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Sometime jealousy is good



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Do we need that jealously at all? Oh yes we do

5. Do we need that jealously at all? Oh yes we do

Again it happened; what Zoro hated so much, especially in the morning. The sun shone through the window of his room, meaning the hot rays woke him up. Actually Zoro didn’t understand why they had to build a window in the bedroom. He didn’t need light for sleeping so why bother? The sun would awake him every time he planned for a long lie in.

Zoro was up from the bed at once. It was always the same; they let him sleep or they forget to wake him up. And that meant that he had missed breakfast and now he had to starve until lunch. Sanji’s punishment was that he received no food when he was late for breakfast and the others had given up on waking him. Although he didn’t believe that it was so hard to wake him up. Therefore Zoro tried to wake up himself and usually he managed to. But why couldn’t he wake up today, was that a bad presentiment?

Zoro shook his head. Of course he didn’t believe in such things. Now he didn’t have anything to do other than wake up and go training. Training with an empty stomach wasn’t the best thing but somehow he wanted to think about something else other than food. But before training he wanted to go to the kitchen. Sanji couldn’t ban drinking water.

When Zoro reached the kitchen everything was so as he had thought. The food was gone and the kitchen was empty, only Sanji was doing the wash up. Zoro walked rapidly up to the fridge to take a bottle so Sanji wouldn’t have a chance to talk with him. But this didn’t work as well as he had planned.

“Leave the food alone. You aren’t getting it.”

“I am getting a water ero-kokku.” Zoro pushed Sanji’s leg away which at the front of the fridge.

“If Mina-san hadn’t demanded it, you wouldn’t get lunch either.” Mumbled Sanji

“Whatever.” Zoro wasn’t interested in finding out what had happened here before so he walked to the door without listening to Sanji.

“We will see how long you will stay out.”

“What are you mumbling?!” Zoro stopped by the door.

“You will see. Go out.”

Zoro shook his head. Sanji seemed to speak rubbish as always. Without thinking about it any more he went out and suddenly he understood why Sanji wasn’t allowed to be out. Mina was sunbathing.

The door closed behind him quietly. Mina didn’t hear it and this was the best for Zoro because he was gaping at her open-mouthed. Of course he was a man and he let himself look over beautiful women but usually he could control himself. But now he was gaping Mina’s body until Nami who was standing by the railing ruined everything.

“Zoro! You over slept again!” Nami made a tired face when looking at Zoro holding a map in hand which she had read before. “Zoro, where are you eyes?!” It wasn’t hard to notice where his eyes were. With a second Zoro looked up to Nami. He hadn’t noticed her at all.

“None of your business.” Embarrassing, embarrassing…

“How isn’t it? I try to...” Nami wanted to yell at him.

“Oh Zoro-san, you have waken up! I am so sorry that you missed breakfast.” Mina sat up on her chair.

“It doesn’t matter.” Mumbled Zoro and walked away and making grimaces to Nami. Zoro tried to forget this embarrassing moment and took his training things and went training on the grass. Because of the warm weather, he did so topless.

Nami, who didn’t let that baka ruin her mood, carried on reading her map. But Mina didn’t plan to sunbath on. She sat more up in her chair so that she could she down to the grass. Nami noticed that Mina was boosting so she could see something.

“You and Robin, you two are so lucky.” Nami just wanted to ask something from Mina, but she was faster, “You can enjoy Zoro-san’s training every day.”

“Mina.” Said Nami with warning tone

“What?” Mina made an innocent face, “Don’t say that you don’t like to watch when the sweat drops roll over his muscular body.”

“Okay, okay. His body is look-worthy. I have to confess that a enjoy watching his trainings but…”

“Yes Nami we are lucky.” Robin came from the kitchen. She had listened to their talking. With her devil powers it wasn’t hard to do it.

“Robin, you didn’t hear it, did you?” Nami laughed nervously. Robin smiled only warmly and walked to the railing and looked down.

“Kenshi-san is a peek worth. Your eyes can rest while watching how his muscles move. What but were you talking of Nami?”

“So you agree with me that he is sexy?”

“Mina-san, Robin-chan, Nami-san! How could you?!”

Sanji was standing by the door tears in eyes. He had heard it all, peeking from the window. When wasn’t allowed to be out, he wanted at least to see something. The three women looked at each other. Someone of them had to cheer up Sanji now. Finally Mina gave up and took the mission.

