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Sometime jealousy is good



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I want her back!

I want her back!

Zoro snored, alone in the dark room. He had fallen asleep with the thought that maybe he could forgot it all if he slept. He just had to forget it, because he didn’t want to remember it ever again. One time was enough to experience a life trauma. He only could hope that it wouldn’t haunt him in his dreams. Sleeping was one of the things he liked the most, and if his sleeping was ruined, then only training, drinking and Robin would remain. That just would not be enough. He needed more to have a good time here, but it would be better if Robin didn’t know it…so he had to forget it to save his good life on the ship.

At the same time that Zoro was snoring away, Robin sneaked quietly into the room. She knew that he was here. She knew everything thanks to her devil powers. She walked up to his bed and stood before it. She hadn’t seen such view and who knew when she would see it again. It was very rare to observe him so peacefully.

The moon shone in from the windows and illuminated Zoro’s figure. Robin was able to see Zoro’s features although the room was fairly dark. His hair glossed in the moon’s light. Robin hadn’t noticed it before. This was the first time that she had observed him for so long. Usually she didn’t have the time to do it. There were times when she observed him when she had woken before him, but at those times she had to watch that he wouldn’t awake. Now however, she could even observe how his chest rose up and down. She smirked, because the thought that kept surfacing was how he would look if he was shirt-less.

Robin could stand here for hours and look him. She had to confess that she had found a handsome man. Yes, she could stand here for hours but she was afraid that he would awaken. Zoro had a sixth sense for it. He knew always when somebody was watching him, which was why Robin never had a real chance to observe him. Today was special in the fact that he hadn’t woke up yet. However, Robin wanted to wake him by herself and that’s why she couldn’t risk just standing here.

Carefully she stepped a few feet closer and leaned towards Zoro’s face. She held her hair back so that it wouldn’t fall on his face and wake him. She bent over so that she could kiss him. It seemed to happened in slow-motion, at least it seemed like it for her. Robin felt his warm breathe and saw again his features. The moon’s light made it so breathtaking. She didn’t believe that such a simple thing could do have such an effect on her. Finally her lips softly touched his.

Suddenly Zoro opened his eyes. How could anyone sleep when somebody kisses you without warning? Contentedly Robin stood up, because she had achieved what she wanted: Zoro was up and now was whining that she didn’t let him sleep. Although Zoro wasn’t so mad that it was Robin who woke him up, this time it was a little different. He wanted to sleep and forget things, but it didn’t work this time.

“You are waking me like the princess who woke the prince with a kiss?” Of course, it was the other way around but he wasn’t going to imply that he was the princess.

“The prince woke the princess,” corrected Robin.

“You think that I am a man?” Asked Robin in an offended voice.

She was playing again. Zoro sweat dropped. How could he think that she is a man? Zoro had to confess that she was an excellent actress. He almost believed that Robin got offended, but then he knew that she was joking when he saw the smirk on her beautiful lips. Without warning Zoro grabbed Robin’s hand and pulled her into his lap.

“Did you use your devil powers to hear everything?” Zoro tried to talk about something else.

Robin made an innocent face. It didn’t work. Zoro already knew that she had listened. She just couldn’t quit doing it; old habits died hard. She just had to know everything, because in her past it was the only way to escape when it was necessary. This time Zoro was happy that she knew what had happened here. Now he didn’t have to explain it and live through it again.

“How many times do I have to punish you until you learn from it?”

“Endless times.”

Zoro laughed. She was incorrigible. Zoro began to kiss Robin’s neck. This wasn’t a stern punishment, but at least he got something out of it.

Robin ran her fingers through his hair and pulled him closer to her. She wanted to feel him. She wanted to feel his strong muscles against her skin. It gave her a warm feeling, and she couldn’t think of a better thing.

Robin pushed Zoro away from her so that he fell onto the bed on his back. Just a second before she wanted to feel him, but now she pushed him away. The reason was simple. She wanted to feel but not like this. She wanted to lie with him in the bed and enjoy the comfort, but it was too early to think about that at the moment. They could enjoy the comfort in the morning. No one thought that they were in the wrong room for it.

Robin moved her hands over Zoro’s upper-body, up to his shirt neck, before grabbing it and ripping down and pulling the ruined shirt away. Passionately she kissed his stomach, moving to his nipple. Zoro moaned when Robin bite it. It was more a punishment for Zoro than for her. And he noticed it too.

Zoro lifted Robin so that she had to sit up. Then he ripped her blouse off like she had done to his. They both knew that they had to stop with the ‘passionately ripping off of clothes’ because they would run out of clothes soon and it was too expensive. It was too hard to give it up though. Actually, Robin didn’t have a problem with running out of clothes; it was Zoro who had to wear old shirts.

Zoro wanted to refocus solely on Robin, but before that he had to get rid of the bra. He was satisfied when he heard her moaned like he had done.

Suddenly Zoro stopped. He looked deeply into Robin’s eyes. The moon’s glow lit Robin’s back but still Zoro could still clearly see her eyes. He could drown in them. He had a feeling like they were in another world. This time her eyes gave him courage, courage to say it.

