went on.

There is no need to be ashamed. My day is really hard to beat. I know that, I really do.

Not so fast! Even when it may not be enough to beat your day you still have to listen to my story. At least it seemed to be related to yours.

Somehow he knew that it was hopeless and he had already lost, but childish as he was sometimes he didn’t want to give up so easily. At least he would have to listen to him.

So? How is that?

Danny explained what he meant.

Ah, so that’s where he had gone to. Wait! You said he knew that Technikus had pursued him?

Yes he did. Well he never said it was Technikus but the hint that the ghost, who followed him despites emotions, was a pretty good hint.

I see. He must have heard our conversation, at least part of it. I hope it was only the last part.

I think so. Because when I proposed that the person who pursued him mid has a crush on him he absolutely couldn’t imagine it.

Good. Whatever, fact is I won. So maybe you should think about how to tell your family.

The teen grumbled but knew it was true so he shallow down any comment and signed.

I know. Sign. Jazz will kill me.

Gluck. I’m sure you’ll survive your sister somehow.

Easy to say for you. She’ll ask me if I’m creasy or something like that.

I know. If it gets too bad, just remember her that your mother will kill me if I’m not going to return you sound and save.

I guess I will. If you would excuse me now so that I can think about how to get my parents to agree to this.

Do so little badger. I’ll pick you on the first day of vacation.

After the call ended Danny signed again.

# Great and how do I start now? Okay at first I have to ask dad about it. I’m sure he’ll like the idea and help me with mom. #

So the teen went down in the lab where his parents used to be.

Hey guys.” He attracted their attention.

Hey Danny, you’re curious about our new inventions?” His father asked.

Mm, to be honest I have a request.

What is it sweaty?” His mother asked while her husband looked a bit disappointed.

The young boy took a deep breath, than splat it out.

I want to spend my summer vacation at Vlad.

After his statement there was a moment silence until Jack answered enthusiastic:

I think that’s a wonderful idea Danny! You and Vlad should get to know each other better; don’t you think so as well honey?

I don’t know.

Mom, please.” The youngest one said while staring with his sky blue eyes at her.

Yeah come on Maddie. There is nothing wrong.” Jack added.

Ms Fenton looked from her son to her husband and back.

Ähm ,well. If this is what you really want then of course you can.

Yeah!” Did it come at the same time from both male.

The female could just smile at her boy’s even when she was still wondering how it came to the sudden change of mind of her son.

# Maybe he also noticed that Vlad behaved him lately and wants to give him a new chance. Yes that has to be it. #

Then I’ll go and call Vlad now.

Do so my son.

The teen sprinted up the stairs surprised by his excitement and the ease he took his upcoming trip to Wisconsin. Somehow he had the feeling that everything would be fine. When he passed her door he briefly thought about telling his sister but rejected the idea immediately. It would only be unnecessary trouble. When Danny was in his room he threw himself on the bed and called back the billionaire. This was positively surprised by the quick recall.

The next day at school the young halva told his friends about his plans for summer vacation. Of course they didn’t like the idea of Danny spending 6 weeks with his archenemy, but the teen insisted to keep his promise, so there was nothing they could do.

And you’re really sure about this?” Sam made a last attempt on their way to the classroom.

Yes Sam I’m absolutely sure. Could you please stop asking now?

Hey we’re just worried.” Tucker defended the female.

I know and I’m grateful for this, really. But when I say that I’ll do something then I’ll do it, okay?

Okay.” His friends answered at the same time when they entered the classroom.

The teenagers took their seats and waited for the teacher to come.

Lancer is a little late, isn’t he?” Tucker asked after some minutes.

Yep! When we’re lucky he’s sick.” Sam replied hopefully but got dragged down from her high when Lancer came through the door.

Dam it.” The Goth muttered but then chanced her attention to the person behind him.

Who’s that?

Don’t know. I have never seen him before.” The techno geek answered.

While the other two were still speculating Danny couldn’t help but to stare at the stranger. The boy, that had to be around their age, was tall and slim. He had fascinating green eyes that somehow seem to glom and long raven black hair, which build a nice contrast to his pale skin. In addition to that he was wearing a black jeans and a dark green shirt. Danny Fenton had never considered another male as pretty but this time he had to and a short look around the room told him that the most other students were thinking the same, especially the girls.

Attention please!” Mr. Lancer said and the class was quiet.

This is Clyde Wood, your new classmate. He recently had an accident in which he lost his memory and I decided to take care of him until he gets them back. So be nice to him.

Yes Sir!” The students replied.

At next Lancer told Clyde to choose a seat. Of course many girls immediately raised their hands to get his attention. Even Dash and Kwan made it clear that he could sit next to them but when the newcomer took a look around he ended up at a small boy with black hair and blue eyes. Which wasn’t waving with his hands like crazy, like the others, but staring at him constantly. He couldn’t say what exactly it was, but something in these sky blue eyes drew his attention to him, so he sat down next to said boy.

Hello. I’m Clyde as you’ve already heard. What’s your name?

Ähm, I...I’m Danny. Danny Fenton.

Nice to meet you, Danny.

All mine.

Normally Lancer would have ended the conversation as he now wanted to start classes, but he was relieved that Clyde finally started to connect with others to do so. When he took the boy in yesterday he was like a zombie, so he decided to let it go for today.

# Only for today. Starting tomorrow I’ll scold him for things like this like everybody else. # The teacher thought while starting the lesson.

Danny and Clyde got along pretty well. When the lesson ended Mr. Lancer told the boys to stay for a moment.