“Sanji-kun, don’t think about it any more, we were joking around.” It worked and it would work on as long as Sanji wouldn’t understand that it a lie was. “Come show me how you cook.” A smile later and Sanji would do everything. Mina grabbed Sanji’s hand and pulled him into the kitchen.

“I am brining the map back to my room.” Said Nami and left Robin alone by the railing. It was a relief for her that Robin had no more chance to ask from her why she said but.

Robin looked down to Zoro who was still training. When Sanji heard it, is there a possibility that he heard it too?

Finally it was time for lunch and Zoro was going to get food. He had waited so long. Of course he couldn’t eat peacefully because he had to fight with Luffy. After Nami had told them to be as normal as possible she had a chance to speak about the Mina’s last evening here. She had thought to give a party. Luffy liked the idea the most because a party meant food for him. But there was a lot of time to the evening. Franky had an idea how to waste time.

“Little girl.” So Franky named Mina, “You haven’t seen the aquarium system!” Franky jumped up, “Long nose, go and catch a fish.”

“A new fish?!” Luffy thought about how to eat the new fish.

“You aren’t going to fish!” Nami hit Luffy, “You will fall into water like last time.”

“Okay. I’ll wait by the aquarium.” Luffy made a sulky face.

“Robin, are you coming to the aquarium?” Nami had decided to go down too and hoped that Robin would keep company. She was the only one with whom she could speak, normally. There was even a chance that she could ask the older woman for advice how to say to Luffy her feelings.

But Robin lifted the book, smiled and read on. Nami sighed. Robin didn’t give her a chance to talk with her.

Robin took her book and went out to read so she could enjoy the beautiful weather. But it was ordinary that on this ship it was impossible to read in peace. She hadn’t sat when she already heard that someone was coming to the deck. She only hoped that that person wouldn’t disturb her. Luckily it wasn’t a disturber, it was Zoro. But it seemed that this time he wouldn’t leave her alone too.

“I have noticed that you all look, but ‘makes your eyes rest’?”

Luffy pressed his face against the aquarium. He waited until Usopp, Franky, Brook and Mina would let a new fish in. Like a child; he couldn’t wait for it. Nami sat on the couch and observed him. Somehow it seemed stupid, but otherwise so sweet. It was good to see that someone was able to be so happy about such an insignificant thing.

“Hey Nami, you have to see it!” Luffy run to Nami grabbed her hand and pulled her again, without asking. “Do you see it? This fish is orange. Almost the same colour as you hair and as special as you.”

Nami didn’t watch the fish. She was much more interested in Luffy’s mimicry. He had made such a compliment but it wasn’t possible to read something in his face. Luffy only laughed and run after the fish.

“Name it after me then.” Nami said a little angrier.

“That is a good idea!” Luffy’s face shined

“I was joking!” Nami gave up; it hadn’t sense to be angry. “This foolishness I lov…” Nami pressed her hand to her mouth. Almost…

“You heard it?” Robin acted normally, took her chair and sat down.

“Even the baka in the kitchen heard it.”

”You are talking to me.” Robin smiled. Zoro wanted to swear. He had forgotten that he didn’t want to talk with her.

“Don’t you try to talk about something else!”

“Did I disturb you with that?” Robin rose from the chair and walked to him. She stood near him and watched his body to provoke him. “Did it disturb you that we only wanted you body?”

Again, she able to turn everything around. Zoro had planned to tease her with it, but now she was teasing him.

“Your face indicates that my being here is troubling you.” This was enough for Zoro.

“Get away from me!” Zoro pushed Robin away, but Robin didn’t seem to let it disturb her.

“Your insults don’t have any influence. You have to think something else up.” She remembered the insult yesterday and it did hurt, but she couldn’t show him it.

“I don’t have the time to tease people.” Zoro scowled.

“Hey Robin, Zoro-san!” Mina came behind the corner. “Do you want to see the new fish?” Mina’s face shined as Luffy’s would in times like these.

“Do we want to Kenshi-san?” Robin smiled slyly. Zoro wanted so much to snap, but he knew he couldn’t do it when Mina was there.

Without answering Zoro followed Mina. Of course Robin followed too. She knew how much he hated it.

‘So these things can’t go on. She can’t play any more her games.’

Nami stood peacefully by the aquarium. At least it seemed so, but actually Nami’s heart beat as fast as hell. Accidentally she almost said the word love to Luffy. Her mind said that she over reacted but still she didn’t want to say that word to him.

