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Autor:  Charlett
In front of the mall...

"Honestly, Star. I'm not goin to carry all this crap around!"
"But u can-"
"I won't! Even with my powers - I won't!" *eyebrow twitches dangerously*
*sigh* "Alright. Then we've to take the stuff to the tower before goin' to buy the other things, I think."
"U betcha!" -.- "But we've to walk. After this bummer, I'm too fucked up to carry all this shit and the two of us at the same." -.-°
"Glorious!" -.- ... "I mean, I'm sorry." *sigh and start to walk*
"Should think so!" -.- *follows me*
... We walked a bit in silence, until:

"Do u really not remember what happened, when u were 'high'?"
"Errr... uhm..." *scratches her neck in embarrassment and sweat-drops*
"Uh, ok. I understand." ^^°
"Ya really don't remember a thing, do ya?"
*shake my head and look to the ground*
"I don't understand all this bullshit!" >.<
"Whaddaya mean? What 'bullshit' exactly?" *gives me an questioning look*
"All this fuckin crap! I don't understand, why I'm the only one, who lost her memory! And I don't understand... well... uhm..." *give a frustrated sigh and continue walking slouchy*
"Le'me guess, ya don' understand... him, right?"
*stop shortly and turn to face her* "How do ya-? I mean... well... no. No, that's not what I meant." *sigh*
*quirks an eyebrow* "U sure?"
"But it has somethin to do with him. I can tell. Comon, spit it out!"
"I dunno... It's just... I'm all like freakin out, when he's around, ya know?"
"Natch. Ya luv him." *shrugs*
"D'AAAH!" *screak* "WOAH! STOW IT! How can ya say somethin like that - just like that??!!!" O_O
*sighs and pushes me to walk on*
"Cuz it's no news. Everybody knows." -.-
O.O "So HE knows, too?" *at panic stations*
"Well, yeah... I mean, he's a man indeed... But he should..."
"Ok, ya made me insecure. I'm not sure anymore. He really might not know..."
*sigh deeply* "Thank goodness!"
"But ya know... u two had... u were... u do know, dontcha?" *looks at me bit sheepishly*
"We were what?!" *throw a questioning but also fuming look at her*
*tries to avoid my gaze* "U... u..." *stammer*
"Great! So u two had a carry-on or something like that."
"WHAT?! Whaddaya mean?!" O.o
"U FUCKED! U SREWED! U banged, balled, copulated, u get laid by him! He humped ya or u humped him - or whatever! UNDERSTAND?!" *pant*
*drop dead*
-.-° "Get up! I won't carry ya!" >.<
*don't move*
*leans over to look at me*
*stare at her*
"C'mon!" *offers me her hand*
*still don't make a move*
*drops the hand, sighs and sits down next to me* "What's the matter? U don't have to fuck him, if u don't wanna. And if u wanna - no prob either. So what's wrong?"
*sigh* "Dunno... It's just... It pressures me! Can ya understand?"
"No. That's just bullshit."
-.-° "Well, maybe it is... But it feels... weird. I can't explain. Somethin inside tells me that somethin isn't right..."
"Of course it's not! Ya lost ur memory." -.-°
"I can't handle it. It's too much. It's just too much to take." ;-;
"Kibosh! Ya'll get over it!" *stands up and offers me her hand for the second time*
*again I don't move*
"That was an order!" *commanding tone*
*smile slightly and take her hand*
*pulls me up*
"Yes, M'am! I apologize, M'am!" *salutate*
*gives a flimsy smile* "Good gurl. Now, let's keep movin!"
"Yes, M'am!"
"Cut it out!" -.-°
*keep standin to attention*
"Stand at ease!"
*relax* "Thanx!" *grin*
"Never mind." -.-
"No, I mean... Thank you, Raven." *smile insistently grateful*
"Uhm, yeah. Like I said, don't mind." *blushes flimsy*  "Can we go home now?"
"Sure." ^^
"Can I ask u somethin... private?"
"Err... if need be." -.-°
"What's this with ya ... 'n BB?"
*blushes fiercely* "Nothing!"
"It didn't look like nothin today..."
*keeps silent*
"Uhm, well - I just wanned to know, if u're a couple or somethin or if it was just due to the drugs. I'm fed up with havin no clue about anythin!"
"I understand - honestly, I really do. But... 'k, actually we are kinda datin..." *blush deepens* "But without dates..." -.-°
"Do I've to get this?" ô.o
"No, not really." -.-°
... ^^°
"Ok, c'mon! Jump on my disc - we're almost home."
I do as she told me and we fly over to the small island our tower is build on.
As we enter the CZ a tangled mass of noises knocks us down.
"Ouch!" >.< *hold my head*
"Ow!" -.- *rubs her butt*
We help each other up and glance over the room.
Cy and Robin are having a race at the GSXL (our/their beloved paddle ♥.♥). BB and Speedy are sitting on each side of them and cheering for them noisy.
Aqua is sitting on one end of the sofa, engrossed in one of Raes books.
ô.ô *steals an adoring glance at him*
*thump her gently*
"What?!" *puts on an innocent air*
"Gurls! Ya're back!" *beams*
"Rae!" *jumps over the back of the sofa and rushes up to us*
*follows suit*
"Hi." *gives her a small peck on the cheek*
"Wow! Did ya buy the whole shop out?!" O.o
*catches sight of me, jaw drops* O_O

