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Not the girls scout

A girl at Camp Green Lake


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Not the girls scout

It was hot. But not too hot for me. I was used to hot places. Spain was a hot place. The bus was empty - despite me. The driver didn’t talk to me and I didn’t try to talk to him either. Why should I? I wasn’t interested in him. The bus stopped. “Get out here.” I nodded and jump out of the bus. In front of me was nothing. Despite desert. Desert and holes. Oh man. That was going to be my personal hell. It was not the heat that made me worry. It was the sun, which was shining devastating hot on the ground and burning everything. The sun was my enemy.

Whispers were the first thing I had to get used to. They followed me. Everywhere. Every step I took was watched, every breath of mine was observed. Holes got dug fast that was not the problem. At first there was the heat. My skin was as white as snow and I couldn’t take off my cap in the sun. It would have burned my skin immediately. That was endurable. What was not endurable was my thirst. Not the thirst normal people might have. I didn’t have a lack of water.

“So what are you here for, girl?” Armpits voice made me shudder. I absolutely disliked the boys of Tent D. Despite two of them. One was called Caveman and the other one Zero. Zero was kind of cute and Caveman was alright. Already on my first day I had realized that Zero was the same kind as I was. Of course he wasn’t exactly like I was. Put our personalities were similar. We both disliked it to answer unnecessary questions, wanted our privacy and could be very dangerous. I’m not arrogant when I say I can be very dangerous. I have lived too long for not to know where my limits were. “Don’t make her angry, Armpit. I heard she is here because…” It was only a whisper, but I understood exactly what Zigzag told Armpit and the other boys of tent D. “…she is a killer!” Oh, well. I already wondered when they would find out. I mean, I’m a girl. Camp Green Lake is a boy’s camp. See what? – Correct, I shouldn’t be here normally. Normally. But the fact that I wasn’t normal at all, made the judge offer me things which were so normal as I was. I chose Camp Green Lake, because I was fed up with prisons. They stink, are small dirty and full of arrogant people not knowing who they are talking with. “I sneaked into the Wardens bureau when she was out, because I wanted to know why she is here, and then I read it!” – “Are you sure, Zigzag?” - “How can’t I be? She is the only girl here!” I grinned. Of course he was right. And I didn’t regret anything.

Twilight had come and I sat outside the tent, hidden behind the showers. I couldn’t sleep at all. My thirst was just too big. I was sick and starving like hell. Suddenly there was a noise. I turned – and looked at Zero. “Are you alright?” It was the first I heard him talk. “I’m thirsty.” I answered truthfully, too surprised to lie. He looked at me puzzled. “But you always give us a bit of your water.” I smiled grimly. “It’s not water I need.” And that were the last words I said to him, before I lunged for his throat. - Successfully. His blood was sweet and fine. I had never tasted something more delicious. I drank a lot, but not enough to kill him, even if it was hard to resist, I was aware of the fact I couldn’t kill everyone. When they were dead, they wouldn’t be worth anything.

Zero starred at me, when I wiped away his blood from my mouth. “What are you?” He asked a bit silly, but I couldn’t blame him. I wasn’t normal. “A vampire, Zero. That’s why I have killed so much people.” His eyes widened. “Will I become a vampire now?” I laughed silently. “No, you won’t. That’s myth.” “Then how did you become one?” I turned. “You don’t want to know that, Zero. You don’t want to know that.”


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