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Red Dick Redemption

  • Deputy Jonah
    first scene:not yet

    Lazy, sarcastic and the hero of every tale he tells.


    "You that fellah from the train company?" — Jonah, questioning John
    "I can't understand a goddamn word he says!" — Jonah, referring to Nigel West Dickens
    "Oh, hardy fuckin' har! Dickhead." — Jonah, responding to John's insult
    "I got me one of them Williamson boys!" — Jonah, telling Marshal Johnson about John
    "Hey! Look what I got here, This som' bitch is still breathing, hehe. C'mon Bessie, giddy up!" — Jonah, trying to ride Norman Deek
    "You sure are a tight-lipped sum' bitch, mister." — Jonah
    "Fuck a dang pig, them cocksucking sons-a-bitches escaped to the other side of the fort." — Jonah referring to the Williamson Gang's retreat during "The Assault on Fort Mercer"


    ■"Wha'chu waitin' for, shatterhead?"
    ■"You're messing with the wrong lawman!"
    ■"I don't care how many of you there are!"
    ■"This ain't gonna end well for you!"
    ■"Who wants it next?"
    ■"You bastards ready to die?"
    ■"You're wolf meat, you hear me?"