"Gosh!" *whistles* "Sweetheart ya look... HOT!!!" *drools* "I mean gorgeous!" *takes my hand and places a fond kiss on it*
*giggle* ^^
*presses pause button* "Stop the cootchie-coo, fucker!" *finally turns around and looks at us*
O_O *falls off the sofa*
*gets up again quickly* "Star, why- ... what... What the fuck's that about?!" >.< *points at me, eyein my outfit*

*happy expression vanishes instantly from my face* "Who the fuck cares wether U like it, Dickhead!" *snort*
"Dickhead!" *roars with laughter*
"Hilarious!" *die laughing*
*tries to restrain laughter, but instead makes funny grunting noises*
"Ya're pick of the bunch, Hottie!" *snorts with laughter and loops one arm around my waist*
"Thanx folks, but it wasn't that funny..." *feel slightly taken for a fool* -.-°
"Aw, don't bother! We're just a bit hyper." *smirks and gives me a peck on the cheek as well*
*cast him a cautious smile*
"Yeah. Whattabout the party?"
"We'll had to drop these shopping first. Now we'll go get the other ones. Right?" *look at Rae*
*wildly suckin face with BB*
*clears his throat, grinning*
"Uh... hehe... sorry, guys." ^^° *scratches his neck, also grinning*
"Never mind!" *smirk*
"So, wanna go now, Rae?" *g*
"Nothing could be further from 'wanting'!" -.-
"So why don't ya just stay here and I do the shopping with my little star." ^_^
"Ya would?" *hopeful*
"I'd be an honor!" *smirk*
"But she can't fly and neither do ya."
"Hm... Well that sucks." ^^°
*sighs* "Alright, c'mon, Star."
"Wait a sec! B, ya can fly too, can't ya?"
"Great!" *puts his other arm around BB's shoulders and bears the bewildered green one against him*
"So we'll have a foursome, I submit." *leer*

"Say what?!" O.O
"We'll have a group trip!" *g*
"Well.. that's ok with me." *looks at Raven*
"Sounds good to me!" XD
"Well, then I'm in, I guess." *looks anxiously at their leader*
Everyone follows her gaze.
*arises slowly, very slowly and takes extreme wary and soundless steps backwards towards us, not takin his eyes off of Robin*
*follows suit*
Rae, BB, Speedy and me do the same towards the door and bump into Bee, who trails Mas and Menos.
"Hey! Look out!" *throws an evil glance at us* "What's-" *stops cold-turkey* O_O *accompanies us*

And together we all leave the CZ backwards, closing the door behind or rather in front of us.
"Phew!" We all pour out at the same time.
"That was absolutely scary!" *shiver*
*nod, still shocked*
"Eheheh..." *winces nervously*
"I've never seen somethin as scary as that in my whole life! And it's ME sayin that!" O.o
*too afraid to talk*
*totally perplexed*
"What the fuck was that?!" O.O
*finds his voice again but answers in a whisper* "Psst! Let's get outta here!"
Everyone of us nods in agreement and we head towards the outside of the tower.
"Where have ya been, sweety?" Cy asked Bee, as we arrived outside.
"Well, I was busy keepin these two jerks" *casts an evil glance at the twins* "from ransackin Star's undies!"
"Say what?!" *start to let loose on the two bums, but am stopped in my tracks by a strong arm*
"Le'me do tha!" *boils with rage*
O.o° "¡Yo somos en casa!" *buzz off*
*sighs* "Well, at least we got rid of them." ^^°
*pulls her into a tight embrace*
"So, I think the foursome becomes a sevensome." *smirk*
"I'm in."
"Mee too."
" I wouldn't go in there again for all the tea in China!"
"Do we carried it off? Fine, let's go then."
*tightens her grip around Cy and takes off with him towards the mall*

