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Sooooo hier hätten wir dann das dritte Kapitel…..tut mir leid, dass es so ewig lang gedauert hat >-<

Aber….ich war nicht in Stimmung hier dran weiter zu schreiben….aus verschiedenen Gründen…..

Es ist nicht wirklich so geworden wie ich das wollte…..aber….war ja beim letzten Kapitel auch so xD

Lange Rede kurzer Sinn…..Kommis fänd ich toll xD


( Hoffe das Kapitel gefällt euch Oo)




Die turned in his sleep. Again and again. Every now and then he moaned.

Shinya didn´t know for how long he has been watching Die in his sleep. Since the day Die told him about his past Shinya waited for Die to open up more to him….to tell him the whole story….but Die didn´t. He just pretended that everything was okay, was joking as usual, smoking as usual, practicing as usual….just sex they didn´t have. And Shinya was starting to get nervous about that. Really. It was three weeks since Die told him about his drug addiction and even for weeks before that they weren´t having sex anymore….That was just…not normal for Die….Die was someone who wanted a lot of sex….honestly…(not that Shinya would mind, though)…and it started to scare Shinya more from day to day that Die never tried to touch him. He sighed while caressing Dies left cheek.

Maybe it was his own fault. Maybe Die didn´t trust him enough….maybe he was still too reserved towards Die…it would be a lie if Shinya would say that he talked a lot about himself….

Die moaned again. Shinya gave Die a kiss on the forehead and stood up from the bed walked to the door and with one last look back to his lover he closed the door leaving Die alone with his nightmare.


“Daisuke! Move your ass! I told you about 15 minutes ago to clean the kitchen! Do you think I was joking? Do you think I am a joke?!”

The boy looked at his father with fear. He was 16 years old and since he could remember beaten up nearly every day. With him growing up the beating got worse and worse. He had problems with covering his injuries. A few of his teachers had already noticed; he was sure of that. How couldn´t they….with him having bruises all over his body….

“I am sorry! I will do it immediately!” he rushed over to their kitchen and started putting the dishes into the dishwasher.

“Yeah…now you are doing it. Can´t you keep anything in your head? Are you too stupid? Definitely you are. You worthless thing….now clean the place properly. And where the hell is this whore that you are calling your mother?”

His father left the kitchen but not without hitting him hard on the head before. But his fathers´ word hurt him more. Actually he must have been used to them since his father was telling him stuff like that every day….but he wasn´t.

“As if I would call her “mother” ….” He mumbled quietly to himself while cleaning the table.

His mother never showed any interest in protecting her son. Although they were suffering the same…

Or lets´ say nearly the same. Die knew that his mother was sexually abused. He could hear her screaming and pleading whenever his father took her without her permission. But what could he do? To be honest he was way too scared that it could happen to him as well as that he would have tried to stop him…and the fact that his mother never protected him when his father hit him again wasn´t something that made him help her. Maybe it was cruel to think something like that…but it was the way he felt….

After finishing the table he made his way to his bedroom. He tried to avoid his father as much as he could…quite difficult since his father was unemployed most of the time.

He closed his bedroom door as quietly as possible and lied down on his bed. He needed a cigarette.Right now.

Could he dare to smoke inside of his room when his father was around? As if it would make a difference though….his father never needed a reason to beat him up to unconsciousness.

He made his way over to his cupboard to get his cigarettes and lit one. He could hear his parents fight again about something…if it was because of him or one of his brothers or something else he couldn´t tell.

He had 5 brothers…. But not one of them was treated like him….They were screamed at and sometimes their father would slap their faces….but he wasn´t beating them up…life was unfair….

It´s not that he wanted the same for them…he just wanted the same for himself…he wanted to be treated more or less nicely…

However he never was and never will….not with this kind of parents….he was sure of that.

His mother started yelling again….something crashed on the wall…

`They should stop throwing around their belongings when fighting….they don´t have the money to buy new stuff` he thought while lighting another cigarette.


“What the hell did I do now?” he mumbled while moving towards his window and throwing his cigarette out.


He rushed over to his parents´ bedroom. Another thing that he never wanted to see… his mother lied nearly naked on their bed….fresh bruises covered her body and she cried heavily.

“Clean that mess up while I care for your mother…” his father said to him.

Die stood still…his father wouldn´t really rape his mother in front of him….would he? Too scared of what he thought would follow he didn´t move. A bad mistake.

After his father realized that Die wasn´t cleaning, he rushed over and slapped him that hard in the face that Die fell to the floor in between the pieces of what looked like some porcelain figure.

He got some deep cuts from them but his father continued hitting him until his mother was screaming that loud that his fathers´ attention changed back to her.

“What are you yelling at? You never cared if I beat him up. So shut the fuck up woman!”

“Just….leave him alone….he is already injured…….” His mother whispered.