“What?” asked Robin. It was weird for Zoro to stop and only watch her.

“When I look in your eyes, I am not afraid of love any more.” Zoro said, a serious set to his features.

Robin smiled and kissed him. She knew how hard it was for him to say it. Now everything was perfect. When they separated again she whispered: ’I love you’

There wasn’t any sign of fear in Zoro like there had been before. He was ready; she was ready. He had thought that he could be ready only with the right person. This meant that she was the right one.

“I love you.” These 3 magical words…

Sanji followed Mina happily to the kitchen. Everything was alright now. Yes, so fast did he forgot the past events. Before he entered the kitchen he watched through the window the antics of his other crewmates. Brook was playing violin, Chopper and Usopp were dancing and Franky was laughing on the ground because they were dancing so comically.

Ace was sitting at the table and watching the idiots. He didn’t want to believe that Luffy had found such stupid nakama. On the other hand, they were suited to him.

After a moment of doubt, Sanji opened the door and went in with Mina. Nami looked curiously at Sanji to see his reaction. Everyone stopped their actions when they saw Sanji. Franky had a hard time holding his laughter back because Chopper and Usopp stopped their dancing at a very comical pose.

Sanji made a face, pretending like he didn’t notice them and began to clean up. He took the dirty plates from the table, brought them to the sink and began to wash them. The others didn’t get what was going on. Why was Sanji acting normally although Ace was here? Ace acted normally too, because there was no need to act differently. He just ate on. Mina broke the silence. That wasn’t the reaction that she had expected. She wouldn’t be pleased without an explanation. She needed to know what was going on, now.

“You are not angry at Ace, Sanji? And you Ace, are you angry or not?” It was hard to even ask it. She didn’t know why they were fighting and she actually didn’t want to know the reason, because she had a thought as to why.

“No,” chorused Ace and Sanji together.

Sanji meant it seriously. He wasn’t mad any more, although the others had thought that he would be. Sanji had yelled at Ace, several times, which was why Mina thought that Sanji was still angry. At the beginning he had been angry.

However, by the railing Ace explained to Sanji that he shouldn’t be angry because of Mina. She was only playing. Ace wanted to show him this when he was flirting with her, and when Sanji thought about it he realized that Ace was right.

He didn’t sit in the dark, alone in his room because of Mina. It was only a little impulse. It only reminded him that he was still alone and every time when he remembered that he was still alone, he had to live his disappointment out. That time he cried in his room. Unfortunately the shitty swordsman and his captain had to see it. It was too late now to regret it. He just had to live it out. If only so he could it forgot for some weeks.

“Let’s sing a song for celebrating! Yo-ho-ho!”

The stress in the kitchen disappeared. Even though Sanji’s and Ace’s answer didn’t please Mina, she didn’t want to ruin the mood for the others so she decided not to ask any more questions. Their answer came to fast for her liking, but she hoped that Sanji was forgiving her.

Chopper and Usopp danced on as before Sanji and Mina’s interruption; it was still comical. Sanji laughed along with Franky when doing the wash-up. He didn’t have Mina’s love, but still he hoped that some day someone would love him. He would believe it until the next breakdown. Laughing came from the kitchen and it lasted to the early morning.

Nami woke in Luffy’s arms. Immediately she had a smile on her lips. What could be better than waking up like this? Okay, maybe a few tons of gold, but then she would have to find the treasure with him, and that would be perfect. Then it happened—she was lost in her dreams. It happened every time when she was thinking about gold and money. She saw only bellis and didn’t notice anything else. She didn’t notice when Luffy woke up. When he saw Nami’s dreaming face he knew what was going on.

“Dreaming about the gold again?”

Nami swore. He knew her too well. Even knowing he was right, it didn’t disturb him. It was not a big deal that she was thinking about gold when being with him. He thought about meat too sometimes when they were together. Okay not very often, but it had happened. Of course, it would be better if Nami didn’t know about it.

Luffy was still sleepy. He began just now to wake up completely. Usually he woke up if he smelt the scent of food and would be soon sitting at the kitchen table and yelling for food. Now he didn’t want to do it. Why should he when he had something better near him? He had begun to notice that food wasn’t the only thing in the world. This was a huge discovery for him. Now Luffy had Nami to wake him up. Once he was up, he began to stroke over her belly.

“Stop it! That tickles.” Nami just wanted to enjoy herself, but Luffy had something else in mind.

“Last night wasn’t,” grinned Luffy dirtily. No one ever got to see that grin, it was reserved only for Nami.

Luffy just couldn’t keep his fingers away from Nami. She was too perfect for him not to touch her. How could he be so blind as to not have seen her beauty before? It didn’t appear over night. Still, he never noticed it, until Mina opened his eyes. It cheered him up that he noticed it now and not when it would have been too late. Of course, he had seen that Nami was a woman but he just hadn’t thought about it. Adventures, meat and One Piece had consumed too much of his attention.

Nami cuddled against Luffy. She was still thinking about tons of gold, and when she was thinking of gold she couldn’t lose the thoughts so easily. She hoped that when they reached the last island they would find One Piece together. If it wasn’t gold…! She had no idea what would happen, but it wouldn’t end well. The world would break down for Nami. A bad thought, have to forget it fast, thought Nami. Nami did forgot her thoughts when she felt Luffy’s hand again.