*transforms into a pterodactyl, graps Speedy, raises into the air and follows Bee and Cy*
*conjures her black flying disc up again, enters it and offers me a hand*
*accept it in thanks, step onto the disc and settle on its edge*
*heads for the waterside*
"Err, Aqualad?" *looks a little abashed*
*smiles warmly* "It's Aqua for u." ^^
"Uh, thanx" ^^° ... "Uhm, what I wanned to say is: Ya don't have to swim. I can take ya along, if ya wanna." *smiles coyly*
"Ya would? That's very nice! It'd be a pleasure!" *beam*
*giggles gently and offers him a hand as well*
*takes it, beaming even brighter*
*pulls him up and a little too near her*
*blushes slightly* "Thanx." ^^°
*murmurs* "U're welcome." *and blushes too*
*stare smiling at my knees*
"Maybe ya wanna sit down. It might be a little bit unconfortable, if u're not used to it." ^^°
"I'm positive, I'll like it. But just for safety..." *winks at her and sits down beside me*
"Alright, let's go." *takes a seat beside him, so that he's in the middle between us girls, and guides the disc after the others*

-------------------------------------------------------------------END PART XV-------------------------------------------------------------------

I'm sorry! I could go on for hours! >.<
It's been such a long time and there's so much inside my mind, inside my head...
But whatever - remarks:
1. Roy (ya know I mean Speedy >.<) says just "B" to BB, cuz he's such a cool guy (^^°) and cuz of that he has the strongest slang of em all. ^^
2. Pardon me, Bro. I know ya hate Aqua (since ya told me today, a few minutes ago ^^°) Ya know, I'd LOVE ♥.♥ to have him, too! He's gorgeous!!! *drool* I think. But I can't have everyone of em and he likes ya. There's nothin I can do about. (Or can I? Wait, I'm the author! ^^ But I won't, by reason of things I already mentioned.) So, just live with it, fucker! ^.~ XP
3. I know I said the party would take place in this one, but as I said a few times before: This is not a story - these're happenins. I'm sorry, but the party  is delayed to the next part or the one after. ^^°

Please comment! <3 I saw ya didn't comment a few ones before. Why? *burst into tears* What've I done to ya? Yeah, well... I whipped, abused and raped ya... But ya asked for it!!! >.<
So comment, sucker!!! -.-°

P.S.: To every asshole,
cunt, fucker, dumbass, moron, dirtbag, idiot, coo, schnook, dork, saddo, ninny, dickhead, biatch, fink, sucker, bugger, rag bag, bastard, son of a bitch, prick, fool, shithead, motherfucker, oaf, whore, schmo, twit, slut, dumb cluck, slob, scumbag, etc. who read this:
(I know, my bro isn't the only one who's readin this. I've a statistic, ya fuckers!!! And I'm REALLY pissed, ya don't review, althoug I'm askin that nice!! Motherfuckers!!! Double-dealers!!!)
Of course, ya're not meant, Rae. Members ot the team and due to that of the story are excluded. ^.~ *cuddle*
Datum: 11.06.2007 12:33
moah I'll never get over it >.< I'm flirting with aqua...for fuck's sake.....°>.>
but it's your damn story - I HAVE to love it *rofl....even if thats not what I want to *lool

sry for not commenting the last ones T.T
I was stuck in icq like I told ya yesterday ♥.♥ so dont blame me - blame tom!! *rofl

...*imagines how you meet him the very first time and you say nothing more then "F*UCK YA!! BLAME YA FOR RAE NOT COMMENTING MY STORY!!!" loooool ehm yeah...I know I'm weird so don't give a fuck >.<°

love ya :*
aka Batperson *emanzipiert is +.+

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