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ôo Kreuzeldingens

Autor:  Opiumkatze
Hab ich bei Deviantart gefunden. xDDD *headdesk*

Total: 100%
[x] Smoked
[x] Drank alcohol
[x] Cried when someone died
[x] Been drunk
[x] Had sex
[x] Been to a concert
[x] Gotten/given a hand job
[x] Gotten/given a blow job
[ ] Been verbally/sexually harassed
[ ] Verbally/sexually harassed somebody
Total left: 98

[x] Felt someone up and/or been felt up
[ ] Laughed so hard something came out of your nose
[ ] Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend before
[ ] Been cheated on by a boyfriend/girlfriend
[ ] Been to formal/prom
[x] Cried at school
[x] Gotten lost in a department store
[ ] Went streaking
[ ] Given or received a lap dance
[x] Had someone of the opposite sex in your room
Total left: 96

[x] Had someone of the opposite sex sleep over
[x] Slept over at someone of the opposite sex's house
[x] Kissed a stranger
[x] Hugged a stranger
[ ] Went scuba diving
[x] Driven a car
[x] Gotten an x-ray
[ ] Hit by a car
[x] Had a party
[ ] Done serious drugs
Total left: 94

[ ] Played strip poker/darts
[ ] Got paid to strip for someone
[ ] Ran away from home
[x] Broken a bone
[x] Eaten sushi
[ ] Bought porn
[x] Watched porn
[ ] Made porn
[x] Had a crush on someone of the same sex
[x] Been in love (Even in a unreal person)
Total left: 89

[ ] French kissed
[x] Laughed so hard you cried
[x] Cried yourself to sleep
[x] Laughed yourself to sleep
[ ] Stabbed yourself
[ ] Shot a gun
[x] Trash talked someone and then acted like their best friend the next day
[x] Been online for 9 consecutive hours
[x] Watched TV for 9 consecutive hours
[x] Watched an animal die
Total left: 84

[ ] Watched a person die
[x] Kissed and/or messed around somewhere with at least 1 person
[x] Pranked somebody
[x] Put somebody in the hospital
[ ] Snuck into someone's room and/or your own room after being out
[x] Kissed somebody of the same sex
[x] Dressed punk
[x] Dressed goth
[x] Dressed preppy
[ ] Been to a motocross race
Total left: 80

[x] Avoided somebody
[ ] Been stalked
[ ] Stalked someone
[x] Met a celebrity
[x] Played an instrument
[x] Ridden a horse
[x] Cut yourself
[ ] Bungee jumped
[ ] Ding dong ditched somebody
[x] Been to a wild party
Total left: 76

[ ] Been caught stealing something
[x] Kicked/punched a guy in the balls
[ ] Stolen a boyfriend/girlfriend from a friend
[ ] Gone out with your friend's crush
[ ] Got arrested
[ ] Been pregnant
[ ] Baby sat
[x] Been to another country
[ ] Started your house on fire
[ ] Had an encounter with a ghost
Total left: 74

[ ] Donated your hair to cancer patients
[ ] Been asked out by someone that you never thought you'd be asked out by
[ ] Cried over a member of the opposite sex
[x] Had Boyfriend/girlfriend for over 2 months
[x] Sat on your butt all day
[ ] Ate a whole carton of ice cream all by yourself
[ ] Had a job
[ ] Gotten cut from a sports team
[x] Been called a whore (From these turkish guys >_____> )
[ ] Danced like a whore
Total left: 70

[x] Been told you resemble a celebrity
[ ] Been in a car accident
[x] Been told you have beautiful eyes
[x] Been told you have beautiful hair
[ ] Raped somebody
[ ] Danced in the rain
[x] Been rejected
[ ] Left a restaurant without paying
[x] Punched someone/slapped someone in the face
[ ] Been raped
Total left = 67%
Datum: 11.11.2008 21:25
Hand-und Blowjob?!
Du bist ja abartig! Ich bin geschockt! T____T
Zim: Gir! What did you do with the telescope?
Gir: Nothing!
Zim: What? Something is broken and it's not your fault?
Gir: I know! I'm scared, too!
Datum: 12.11.2008 14:20
*schoked to* .__.

DAS hätte ich nich von dir erwartet >D
Miku-Chan ♥♥♥
Datum: 12.11.2008 20:21
x'D Tja, hat sich so ergeben.

k i s s . m y . e y e s . a n d . l a y . m e . t o . s l e e p
Datum: 12.11.2008 20:23
Is i-wie klar >D aber hätsch trotzdem nich gedacht x'D
Miku-Chan ♥♥♥
Datum: 12.11.2008 20:37
<_< Ja ich bin normalerweise au eher so die Brave... Außer ich bin besoffen. x'D *hüstel*

Ne, aber wenn man mit nem Menschen zam is, den liebt und ihm vertraut, ist das da oben *raufdeut* wohl nix Ungewöhnliches. xDDD
k i s s . m y . e y e s . a n d . l a y . m e . t o . s l e e p
Datum: 12.11.2008 20:42
Achso xP

Joa ist es ^^ aber hab mich trotzdem gewundert xD das du sowas machst >D
Miku-Chan ♥♥♥
Datum: 12.11.2008 20:48
XD Mach ich so nen unschuldigen Eindruck? *weiße Flügelchen aufplüsch*
k i s s . m y . e y e s . a n d . l a y . m e . t o . s l e e p
Datum: 12.11.2008 20:58
Hmmmmmmmmmmm........wenn du mich so direkt fragst....J...nein >DDD~
Miku-Chan ♥♥♥
Datum: 13.11.2008 19:51
Oh mein Gackt, Hyde, etc.!
Ich bin ja so geschockt *glubsch* XD

Datum: 13.11.2008 21:45
*patta* Ja, wir sind auch geschockt. ûu *nick*

k i s s . m y . e y e s . a n d . l a y . m e . t o . s l e e p

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