Luffy wanted to use this change to his advantage. It wasn’t usual for them to wake up together and just lie in bed. Now, after knowing that Sanji knew about them he hoped to spend more time with her. He even hoped that Nami would let him kiss her around the others. It had been impossible before but now things had changed and maybe when Nami was in a good mood, it could happen.

“Why do Sanji and Ace know?” Nami asked suddenly, and ruined to whole atmosphere. She knew what Luffy wanted to, judging by what he was doing with his kisses and hands. She also knew that he could suffer.

Luffy was quiet. He had already forgotten about that because Nami hadn’t said anything about it before. It was too early to be happy, because she hadn’t forgotten it. He knew that it would end well.

“They understood by themselves,” tried Luffy, hoping to save his head.

“You didn’t say anything to them?”

“Erh..no?” That wasn’t so believable.

“Then everything is alright.” Nami smiled. She wanted to tease Luffy about it and wanted to play like she would be angry. She had learned it from Robin and she had to confess that she liked it. She wasn’t actually angry. It didn’t matter that they knew because it would someday have had to come out.

Luffy sighed. Nami didn’t yell at him or anything. He had hope that Nami was in a good mood.

Nami looked deeply into Luffy’s eyes. It was said that time is needed to know if the relationship would be right but Nami knew that they didn’t need time. She knew that they were right for each other and she was sure that Luffy knew it too.

Finally Nami decided that Luffy had suffered enough. She took Luffy’s hand away from her and kissed him passionately.

After that Luffy grabbed Nami around her hips and pulled her onto him so that he was laying on his back with Nami on top of him.

Nami glided her fingers through Luffy’s hair and kissed him. At the same Luffy moved his hands from waist to her back. Finally Luffy thought that it was time, but then he heard loud shouting from the deck.

Nami began to laugh. She wanted Luffy to suffer when waiting, but now he wouldn’t’ get it at all.

“We have to cancel it.” She grinned.

Luffy didn’t find it at all funny. He didn’t want to get up and go to the deck, but he had no choice. A last time he hugged and kissed her.

Luffy and Nami appeared on the deck where the loud noise was. Nami noticed that they had reached the island where they had to bring Ace and Mina, which was why the shouting was so noisy. Usopp, Franky and Chopper wanted to party on and did not want to say goodbye. Mina though was set on going to the island. Then she remembered to hug them. Even Sanji hugged her tenderly. The disappointment and the anger were gone. How could he be angry at her at all?

Ace jumped down to the dock from the ship. He didn’t have to say goodbyes like Mina. Sanji let a ladder down so that she could get to the dock too. When Nami was on the dock she began to search for someone. Suddenly, her eyes started to shine because she found the person.

“STEFAN!” she shouted and ran to an unfamiliar young and handsome man and hugged him.

The others on the ship got a shock. What was going on now?! Ace was laughing though. He had thought that Mina was hiding something like that. Why otherwise would Mina forgot Sanji so fast.

“This is Stefan, my boyfriend. I met him a month ago on my trip.” Mina smiled and kissed him.

“NOOO!” yelled Franky and Brook together. Nami was surprised too. How could she hide that? Why didn’t she tell her? She had thought that they were friends. Then Nami remembered that she hadn’t spent much time with her on this trip. That’s why Mina couldn’t tell her, she didn’t give her a chance.

Zoro and Luffy were indifferent, but Sanji had a strange feeling. Now he knew why Mina wasn’t interested any more. She had found her love. It also meant that Mina forgotten him very fast, and that wasn’t positive. He didn’t want to think about it though. He just had a crisis.

“Hey, little brother, I am going now. Treat Nami well and the same goes for you Zoro. Treat Robin well.” Ace grinned and walked away. It was a farewell tease from him.

The others had a real dilemma. They didn’t know if they should gape at Luffy or at Zoro or even at Mina. Too much was going on.

“What did Ace mean?” asked Usopp.

“I don’t know,” Zoro responded and took Robin’s hand and they walked away.

“Me neither,” Nami said, taking Luffy’s hat and putting it on her head before kissing Luffy. Finally, Luffy’s one dream had come true.

“YOU MEAN?!” No one wanted to say it out loud. Chaos ensued. Franky, Brook and Usopp began to ask questions, at the same time as each other of course. Zoro had thought that it would happen like so and that’s why he went away.

“I want Mina back!” cried Chopper by the railing. He saw Mina standing with her boyfriend on the dock and laughing over the mess on the ship. Chopper wanted her back; the girl who had changed so much for them.

The End


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Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von:  Zorobin
2012-11-02T22:35:19+00:00 02.11.2012 23:35
woooow :o
i love Zoro and Robin :*
best ff .. ever !
Von:  elysian03
2008-10-21T14:28:48+00:00 21.10.2008 16:28
So that's why Mina lost interest.
I wasn't so surprised, then it makes sense.
Again - poor Sanji V.V
Now he lost all women around him ^^'

Your FF was great and I liked the end :D