“Is the fish there?” Mina’s voice sounded through the room.

“There it is!” Luffy shouted as loud as she. “It’s has the same colour as Nami’s hair.”

“Oh really?!” Mina ran to Luffy and they began to talk. Nami observed it all and scowled. It seemed like he had it all forgotten, even the compliment. Nami sighed, maybe it was better.

Robin and Zoro walked to the aquarium too. Robin stepped next to Nami and looked around. Zoro stayed behind her. At the beginning Robin didn’t notice him, but then she felt his breath on her neck. With a second Robin forgot the anger that she felt. A new feeling came in place of it. It was that feeling when her heart said: Turn around and take him. But the mind: No! You can’t show him feelings. It was the feeling of confusion. But in the end the mind won, as always.

“You are right. Your being is disturbing me. But Mina’s not.” Zoro passed Robin closely and whispered it and then he walked up to Mina and listened what she was talking with an interested face.

Robin watched it frozen in a place. She seemed so calm, but inside of her it was like she had seen red. The confused feeling was gone and the hate was back again. It was when Zoro laughed over Mina’s joke she pressed her nails to her hand. It was hard for Robin to control herself and not run to and separate them.

“Nami-san, Robin-chan, Mina-san! The dinner is ready!”

Thank god, thought Robin. She didn’t know what she had done when Sanji hadn’t shown up. Robin guessed that Zoro was playing with her as revenge, but still it seemed weird. What’s wrong with him?

Since Nami liked the idea that Mina would live tomorrow she was in a good enough mood to arrange an orderly party. She had forced Usopp and Brook to decorate the kitchen. And Sanji, of course, made a huge meal which Luffy started to eat now.

The real party began when they finished the dinner; of course it meant that Luffy didn’t end. The others went on with chatting. Brook played a song to Mina; one he had written for her. Also Chopper, Sanji and Franky tired to attract Mina’s attention. Nami didn’t like that at all; too much attention for Mina and none for her. She had a feeling like she didn’t get attention at all and that was a totally new experience. Zoro sat on the pillows which were in the corner. He was there because there was the alcohol in a shelf. Robin drank coffee and read. She waited until Zoro would be drunk enough.

It didn’t take much time for Zoro to clear the first whiskey bottle. When Robin saw that Zoro was clearing the second bottle she knew it was the right time to visit him. She closed her book, drunk the coffee up and smiled to Sanji who was sitting next to her and asked where she was going, but Robin walked away without answering. Although Sanji saw that she was going to Zoro he had much more important things to do. After all Zoro wasn’t someone to worry about.

Robin just sat near Zoro and grabbed a bottle from the shelf. This time Zoro didn’t see the necessary not to show that it disturbed him.

“Was the book so boring that you had to come here?” said Zoro with an excitedly voice.

“Books are never boring Kenshi-san.”

“So why did you come here? You are disturbing me.”

“The alcohol is not only yours. You aren’t the only one who wants to drink it.”

“You don’t trust me. So how do you dare to drink near me?”

Silence. Robin looked quietly her bottle. She had come here to ruin his evening like he had done with her. But sitting here and listening to his voice she discovered that she couldn’t do it.

Zoro waited for an answer, a smart saying like it was normal for her, but it didn’t come. And there wasn’t that mysterious smirk. It was other way round. He saw sadness in eyes.

At the same time Mina nodded at Franky’s story but she didn’t listen. At the time she had much important things in her mind going on. She was thinking how to put her plan in practice. For that she needed Luffy by the aquarium or at least away from here. Even when she had to lie, it didn’t matter for her.

“Luffy-kun…” Mina turned to Luffy leaving the others talking and whispered to Luffy, “Franky-kun told me that they caught another fish. Do you want to see it?” Mina knew that Luffy couldn’t stay here knowing it. He wanted definitely to see the fish.

Luffy nodded. This was the only way to signal that he listened, because his mouth was full of food. He jumped up and grabbed food with him. Mina of course jumped up too and run after Luffy. She only stopped for once by the door and smiled to Nami.

This smiled had an influence. It was like someone showed a red towel to a bull. Already when Nami saw that Mina whispered something she wanted to separate them. But now when they were gone she had only one thought: Go after them!

“It hurts. The feeling when people don’t trust you. Do you feel the same feeling?” Robin didn’t raise her eyes from the bottle but she took a big gulp. She regretted that she had said it.

Zoro made his own conclusion from it. He stood up and walked away. He had no mood to talk with her about it when she made such a sad face.

