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Kairaishi: Meister der Marionetten

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Von: abgemeldet
2007-11-20T14:48:19+00:00 20.11.2007 15:48
you re very talented....and i think your german is really good its not so easy isnt it ?
the only mistake i found was on page 10 "diese symbiose wird dich umbringen/töten" sounds better...
Von: abgemeldet
2007-11-20T13:46:20+00:00 20.11.2007 14:46
Seitehübsch. ^^
schönes ende.
Von: abgemeldet
2007-11-20T12:32:56+00:00 20.11.2007 13:32
wow what a amazing story. the ending is great and very exciting!
I like your drawing and your style.
Von: abgemeldet
2007-11-20T12:04:27+00:00 20.11.2007 13:04
öhm i mean :
nice ending
can she ever live a normal life?
Von: abgemeldet
2007-11-20T12:03:37+00:00 20.11.2007 13:03
Seiteschönes ende ^^
Von:  elbin-luna-chan
2007-11-20T11:56:22+00:00 20.11.2007 12:56
Wow, nice story and really nice drawings.
I like this very much!
Von:  Nightmaker
2007-11-20T11:37:49+00:00 20.11.2007 12:37
your manga is really good....
but on page 9 the third panel the body from the guy is too stiff, like he is solidified and falling sideways
Von:  -MissVerstaendnis
2007-09-11T16:55:45+00:00 11.09.2007 18:55
mach weita ,ja?
Von:  Jeackiie
2007-06-25T15:34:58+00:00 25.06.2007 17:34
Seitewah voll spannedn machst du dein doijn noch weiter hoffe sehr der intreiert mich riesig^^
Von:  Enisegu
2007-04-14T20:28:59+00:00 14.04.2007 22:28
Interesting story, good stile.
Some corrections and proposals:

- title:
I would name it "Marionetten Meister" with "n" because it hast to be a plural form. (It`s like "Küchenmeister" - Its a chef - even if he's just workinh in one Kitchen the plural form has to be used ("Küchen~" not "Kücke~")
However, changed to "Meister der Marionetten" it would have a better sounding.

- page three: "Erinnerst du dich ewas geschah? (without "an") or "Erinnerst du dich an das, was geschah? (with "das")
"Dieser Kerl...Das waren sie! ('That was you!')("Er" is more impersonal - like 'somebody' instead of 'you') or was the original text something like 'He was him!'? That's what your german text means.

- page four: "Wenn ich eine Wahl hätte würde ich es nicht tun." (with ä and ü instead of a and u)
"Aber ich kann sie/die doch gar nicht benutzen!" or
"Aber ich kann doch damit gar nicht umgehen!"
"Geh jetzt, ..." (not "gehe", that's just a stupid dialect)

- page five: "Sind das die Kerle, vor denen Sie weglaufen/flüchten?
"Sobald sie herausfinden, dass ich in deinen Körper umgezogen bin,..." ("dass" new version with "ss", old version with "ß" and there ist always a "," in front of it. "in" instead of "auf", becaus he is IN her body, not just AT it (sitting on her shoulder like a pirat's parakeet. ;))
"Geh an ihnen vorbei und versuche dich ganz normal/natürlich zu verhalten." or
"Geh an ihnen vorbei und versuch ganz normal zu erscheinen." or
"Geh an ihnen vor bei und tu als ob alles ganz normal wäre."
"Ich weiß. Geh weiter, Maiko."

- page six:
At the first view I thought to see a window with a person standing downstairs at the first panel, but of course it just shows a toilet door - however, it took some time for me to understand the panel. :P

- page seven: "Einer nieder/weg, einer übrig."

- page eight: He ist good at jumping and looking bad, but it looks very silly when he is moving like in panel three. It remins me at an orang-utan or gorilla XD

- page nine:
"Während meines vorhergehenden Treffens mit ihnen steckten sie meinen Wirtskörper mit einem tödlichen Virus an." ("Wirtskörper" with "s" and written together)
The first part doesnt's sounds very well - but it's difficult to find an alternative that fits well.
Not least becaus I dont't know the story well enough - how did he meet them and when? Did he meet them the first time or not? How is their relationship? If he met them the first time you haven't to say that it happend at the last meeting with them, becaus there was only one so there couldn't an ozher have been before.
Seen in the context of the story it's logical, that he had to meet them BEFORE he runs away like he does now.
Perhaps it would be better with something like:
"Als ich sie das letzte mal traf steckten sie meinen Wirtskörper mit einem tödlichen Virus an." or
"Als ich sie das letzte mal traf infizierten sie meinen Wirtskörper mit einem tödlichen Virus."
In this Version the 'meeting' sound less like if he wanted to see them :P he just met them some time before. I think 'deadly' hits the basic message better than 'destroying'.

I have to correct my first words: The pictures are awesome *.*
You're very good at arranging panels and you have a good eye for a nice use of raster graphics.

Greetz Eni ^.^/))