Mr. Fenton I couldn’t help but to notice that you and Mr. Wood are getting along pretty well so I’ll leave it to you to show him around school.


Good that was everything for now.

With this the teens went out.

Okay where do I start?

How about the cafeteria? Its lunchtime, right?

Yeah, right. I guess Sam and Tuck are waiting already.

Your friends?

Yes my best.

They got something to eat and went outside. Danny spotted his two best friends on a bench and walked over to them.

Hey guys!

Hey Danny what did Lancer want from you?

He told me to show Clyde around school.

Oh so. Well nice to meet you Clyde. I’m Sam.

All mine.

I’m Tucker. Okay now that the introduction is done let’s start to eat.” The techno geek added and made Sam role her eyes.

Is there anything else you can think of, instead of food?

Technology.” Tucker and Clyde said at the same time.

Now everyone was staring at Wood until the glasses asked:

How did you know?

Clyde thought about it for a moment then answered:

I don’t exactly know myself. I just had the feeling that it would fit.

Mm okay. You have a pretty good intuition boy.” Sam answered.


Thus the issue was settled and they started to eat but the peace didn’t hold too long. Some minutes later the popular kids came over to them.

Hey Wood you shouldn’t stuck to this losers.

Yeah you can do much better, with me for example.” Paulina added with a Twinkle.

As soon as she had said this, Sam was boiling with rage. Tucker gasped in disbelieve that Paulina had just invited a guy to spend time with her and Danny was annoyed by the whole thing.

# Can’t they leave us alone for just one day? #

Sorry my dear but I accept no cheap deals.” Clyde replied with a smile.

Everyone who heard this gasped and stared at him in disbelief, well everyone besides Sam. The Goth had a big grin on her face and it grew even wider when the arrogant girl started to stammer, as she didn’t know how to reply.

So if you would excuse us know we would prefer to finish our meals before the next class and your presence would just be disturbing.

If this was somehow possible Sam’s grin grew a bit more and her two best friends were smiling as well now. Even other students started to giggle and the popular group decided that it was time to retreat.

You’ll pay for this Wood!” Dash Baxter said while leaving.

How ominous.” Clyde muttered sarcastic then suddenly felt two arms wrapped around him.

Out of a tension Sam had suddenly hugged him. He was so surprised that both landed on the ground.

Thanks! Thank you so much for letting me sees this. This was…it was just brilliant!

My pleasure, but would you mind letting go of me. It’s a bit difficult to breath like this.

Oh, sure. Sorry, I was just so thrilled that I couldn’t hold back.” The Goth explained with a light blush while she let him go.

No problem, you’re welcome.

They got up again and finally finished their meals then hurried to the next lesson. Dash glared at them when they entered the room but didn’t make any move. The rest of the day went by peacefully until the bell rung. Danny could see it in Dash’s eyes when the football player left the room he wasn’t done with them yet.



I have the feeling Dash will lie in wait for you outside.” The halva said in a concerned voice but his opponent just started to smile.

Let him.

Hello didn’t you hear what he said? Dash Baxter, the captain of the football team is waiting outside for you and I bet the whole team is with him. Shouldn’t you be a little more concerned?

Yeah, I mean as much as I loved to see it. The last time you surprised them, but this time they’ll be prepared to beat you in the ground no matter what you say.

Just let them try. I’m sure it’ll be fun.” He said and left the room.

Didn’t he listen at all?” Tucker asked and Sam shrugged.

I’ll go after him. Maybe he needs help.” Danny said and left before his friends could say anything.

Did he just say what I think he did?” Tucker asked still a little stunned.

You mean that he is willing to face Dash to protect a guy we know for just one day?” The girl wanted to know with a smirk.

The boy nodded.

While that outside:

When Danny stepped outside he saw Clyde surrounded by a bunch of football player.

So if it isn’t the bigmouth from lunch. You still have something to say, now?” Dash wanted to know.

“[i)Sure. Would you please go aside? You’re in my way.”

The Fenton boy wasn’t sure what predominated in him. Admiration or concern that Dash could send Clyde to the hospital. The football captain while that boiled with anger.

How dare you! I’ll teach you some manners!” He shouted ready to stroke.

Dash stop it, leave him be!” Danny called out.

Fenton?” Dash and Kwan asked in surprise.

It’s none of your business loser.

It is he is a friend of mine.

You want to share his fate? Fine!” The football player replied while punching his fist into his hand.

Are you afraid of me, or why do you aim at someone ells?

The whole team gasped and Dash who was on his way to Danny stopped and turned around in an instant.

That’s it!” He shouted and tried to hit Clyde but this easily dodged by taking a step aside.

The football captain tried a few times more but he never succeeded. He simply couldn’t beat him. In his frustration he switched back to Danny. When he grabbed the surprised boy something hit him from behind.

Leave him be. I’m your opponent.” Clyde commended the folder he hit him with still in his hand.

True but if it is me, everything that will hurt you is fine and it seems this loser is important to you.” Dash responded while strangling the smaller boy.

Clyde thought what to do next when they were interrupted.

What’s going on here?

Oh, Mr. Lancer. It’s nothing; we were just playing around a bit right guys?” He asked his comrades, these nodded.

The teacher narrowed his eyes not really believing him but not even he could do something as long as no one told him the true.

Fine but school is over so you should go home now. If I’m not mistaken tomorrow is an important game. You should rest today.

Ähm, yes that’s right. Let’s go guys.

With that Danny was released and the football team went away. Sam and Tucker who arrived some time before ran to him.

You okay? That looked painful.

I’m fine.


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