Robin watched the place where Zoro had sat. 3 empty bottles decorated his sitting place. It seemed impossible to talk with him without it would end in a mess. But it had to be better. Their relationship had to get better. So Robin grabbed the whiskey bottle and followed Zoro hoping to save what was possible.

“I don’t see a new fish.” Luffy run around the aquarium and back to Mina, “Franky lied to you.”

“Maybe I understood him wrong. Wait, isn’t that a new one!” Mina who stood straight in the front of him and when she starched her hand out to show that fish which was behind Luffy. Mina moved near Luffy. She really hoped that it will work.

Just at that moment when Mina almost by Luffy’s face was, Nami run into the room.

“Luffy!” Nami run to Mina and Luffy and pushed Mina away. “Keep your hands away from him!” the self-control didn’t work any more.

“Nami, what’s your problem?!” Luffy reacted as Nami had thought. But at the moment she hadn’t any time to deal with.

Suddenly Nami heard laughing. This was Mina’s voice and this made Nami even angrier. This wasn’t a reaction that she had expected.

“Nami, you are caught.” In Mina’s face was a bright smile. “I was right. You like Luffy.”

“What?!” Nami gaped

“Don’t you try to lie. When I came to the ship I saw it at once. I have a good eye for such things. You love Luffy and, even though it took time, I noticed that Luffy like you too. This was really hard to understand. That’s why you didn’t know it I guess. So I made up a plan. I wanted that someone of you will confess their feelings and the best way to make you to confess your feelings was to make you jealous. And my plan has succeeded.”

“So you hit on Luffy on purpose?”

“Exactly. But I hope you don’t need me to help any more. I will leave you now. I have more work to do.” Mina didn’t give a chance to answer and disappeared through the door.

Nami watched after Mina although she was gone. This was a moment when Nami didn’t know what to do, to cry or to laugh. All the time she was so jealous that she wanted to push Mina over the ship. But she only wanted to help. But now Nami didn’t know what to do. She didn’t want to turn around but she had no other choice.

Luffy was quiet. He seemed perplexed and didn’t move until Nami turned back to him and he saw her beautiful face.

“Was Mina right?” asked Luffy carefully. He seemed totally changed. His childish side seemed to be lost.

Nami nodded. This situation was embarrassing enough to want to disappear. But she knew that wasn’t possible. So she thought how to move on. But she didn’t notice that Luffy had found the way. He just kissed her without warning.

Nami felt like the time had stopped. His soft lip on hers, it was like a dream had come true. She didn’t want to wake up. She thought that this was impossible. That it was impossible to feel so excellent. She had never felt such a feeling. Unfortunately every good thing has to end.

“My pirate queen” Whispered Luffy when hugging her.

“You can’t run away every time I mention it.” Robin walked to the railing where Zoro stood. She put the bottle on the railing.

“You want to drink on? Really, you shouldn’t drink so much.” Said Zoro testily.

“Don’t you play like you care. You don’t trust me like I don’t trust you.” It was possible that the alcohol helped, but actually Robin had no mood to hold back and decided to say everything out what she wanted. No more hiding even when it meant that they can’t be in a room more. She didn’t see why only she had to strain.

“You started it with that nickname and you didn’t give it a chance. And then you had to made it even worse and use only my nickname. You keep people away from you. It’s only your fault!” 90 alcohol had the blame in Zoro’s case.

Robin calmed down. A silence before the storm you can say. And so was it. Robin grabbed to bottle and emptied it over Zoro’s head.

“Damn bitch, are you crazy?!” yelled Zoro

“I am not at fault. Your paranoia is!” After that the storm ended, Robin kept silence. Zoro stared at her. He had never thought that Robin could be so angry. First time in weeks he noticed that her anger could be his fault.

Just then Robin noticed how cold it was here. Besides that a cold wind was blowing. Later he’ll blame me that he became sick. “Take the shirt of, I will bring you a new one.” Robin pulled herself together and tried to think normally. She is the oldest and has to act like an adult. But Zoro wasn’t so far.

“So you could admire my body?! For everything else I don’t suit. As a nakama you don’t trust me but for self satisfaction I am good enough.” Maybe it was his fault that she was angry, but at the moment he didn’t care at all.

Robin didn’t regret it any more. She wanted only good but that baka thought the worst of her. All the fury in her came up and…

“Go to hell Roronoa Zoro!” Robin hit a whack. Zoro grabbed her hand so she couldn’t hit more.

