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The Last Step - [Commentary] evolution, reallife, the shape of things to come, YotD

Autor:  FruchtCocktail
I figured ut was time that I wrote it all down, eventually.

But now that I've read through it, twice, I'm uncertain I'm really gonna publish it.
I shall sleep over it, if I feel the same way tomorrow morning.. I shall publish it.

Until then,
have a pleasent night.

I've decided against a publishing, since the content would not be considered lightly.
Also, some shrouds of mystery should remain none the less.


Chapter XI  is about to begin

I'm coming home.. reallife, work, YotD

Autor:  FruchtCocktail


Vorverträge sind per Handschlag gemacht, der Rest kommt die Tage.
Im Januar folgt dann der Innen/Ausbau-plan...

2 Jahre Verspätung........ aber immerhin

Part of the journey.... Friends, Reallife, YotD

Autor:  FruchtCocktail
~ And now I know who you are
It wasn't that hard
Just to figure you out ♫

So now that I know you had my name...
There was really only one way to get it from you, right?