`What? He didn´t hit me THAT hard that I should start halluzinating` Die thought. Was she trying to protect him? For the very first time?

“Don´t you ever dare to tell me what to do again woman” his father gave her a deadly glare.

Immediately she was quiet, looking at him in pure horror.

He rushed over to his wife and and slapped her face. Die stood still. He has never been that scared before in his whole life.

The beating continued. His mother yelled in pain, but he didn´t stop. Her nose was bleeding Die could see that although it was dark in the room. Helpless he stood there. Tears were building up. He didn´t know why he was crying….. was it because of the freshly bruises he got? Or was it because his mother was about to be killed?

`Fuck he is going to kill her`

“Stop it already!” Die screamed. He had said that before he even thought about it. He knew he was in great danger now….his father wouldn´t let him go this time…..he was sure of that.

“What the hell is wrong with you two today? A little conspiracy or what? Since when are you allowed to tell me what you think? Since when do I care what you think?” while saying this, his father moved closer and closer….he and his voice were strangely calm.

Die shivered in fear. He wouldn´t get out of this. He would kill him. He knew that. Without thinking it over he crashed a vase over his fathers´ head and ran out of the room. All he needed to reach was the front door… his father would never do anything to him in front of their neighbours.

However his father was faster than Die expected him to be. When he reached the staircases´ landing he was pushed so he nearly flew down the staircase. When Die crashed to the floor he felt his nose break but he didn´t feel any pain. All he wanted was to get out. Out of the house, the situation, this family. While trying to stand up someone grabbed his hair.

“Where the hell do you think you are going? We aren´t ready here you son of a bitch!” and his father dragged him into the cellar.

Die stumbled over his own feet a few times and his father pushed him finally to the ground.

“So….since you interrupted me while I was trying to have some fun with your mother…I think…you should be the one giving me some pleasure now.” His father grinned. He really seemed to enjoy the whole situation.

`No….he won´t….he can´t…help me someone…please….mom…help me´

Die stood up quickly. Looking around for anything that could help him. His father looked at him amused.

“What are you doing? Do you think you can escape? Or fight against me? How ridiculous you are….just like your mother….do you think she will come to help you? No she won´t. She is happy that I will take you instead of her.”

Die moved a few inches away; still looking around. All he could find to defend himself was a screwdriver.

`Better than nothing´

He rushed over and grabbed it.

“Don´t come near me!” he yelled.

His father burst out in laughter.

“A screwdriver! Oh my god….I am SO scared. And now stop this shit and come over…if you are nice it won´t hurt THAT much….”

“Forget it! I won´t let you fuck me you perverted paedophile!”

The expression on his fathers face changed from amusement to anger again. Without saying a word he rushed over to Die and kicked him into the stomach. Die fell to the floor coughing heavily…the screwdriver still in his right hand.

“How dare you? I told you…you could have had it the nice way…or the hard….you chose the latter…” and he started to undo Dies´ pants.

“NO!” Die screamed, but his father just hit him again and went on undoing his own pants.

“Get the fuck away from me! Let me go!” and with these words he rammed the screwdriver into his fathers chest.

End of Flashback~

Bathed in sweat, I awoke.


end of chapter 3


Kommentare zu diesem Kapitel (3)

Kommentar schreiben
Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von:  Kuchenschabe
2008-08-28T09:54:24+00:00 28.08.2008 11:54
Eines ist sicher: Ich werde dir nur über meine Leiche einen englischen Kommi schreiben xD

Armer Die. Mir tut es schon weh, das alles nur zu lesen - wobei ich das Ende echt cool fand. Endlich mal jemand, der sich dagegen wehrt, und nicht nur ein bisschen halbherzig rumfleht, wie in anderen FFs <3
Über deinen "writing-style" (ich finde das Wort hässlich xD) kann ich jetzt nicht wirklich etwas sagen, nur, dass ich es verstanden habe! Und das freut mich natürlich ungemein :3

Danke für die Englischstunde %D
Von:  Peach_Pocky
2008-06-26T17:36:01+00:00 26.06.2008 19:36
uhm i love your fanfic <3
i love english too, so i do everything to learn this language better ^^
thats why i love your fanfic even more *g*
Poor Die, but im impressed of you telling the situation so great in english <3
definately put on my favorites

Von: abgemeldet
2008-06-25T11:40:35+00:00 25.06.2008 13:40
Uh, this chapter is in a way... depressing.
I started crying while I read it.
Poor Die-chama, having a father like this...

Uhm, I found one mistake (& some little repetions in your word-flow.):
“As if I would tell her “mother” ….”
I guess you meant "call her mother"? ^.~

Well, I'm waiting for the next chapter, this was really great.
And oh, how I love & adore your writing-style. <3

See you again soon, I hope.
Yours, aki!! ♥