“Stop it!” Mina appeared as if someone had called her, “Stop fighting!” Zoro still didn’t let go of Robin. “Oh my god, I have to help you two too. Robin, don’t you see? With that nickname you really hurt Zoro’s feelings. Yes even he has feelings. And he has serious feelings towards you, he definitely loves you. That’s why he had been acting like he had. And Zoro haven’t you never thought why she is calling so? Because she is afraid to let you near her. She thinks she would get hurt again. I heard from Sanji that Robin has learned how to trust her friends. But it seems that you haven’t learned how to love. What an irony. You both avoid each other and neither wanted to confess the feelings you have towards each other.” Mina sighed, “It’s even harder than Nami and Luffy.” Mina smiled, “You get it now? No more fighting. Okay? Or I will be back.”

Mina left leaving the two alone. An unpleasant pressure was in the night air. Zoro had released Robin’s hands. It took more than a second to understand what had just happened. But still it was an embarrassing moment. Robin had turned her back to him. It didn’t matter that she knew now it, his words hurt that more.

But for one second Robin forgot it all and felt incredibly good. It was that moment when Zoro hugged her.

“I am sorry.” He whispered, “I saw your tears.” Zoro saw that Robin cried when she hit him. “It isn’t your fault; especially after what had happened to you.”

Now Robin wanted to hit herself to see if she was dreaming or not. Did he really understand that his words remind her past? Everything seemed so unreal. Mina was right. With time she learned to love him. At the beginning she was only interested in him, but she discovered sides in him that she began to love. But she couldn’t figure anything out about his behaviour. So she thought that Zoro wasn’t able or didn’t want to feel the same. So she decided to forget it even if it was extremely hard, but she knew from the past that time helps.

When Zoro saw that Robin had calmed down he decided to do something that he desired for so long. He let go off her and turned her around. Now he could admire her in the moonlight. Of course he had known that she was beautiful, but the moonlight made it even more special. A day before he couldn’t have confessed it. He didn’t have time thanks to training after all. Besides that it seemed like she wouldn’t be interested at all.

He didn’t know how it had happened. She was enemy, a person that you couldn’t trust. But when you have to spend days with that person you learn to respect her as he had learned to trust and respect Nami. He got used to her and didn’t mind her nearness. And so it went on. He thought that it was impossible to win her heart.

But now he had his chance. He bowed slowly to Robin. The adrenalin pervaded both bodies. Slowly their lips met. It was indescribable when Zoro felt that Robin replied the kiss. The wind played with her hair. A moment that seemed to last for ever and with this moment they both forgot all the bad. But suddenly Robin broke it and pushed him away.

“You will catch cold.” And Zoro thought that she was going to say something worse.

Robin pointed on his wet shirt. It was her fault and she had to do something against it. Robin’s hands appeared from Zoro’s hips and the hands grabbed the shirt off. “Otherwise you will get sick.” Robin smiled slyly. “But now I get warm watching you.”

“I know how you could warm me.” With a dirty smile Zoro pulled Robin closer and kissed her again.

Mina sat in the kitchen and looked how Chopper ran around the kitchen two sticks in his nose. The others were laughing, but she was thinking about something else. She was really pleased. Mission completed. Now I can go home.

“Where are Nami-san and Robin-chan?” Sanji sat next to Mina with two cups of coffee.

“They have something to do. But I am here.” One charming smile and Sanji forgot everything.

“Mina-san! You are so sweet!”


Mina’s mission is over, but the story is not yet. The bet hasn’t ended. But can you guess who will win? :D


Kommentare zu diesem Kapitel (2)

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Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von:  elysian03
2008-10-02T17:41:49+00:00 02.10.2008 19:41
It was so sweet when Luffy and Nami kissed ^.^
Finally they got together :D
I was really surprised that Mina planed all that.
I feel sorry for Sanji.
Now both Nami and Robin are already taken xxDD
He's going to be so angry at Zorro and Luffy lol


Von:  -ChiRo-
2008-10-02T14:48:39+00:00 02.10.2008 16:48
Oh damn, I love it *_*
I just have read it today and I swear, It's wonderful! I really really like it, even if I can't understand english soooo well.
From all of it, I like the scenes with zoro and robin the most because that's my favourite pairing.
It was funny and sad in the same time.
I hope you'll write more FF's like this in the future and I would like it if you could send me an ENS then.

